Chen Nan is proficient in transfiguration

! He can completely kill Xuanyuan Yue, replace him, and then blend into the Dao Sect and marry Yan Wushuang! But! Xuanyuan Yue

is a strong person in the late Yuan Infant realm!

And he is just a little golden pill...

Although the appearance can be changed

, but the realm is not equal

! If someone spied on his breath, they could detect his identity

! However

, Chen Nan is not afraid

! There are many traditions in the Immortal Mansion

! Among them, there are ways to disguise the breath, and even the realm! The

premise is not to fight with others

! otherwise it will definitely show your stuffing!


Fengming Tower is the highest restaurant in the entire Bianjing City! Nine floors high

! Standing on the top floor can overlook the entire Bianjing City

! When approaching Fengming Tower, Chen Nan clearly felt that there are many masters here

! The Jin Dan period is just a small man

! The Yuan Infancy period is really like a dog

! Especially the breath of the four peak of the Yuan Infancy Period, don't be too familiar to him!

In the room on the top floor

! Xuanyuan Yue stood quietly in front

of the window! He was eight feet tall

! Wearing a red joy robe

! It was embroidered with a golden dragon pattern, and he looked lifelike

! Behind him stood four old men

! Without exception, all of them were peak powerhouses in the Yuan Infancy Period!

Xuanyuan Yue turned to look at an old man with a goatee: "Senior Shugen, there is nothing wrong with the Yan family, right?"

At the first glance of her, he had a shocking feeling:

he once dressed up as an ordinary person to approach each other, but he failed to get Yan Wushuang's favor!

At that time,

Xuanyuan Yue liked each other

! Because he had lived for so many years, no one dared to let him roll

! After that, he disclosed his identity as Daozong Tianjiao! At

that time, the emperor of this country came to him and saluted him respectfully

! He thought that Yan Wushuang would be impressed by him and his attitude changed!

Xuanyuan Yue suddenly became angry, I

had to let Yan Wushuang marry her! Otherwise, I would let the Yan family's blood flow into rivers

! So

, Yan Wushuang chose to compromise!

This is the happy event of the marriage between the Yan family and the Daozong!"

"Young Master Xuanyuan, why do you feel that you are worried?"

It is said that I will hug the beauty home tomorrow, but I have an ominous feeling in my heart, as if something big is going

to happen!" Shugen smiled and said: "Young Master Xuanyuan is worried a lot, so many of us are guarding here, even a fly can't fly in, how can something happen?" The

other three powerhouses who were at the peak of the Yuan Infancy stage also laughed

! The Dao Sect itself is the first sect in heaven and earth, not to mention that they dispatched so many masters at the same time!

Xuanyuan Yue forced a smile: "Let's all go and rest, if something happens, I will summon you

!" "Yes!" The

four Yuan Infancy peak powerhouses turned and left

! Just before they left!Xuanyuan

Yue looked sharply at the bed, he felt like there were two eyes secretly watching

him! This made him have an inexplicable sense of crisis

! As a strong person at the peak of the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage!

He had never felt this feeling

, which made him almost not call for help on the spot

, but when he looked over, he found that there was nothing on the bed

! "Am I too nervous?" Xuanyuan Yue sighed softly!

"When I marry Yan Wushuang, then take her to the world, find the guy named Chen Nan, kill Chen Nan in front of her, and cut off her thoughts!"

He had inquired that Yan Wushuang had a man in the world

! Therefore, he wanted to kill Chen Nan and make Yan Wushuang completely dead

! "Why do you have to bother so much if you want to kill me?" Without

warning, an indifferent voice fell into Xuanyuan Yue's ears!

Just when he wanted to call for help, Liuli appeared behind him and slapped him unconscious

! Then, Chen Nan took Xuanyuan Yue into the third layer of the Immortal Mansion

! Here for ten years, one day in the outside world

! He had a lot of time to interrogate Xuanyuan Yue! Xuanyuan Yue

opened his eyes in confusion, his eyes were full of jealousy: "Where am I?

Yan Wushuang's man in the world!" "

Is that you?" Xuanyuan Yue was furious: "I was thinking of marrying Yan Wushuang and then going to kill you, but I didn't expect you to send it to the door!

Impossible, impossible, how can you, an ant in the Golden Pill Stage realm, resist my attack?" Xuanyuan Yue's face was full of incredulity, and she screamed loudly: "Senior Shugen save me..."

Chen Nan rolled his eyes, his eyes full of disappointment: "I thought you were a real Tianjiao, but now it seems to be just a flower in the greenhouse!"

It's quite disappointing!"

Why can't I feel the breath of the senior of the Shugen, what the hell is this place?" Xuanyuan Yue let out a roar of anger and corruption! Chen Nan had a shallow smile on his face: "Here, this is my Immortal Mansion, you can't feel anyone's breath here!"


Yue's face was gloomy: "The surname Chen, what exactly do you want to do? Tell you, I fancy Yan Wushuang is a blessing that you cultivated in your previous life, not everyone is qualified to be cuckolded by me!" Chen

Nan slapped his mouth and spit blood and flew out for several meters, and then trampled him under his feet, his eyes were fierce: "Do you think I dare not be an enemy with you?"

Even, I will kill you and replace you as Daozong Tianjiao!" As

soon as the words fell, he stomped on Xuanyuan Yue's chest

! He spewed out red blood and minced meat, looking extremely miserable

! But this is not the most terrifying! The

most terrifying thing is that the joy robe on his body appeared on

Chen Nan's body! And Chen Nan's appearance also transformed into his appearance!

Xuanyuan Yue felt despair and let out a heart-rending roar: "Even if you are proficient in transfiguration techniques, you will be discovered when you go to the Dao Sect, and you will

show flaws!" Chen Nan was stunned, and then nodded slightly: "What you said makes sense, after all, you and I have different personalities, so it is really possible to show flaws!"

Speaking of this, he squeezed his hands and entered the other party's sea of knowledge strongly!

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