Right now!

There was a tremor in the void!

Immediately afterwards, Chen Nan and the others flew out in the God and Demon Battlefield!

Two thousand people when you enter!

And when it came out, there were only more than seven hundred people!

See their ashen faces!

Zhou Daoyuan burst into tears: "It's good to come back, it's good to come back!" "

They know!

If these disciples can come back, it means that the matter inside has been resolved!

"Didn't my apprentice come back?" Gu Yu had tears in his eyes, he had accepted an apprentice in this life and taught him carefully, although that guy caused him a lot of trouble!

But it lived up to his expectations!

Yang Tu's tone was heavy: "Senior Brother Ao was martyred with his body in order to be able to seal the passage of the Demon Realm!"

Geng Rao: "Yes, if it weren't for Senior Brother Ao's martyrdom, we wouldn't have been able to come back alive!" He is a respectable person and a good senior brother of ours!

Gu Yu couldn't cry: "You all say that he is searching, you all say that he is untrustworthy, backsliding, and even bullying, but it turns out that my apprentice is just some bad problems that everyone has, but in essence he is not bad!"

Zhou Daoyuan sighed lightly: "This loss is all due to me, if I hadn't underestimated the danger inside, I wouldn't have let the sect lose so many elite disciples!"

He paused, and a dragon egg the size of a watermelon appeared in his hand: "I am willing to hand over the position of leader!"

As soon as these words came out, those elders were anxious!

"Chief, this kind of thing is not my wish!"

"Yes, although we suffered heavy losses this time, we also sealed the Demon Realm Passage!"

"I believe that if those disciples had spirits in the sky, they would not blame you!"

Several elders spoke one after another!

The dragon egg is the token of the head of the Taoist Sect!

"I've made up my mind, so you don't need to say more!" Zhou Daoyuan waved his hand casually, and the dragon egg floated in the air: "As for who the new leader is, let the dragon egg choose!" "

The dragon egg slowly floated into the air, emitting golden light!

This dragon egg has been passed down for countless years, and although successive generations of masters have taken it with them, no one can hatch it!

However, with the dragon egg by your side, cultivation will be twice as effective with half the effort!


The dragon egg stayed in the air for a moment, turned into a light and appeared above Chen Nan's head, and then slammed into it!

Chen Nan thought that his body was invincible, but under the impact of the dragon egg, blood appeared on his forehead, and the golden dragon egg was also stained red!

"Dragon Egg recognizes the Lord, from now on Xuanyuan Yue will be the new head of my Dao Sect!" Zhou Daoyuan spoke, he was not surprised by this result, after all, this was the disciple of the little junior sister!

"Chief, he is not Xuanyuan Yue!" Geng Rao's face was full of nervousness!

Don't say that Ye Hongyi has fallen into a coma!

Even if she didn't fall into a coma, he had to tell Chen Nan's identity!

At all costs!

Chen Nan is not a Daoist disciple!

Can't become the head of the Dao Sect!

Chen Nan recovered his previous appearance, and then told his purpose of disguising Xuanyuan Yue to blend into the Dao Sect!

"I know you're not Xuanyuan Yue!"

Zhou Daoyuan's words surprised Chen Nan, but he didn't expect the other party to know his identity!

When I think about it, I am relieved!

The other party is a super strong, and there is no need to make a fuss if he can recognize this little disguise of himself!

Zhou Daoyuan continued, "I don't like Xuanyuan Yue very much, of course, I'm definitely not the only one who doesn't like Xuanyuan Yue!"

"Especially the last time he went to the world to pick up relatives, I am very disgusted by this!"

"But because of the little junior sister, I have to respect her opinion!"

"As for you pretending to be Xuanyuan Yue, I don't think there's anything wrong with that!"

"Because before you have absolute strength to compete with the Dao Sect, if you flee with your woman, you will inevitably be hunted down and killed by the Dao Sect!"

"This move is a dangerous victory!"

In other words, if it were him, in the same situation, he would also choose to blend into the Dao Sect!

Zhou Daoyuan asked, "One thing I want to know, what realm did you have when you came?"

Chen Nan said truthfully: "The fourth layer of the Golden Pill Period!"

Gu Yu snorted coldly: "No wonder you want to suppress your cultivation in the Golden Pill Period, you are not my apprentice's opponent!"

Chen Nan pouted: "Your apprentice is too deceitful, what can I do?"

Zhou Daoyuan said again, "Then what realm are you in now?"

Chen Nan: "The peak of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Period!" "


A simple word, like thunder!

Make everyone's scalp tingle!

Gu Yu exclaimed: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!"

"You've been in the mountains for a month!"

"Even if you take ten thousand years elixir!"

"Having absorbed a thousand mid-grade spirit stones, it is impossible to make such a big leap in such a short period of time!"

The other elders also nodded one after another, unwilling to believe that Chen Nan had such a terrifying talent!

Geng Rao swallowed his saliva and said, "Chen Nan does have the strength of the ninth layer of the Yuan Infancy Stage, and we have all seen this!"

"Is this human?" Zhou Daoyuan was so excited that he was incoherent: "No, this is a genius!" "

Chen Nan is a little embarrassed!

If it weren't for the Immortal Mansion, he wouldn't have been able to have such a terrifying divine speed in a short period of time!

In the eyes of others, it only took him one month to step from the fourth layer of Jindan to the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage, but in fact, it took him three hundred years!

This kind of talent should not be considered a genius, right?

"The dragon egg has a spirit, since it recognizes Chen Nan, then Chen Nan is the new head of my Dao Sect!" Zhou Daoyuan's voice was like thunder, and it instantly spread throughout the entire Dao Sect!

"Whoever dares to disobey is a violation of the Mandate of Heaven!"


Chen Nan felt inexplicable, and hurriedly said: "Chief, I'm just an outsider, I didn't think about being the head of the Dao Sect, you better take back your life!"

Zhou Daoyuan shook his head: "The dragon egg has already recognized you, even if I take back my life, it won't help!" Several

elders also looked embarrassed!

Because everyone knows that the position of the leader is not decided by one person!

This is also why the Dao Sect has so many Tianjiao!

Why are there so many holy sons!

It doesn't matter how many holy sons there are, after all, in the end, the new head is still decided by the dragon egg!

Chen Nan said embarrassed, "If I become the leader, will all of you have to listen to me?"

Zhou Daoyuan: "Yes!"

"Well, from now on, you will manage the sect on my behalf!" Chen Nan didn't want to become the head of the Dao Sect at all, he just wanted to complete the trial, enter the dragon's nest, and then look for the rune thing!

Which Cheng was confused and got the approval of the dragon egg...

It's pretty bad...

Zhou Daoyuan bowed down and ordered: "Obey the decree of the master!"

Chen Nan hesitated and said, "Take a step to speak, I have something I want to ask you!" "

Chief, please!" Zhou Daoyuan made an inviting gesture, and then took him to the place where he cultivated!

In fact, even if Chen Nan didn't look for him, he would find Chen Nan and say something that only the head of the Dao Sect could know!

Chen Nan was straight to the point: "Do you have a rune in this world?"

"Do you know where it is?"

Zhou Daoyuan's eyes were full of surprise: "How does the head know about the runes?"

Chen Nan: "You don't care how I know, you answer me first, do you know where the runes are?"

Zhou Daoyuan said in a low voice, "You have already seen the runes!"

Chen Nan was confused: "What? Have I seen runes? When? How did I not know? "

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