
Just when everyone was concentrating on resisting the attack of the demon race!

There was a sound of blood rushing behind them!

Subconsciously turn your head!

Just find out!

The long sword in Lu Yuqiu's hand had already pierced through Chen Nan's chest!

The blood-stained long sword was dripping blood continuously at this moment!

Blood fell to the ground and quickly poured into the altar!


The calm altar instantly shines!

A monstrous demonic aura erupted inside!

The sudden change shocked everyone!

No one expected that when they resisted the enemy's attack!

Lu Yuqiu behind him would actually sneak up on Chen Nan in this situation!

She is a Daoist saint!

The most shocking ones were those female disciples of Jade Female Peak!

They have always lived with Lu Yuqiu, but who would have thought that she would act like this at this moment?

Although they also knew that Lu Yuqiu was devilish, when did they fall into the devil?

You know, they are inseparable when they enter here!

Moreover, Chen Nan had used two ways to check whether they had fallen for the devil before!

"Lu Yuqiu, are you crazy?" Proud Cold Night was furious, and raised his sword to kill Lu Yuqiu!

Lu Yuqiu pulled out the long sword in Chen Nan's body!

The figure floated to the middle of the altar like the wind!

An intriguing smile on his face!

It's just that his eyes are pitch black!

Can't see the white eyeballs at all!

It looks very mad!

"The blood sacrifice has begun, don't struggle!"

"Just by you, you can't resist the comeback of my demon clan!" Lu Yuqiu's mouth emitted an icy voice!

The scarlet light bloomed in the eyes of those demon beast stone carvings around the altar, which made people shudder!

"Kill me, kill me..."

Suddenly, Lu Yuqiu's eyes regained their clarity, but his eyes were full of pain: "I didn't betray the Terrans, I never betrayed the Terrans..."

She had just slept before, but the will of the Demon God had entered her mind!

Even if she keeps fighting!

But in the end, it didn't work out!

Moreover, she seriously injured Chen Nan!

Although there was only one person's blood, Chen Nan's blood was pure!

His blood alone is enough to break the seal of this place!

"Senior sister, let's go!"

Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand, and the positive character fell with a bang!

He never relentlessly!

Especially in the face of alien races!

The moment the positive character fell, Lu Yuqiu's soul instantly disappeared into heaven and earth!

Chen Nan said in a low voice: "I need everyone's blood, all of them injected with soul power, and together exert the power of positive characters to the extreme, only in this way can this place be sealed!" With

that, he raised his hand and wrote a positive character again!

"Do it!"

With Chen Nan's order!

Everyone sacrificed blood and injected soul power!


Blood-colored runes cover the sky!

Shrouding this small world, it exudes a mighty righteous qi!

So much so that the light of the altar was weakened by a few points!

Not only that, but it even forced back those enemies who attacked around!

"It really works!"

Everyone was excited, but they didn't expect that the divine runes could actually suppress the altar!

Over time!

The blood light on the altar gradually weakened!

The black demonic energy that overflowed inside also disappeared between heaven and earth!

The positive character itself can purify all evil existence, let alone hundreds of people blessing at the same time!

The power is terrifying!

Almost five minutes passed again!

All the blood on the ground has been evaporated!

The magic energy is completely gone!

The altar has also returned to its previous dull appearance!

See this scene!

Everyone felt exhausted!

But everyone was happy to see the altar return to its previous quiet!

"Although we lost many companions this time, we still sealed the passage of the demon world!"

"yes, I should be able to leave alive this time, right?"

"Actually, they are all innocent!"

"Yes, they definitely don't want to be demonized by the people of the Demon Clan!"

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became depressing!

Even if they survived, they paid a heavy price!

Especially Lu Yuqiu, she is a fairy in the minds of countless disciples!

She is also the first saint of the Taoist Sect!

Now that he died tragically here, he really had a red face!

"Take a break and get out of here as soon as possible!" A trace of complexity flashed in Geng Rao's eyes, he had a secret love for Lu Yuqiu, and he wanted to confess to her after going back!

And now...

Everyone rested in place, and each took out spirit stones, elixirs, and medicinal herbs to restore their strength!

One hour later!

Just as everyone was about to leave!



A deafening sound exploded in everyone's ears!

Then the ground shakes!

A huge arm about a thousand feet long stretched out under the altar!

A dam like a monstrous demon qi poured out near that huge arm!

In an instant, the entire sky dome was blackened!

The monstrous demonic qi made everyone hold their breath!

Even those who survive are some powerhouses in the Golden Pill and Yuan Infancy realms!

But in front of this terrifying, boiling demonic qi, everyone gave birth to a feeling of humility like an ant!

Just one arm has a thousand zhang!

You can imagine how terrifying this demon god will be!

Once it came to this world, all of them would not be able to hurt each other even if they added up!

"Groove, how so?"

"Didn't we seal the altar?"

"The Demon God has come to the world, how can we be its opponents?"

"Catastrophe is coming, catastrophe is coming!"

Everyone's mentality collapsed!

It's not that you can't beat each other!

But there is simply no courage to fight!

Chen Nan's face was solemn, and he was about to release the Immortal Mansion immediately, thinking of taking everyone in!

Although this will reveal his biggest secret!

But at this juncture he has no other choice!

No matter what, you have to save these disciples of the Dao Sect!


He was shocked to find that he could not feel the existence of the Immortal Mansion!

This should be the magnetic field of the demon god descending to affect the Immortal Mansion, otherwise it would not be possible!

The demon god slapped it!

Void annihilation!

Hundreds of masters of the Golden Pill Period realm couldn't dodge, and instantly turned into blood mist and disappeared between heaven and earth!

"Flee, get out of here!"

As the First Holy Son, Proud Cold Night decisively ordered!

This demon god is too terrifying, Mo said that they, even if the strongest of the Dao Sect come here, they may not be able to suppress it!

So, it's imperative to stay away from here!

"I have a talisman, maybe I can suppress this passage!" Chen Nan was suspended in the air, and the rune that had been lifted on the Immortal Mountain appeared in his hand!

The rune is out!

The demonic qi was instantly affected!

Even the demon god who had not yet crawled out let out a deafening roar!

It seems to be a bit of a fear!

"Although I don't know where your talisman came from, it gives people a very strong look!" Aohanye's eyes lit up: "Xuanyuan Yue, hurry up and sacrifice this talisman and suppress this passage!" Chen

Nan squeezed the trick with both hands and instantly hit the rune towards the altar!

But because of the magic there!

The runes simply can't fall there!

Instead, it bounced back!

Ao Hanye grabbed the rune in his hand, and his eyes looked firmly in the direction of the altar: "If I go with this talisman, can you fix it?"

Chen Nan: "The mountain character can fix this symbol, but you... Can't come back alive! Ao

Hanye muttered, "As long as you can live, isn't this enough?" As

soon as the words fell, he held the rune and resolutely flew to the altar!!

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