Chen Nan knows Chen Hanlu's character!

No matter how much you are wronged, you will not cry!

And in his memory!

He hadn't seen Chen Hanlu crying like today!

That aggrieved and helpless appearance instantly angered Chen Nan!

"Brother, my grades have been replaced..." Chen Hanlu threw herself into Chen Nan's arms and cried!

"Grades replaced?" Chen Nan gently patted Chen Hanlu's back, soothing her emotions: "Don't cry first, no matter how much you are wronged, my brother will help you get justice!"

"Let me say it!" Chen Xiazhi sighed lightly, and then told what happened!

After the college entrance examination, the two sisters checked the test results on the Internet!

Chen Xiazhi became the provincial science champion with a score of 638 points!

And exceeded Tsinghua's admission score line!

Chen Hanlu's grades have always been stronger than Chen Xia's, and everyone will think that her grades will be higher, but when the test results came out, they were not found on the Internet!

At that time, they didn't think much about it, after all, some students' test scores will be hidden!

Just wait, wait!

Chen Xiazhi even received the admission notice from Tsinghua, but Chen Hanlu has not been able to check his test results!

After that, she called the head teacher Liu Ruyan!

Just think about asking her why she can't find her test scores!

Liu Ruyan was also puzzled, help her check her results!

After a series of operations, Liu Ruyan told her that a student became the first in the country with a score of 658!

The total score is 660 points, and 658 points can be taken, which is the highest score in the liberal arts college entrance examination in recent years!

Liu Ruyan didn't say much!

Because her identity is not appropriate!

But Chen Hanlu was not stupid, and instantly thought that it was very likely that someone else had replaced his achievements!

So she asked Chen Xiazhi to call Jiangcheng, the richest man in Jeju!

After inquiring, Chen Hanlu also confirmed her guess!

His own achievements have indeed been replaced!

Moreover, people also got an admission letter from Tsinghua!

"Do you say I'm easy?"

"When I was a child, my family was poor, and my parents always let us study hard, and they said that the college entrance examination was the only chance for ordinary people like us to change our destiny!"

"I put all my energy into my studies, even if I am sick!"

"But now..."

"After more than ten years of hard study, I finally made a wedding dress for others..."

The more she cried, the more aggrieved she became, and even her voice became a little hoarse!

Her efforts Chen Nan has always seen in his eyes!

Although Chen Hanlu has always been an excellent student among others, he knows that this is not by talent, but by rote memorization!

Just imagine, they haven't forgotten to review in a small world!

You can imagine what this college entrance examination means to them!

Now that she has an excellent score but has been replaced, she will definitely not be able to accept this blow!

"Three, since my brother is back, I will help you ask for an explanation!" No matter who is involved in this matter, I will make them pay a heavy price! Chen Nan's eyes flashed with cold light!

Chen Hanlu sobbed, "If you don't help me ask for an explanation, I won't recognize you as an older brother in the future!"


Chen Nan answered!

"Brother, don't you introduce this person next to you?" Chen Xiazhi locked his gaze on Yan Wushuang!

"My name is Yan Wushuang, and I am your brother's friend!" Yan Wushuang said hello with a smile!

Chen Nan cleared his throat: "Girlfriend, girlfriend!"

Chen Xiazhi looked disgusted: "Bah, scumbag!

Chen Hanlu also stared at Chen Nan viciously: "Go and die, you!" Immediately

, the two sisters walked upstairs in anger!

Chen Nan felt a pain in his head!

Why should these two be hostile to themselves?

What happened during my absence?

In fact, during Chen Nan's absence, many guests came to the house!

Jane Nian!

He Shanshan!

Xie Churan!

Yue Qimeng!

Xu Qingxin!

Even Xu's beloved aunt Xu Xu once visited the door!

Although they didn't say anything about their relationship with Chen Nan, neither sister was a fool!

They themselves don't like scumbags!

Not to mention that Chen Nan brought back another one...

"I'll go to Kyoto and settle there, so I can come and play when I'm idle!" Yan Wushuang himself wanted to stay with Chen Nan for one night, but seeing the attitude of the sisters towards her, he still decisively gave up this idea!

"Okay, see you in Kyoto!"

Chen Nan answered!

Anyway, the school season is coming soon, and the sisters are going to Kyoto for school!

At that time, he will also move to Kyoto and live there!

Seeing Yan Wushuang's imperial sword leave, Chen Nan dialed Jiang Jiancheng's number!

Jiang Jiancheng has not received a call from Chen Nan for a long time, and when he saw Chen Nan's number calling, he pressed the answer button as soon as possible: "Good evening Mr. Chen!"

Chen Nandao: "Help me investigate who tampered with my sister's college entrance examination results, and who is involved behind it!"

Jiang Jiancheng said, "Mr. Chen, this matter has been found out!"

"This matter is very wide-ranging, and people from multiple educational institutions are involved in this matter!"

"Moreover, this is not an occasional impostor!"

"According to the clues I have learned, this is a gray industrial chain that has existed in our Jeju for twenty-five years!"

"Hundreds of candidates involved!"

"The person at the head is called Gao Zhendong, and he is now the second-in-command of the educational institution!"

"This person is fifty-eight years old this year, and he will retire in two years!"

"Gao Zhendong joined the work at the age of twenty-three!"

"In the first year of work, I helped three people change their college entrance examination results and made a profit of 50,000 yuan!"

"After that time, he tasted the sweetness and got out of control!"

Twenty-five years ago, information was closed, and it was difficult to check college entrance examination results, and people living in big cities might make inquiries by phone!

But the only way for some students living in poor places to know their college entrance examination results is to wait for the admission letter from the post office!

If you receive it, it means that you have taken the test well!

If you can't receive it, it proves that you haven't played well!

It was precisely because of the closed information that Gao Zhendong had an opportunity!

Let him taste the sweetness too!

So much so that it is becoming more and more arrogant!

"As far as I know, in the twenty-five years he has participated in the work, he has tampered with the results of three hundred and sixty-seven people! Without exception, they are all some powerless and powerful students!

"And of these three hundred and sixty-seven, eighteen chose suicide because of disappointment!"

"The fate of the rest of those has all been rewritten!"

"Some work in the family farm, living a life with their backs facing the loess!"

"Some go to big cities to work and earn money!"

"And those who replace them have glamorous jobs!"

"Some are the leaders of a certain unit, and some are the bosses of a certain company!"

Chen Nan's face was full of killing intent: "If what you said is true, they only tampered with the grades of cold students, why did they tamper with my little sister's grades this time?" "

Caotema, bullying our Chen family has no one, right?"

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