"Fall for me!" Accompanied

by Chen Nan's roar, he raised his fist like a mountain and slammed into

the giant's chest! Bang

! The impact sound was like thunder sounding in the air

! The giant's body leaned back

! It couldn't withstand Chen Nan's angry blow

! Boom! When

the giant fell to the ground, heaven and earth seemed to tremble a few times!

Chen Nan rode on the giant, holding his head with his left hand, and smashed his right fist fiercely!

He himself is invincible in the flesh, not to mention that he has cast the magic power of Dharma

Heaven and Earth at this time! Those soul devouring ants have no effect on him

! Phew! The giant picked up the mace with one hand and bombarded Chen

Nan! Chen Nan snatched it away, angrily raised the mace, and smashed it fiercely into the giant's head

! The weight of this mace is very heavy, even if Chen Nan casts the Dharma Heaven and Earth in his hand, it is a little unstable

! Phew!

The void trembled

! The wind was harsh

! The mace carried the momentum of destroying the world and smashed fiercely

on the giant's head! Bang

! The giant's head instantly disappeared on the ground plane and fell into the earth

! Chen Nan stopped attacking and dragged the giant's body to the side

! There was a mountain of three or four kilometers

! The mountain was not short

! But at this moment, it reached Chen Nan's knees!

After all, he cast the magic heaven and earth, and he was more than 10,000 meters tall

! Because he had just received a violent blow

! So much so that the soul devouring ant king in the giant body was also in a brief loss of concentration, and did not attack Chen

Nan! Chen Nan was like playing golf

! He put the giant's mountain-like head on the top of that mountain

! and then took a deep breath!

"Break it for me!"

With an angry roar, the mace in Chen Nan's hand smashed fiercely on

the giant's head! The original mountain of more than 3,000 meters instantly descended five hundred

meters! After the second mace fell, it fell another 400 meters

! After more than a dozen rods fell, the height of that mountain was no longer lowered

! And with each attack of Chen Nan, countless soul devouring ants would fly out of the giant's body!

"Almost, break it for me!"

Chen Nan suddenly exerted his strength, and the green tendons on his arms bulged, as if he was entrenched

with a dragon! Boom! With

a dull loud noise, the giant's head shattered instantly, and countless

soul devouring ants died inside! Among them was a giant soul devouring ant with a body size of ten meters!

"This should be the soul devouring ant king, right?"

Seeing that the soul devouring ant was dead, Chen Nan also breathed a sigh of relief, and then his figure disappeared into the air and appeared in the Immortal Mansion

! He lay on the ground naked, greedily absorbing the air

! Dharma Heaven and Earth is an extremely profound spell of Taoism, but casting this spell consumes a lot! Even

if Chen Nan has the cultivation of the peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, he also has a feeling of exhaustion at this moment!

He quickly resumed his cultivation, and then found a robe in his storage bag!"

The situation in the battlefield of gods and demons is very complicated, and we must find a way to inform the people outside and let them order the termination of the competition as soon as possible, otherwise, these people from the Dao Sect are very likely to die here!" Chen

Nan left the Immortal Mansion

! The soul power enveloped a radius of hundreds of kilometers

! He thought that he was not a good person,

but he was definitely not an evil person!

He couldn't watch the Daoist master die here



, he felt a fierce fighting sound from the southwest, it

was Lu Yuqiu and the others! At this time, Lu Yuqiu was leading a dozen female disciples behind him, controlling the flying sword to kill a demon creature, that guy had nine heads, and looked very ferocious!

"Senior Sister Lu be careful!" Just

as Lu Yuqiu was resisting the demon creature, a demon creature also appeared behind her

! It was a pitch-black leopard

! Its eyes were cold

! It roared and attacked Lu

Yuqiu! Even

Lu Yuqiu did not expect that a second demon creature would appear here, and a strong despair rose in his heart!

At this moment, Chen Nan appeared behind her strangely, and turned her back to back: "Senior Sister Lu don't be distracted, I'll help you kill this

leopard!" He punched out and blasted the pitch-black leopard out for thousands of meters!

Just before everyone could return to their senses, Chen Nan appeared in the sky above the nine-headed demon race, writing mountain characters to suppress it on the ground! A

moment later, countless soul devouring ants crawled out of the body of that demon creature!

"I heard that Junior Brother Xuanyuan had studied divine runes before, but I didn't expect to have this kind of accomplishment!" Lu Yuqiu spoke, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes

! Xuanyuan Yue was the first proud of the Dao Sect, and after a hundred years of cultivation, he had stepped into the seventh layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage

! Although it was cultivation that relied on countless medicinal materials, elixirs, and spirit stones

, it was also unattainable for mortals

! Moreover, she had heard that Xuanyuan Yue had studied divine runes, but she did not expect such terrifying power!

After returning to her senses, she said, "Thank you Junior Brother Xuanyuan for your righteous action, today my Jade Female Peak owes you a favor

!" "Everyone is of the same race, and it is also appropriate to help each other!" Chen Nan said lightly, and then said: "Senior Sister Lu must also see that our intelligence is wrong, and this is not as safe as the sect master said!"

Although these demon races are controlled by soul devouring ants, I have a hunch that in addition to soul devouring ants, there must be other powerful creatures

!" Lu Yuqiu's expression was solemn: "I also have this premonition

!" Chen Nan said: "What I mean is very simple, let your disciples of Jade Female Peak return to the sect, inform the sect master of the situation here, and let him notify the disciples in the door to stop the competition as soon as possible!" Hearing

this, Lu Yuqiu showed a puzzled expression: " Doesn't Junior Brother Xuanyuan know that our Dragon Scale Token has lost its function of

returning to the Sect?" "What?" Chen

Nan was taken aback, the Dragon Scale Token was equivalent to returning to the City Scroll!

"It seems that you really don't know about this!" Lu Yuqiu sighed: "I thought about letting people go back to report the letter before, but we have completely talked to the outside world..."

"The only thing we can do now is to save ourselves!" A

simple remark cast a haze over Chen Nan's heart, he didn't expect things to become so tricky!

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