Not long after Chen Nan left, Nie Yao and the others also packed their bags and left the Ten Thousand Demon Cave!

They and Chen Nan are also new acquaintances!

Although there was a skin kiss!

But the feelings for each other have not yet reached the level of life and death!


"Aren't you leaving?"


Dekang looked at Chen Nan weakly, his eyes full of puzzlement!

A lot of blisters appeared on his body, densely packed and creepy!

Several other Bear Clan masters were also curious!

Chen Nan said casually: "I also want to leave, no, to be precise, I didn't expect to stay here as a so-called race!"

"However, everyone is working together, how can you watch you die one after another?"

Speaking of this, a short knife appeared in his hand!

He cut his arm and picked out a blister on Dekang's body!

"Are you crazy?"

Watch Chen Nan apply the water in the blister to the wound on his arm!

Dekang couldn't help but gasp!

He knew that viruses in poultry spread through the air!

I also knew that Chen Nan's move would definitely infect the poultry chaos!

He couldn't understand why this guy did it!

After all, the king has already let him go!

But what is the difference between his actions and looking for death???


Touran's Cave House!

Ember: "Boss, is this guy sick in the head?" "

Embers are also infected with poultry chaos!

Very weak at the moment!

Touran's eyes were deep: "This guy is a ruthless person!" If I'm not mistaken, he should want to test the poison by himself to prepare an antidote elixir!

Ember's pupils trembled: "If this is the case, then this human being is worthy of admiration!"

Touran nodded undeniably: "There is indeed a lot to learn from this human being!"

Ember smiled, "Boss, you've never praised the Terrans!"

Touran: "Do you know what I admire about him the most?"

Ember was curious: "Which point?"

Touran: "Cooking! "

“····" Ember was speechless!

He thought of his five little brothers being roasted by Chen Nan!

Whenever he thought about it, he regretted that he didn't eat two more bites...

Tuan got up and walked out of the cave, looking at the west, and a sad look flashed in his eyes: "I don't know what happened over there in the Divine Tree!" Ember

followed behind him: "At the speed of Lu Chen, he can reach the Divine Tree in ten days, and now that a month has passed and he hasn't returned, it can be imagined that there is also a poultry riot on the Divine Tree's side!"

Touran: "It's a catastrophe!"

"It's not just me!"

"It's about hundreds of millions of creatures and thousands of races in the entire immortal world!"

Ember looked down the mountain, and then said, "Boss, let's just use an analogy, you said that if that guy really developed a pill against poultry chaos, what do you say will happen to him?"

Touran thought for a while: "If I'm not mistaken, that guy seems to like to eat wings!"

Ember nodded with an embarrassed look!

Last time, after Chen Nan roasted his five little brothers, he a pair of bird wings alone!

The amount of food he eats is amazing, and you can see his love for wings!

Touran said, "If he really develops a pill to fight bird chaos, I will chop your wings and give it to him as soon as possible!"

The corners of Ember's mouth twitched, and he wanted to cry without tears: "Boss, we have experienced countless lives and deaths between us, but brother of the Eight Classics, are you too cruel like this?"

Touran smiled and asked, "Is it too cruel, or too tasty?" "

Ember is speechless!

He can't eat himself hard!

"Just kidding, how could I chop off your wings and give it to him!" Tuan forced a smile: "I will personally chop off my own wings for him to eat!" "

Ember almost didn't spit out a mouthful of blood!

Touran's expression became extremely solemn: "If Chen Nan can really develop a pill against poultry chaos, then this will be a great thing of immeasurable merit!" "

It's no exaggeration to say that one step is a god!"

"There is even sanctification!"

"This kind of person, what's the harm in giving him a pair of wings that he likes to eat?"

"Don't say that I tend to be inflammatory, this is called human affection!"


an hour later!

Chen Nan obviously felt some discomfort in his body!


Fever and blisters are symptoms of avian disorder!

Another hour has passed!

Red spots also appeared on him!

And at this time, his body temperature also reached more than forty degrees!

Although there is no thermometer, his intuitive judgment cannot be wrong!

Although he was infected with poultry chaos, he did not panic at all!

Still methodically brewing soup medicine!

And try the medicine by yourself!

Five days passed like this, and Chen Nan finally brewed a soup medicine to cure the poultry chaos!

The high fever has subsided, and the chickenpox on the body has also scarred!

This is extremely exciting for Chen Nan!

His voice even spread throughout the Ten Thousand Demon Cave: "Everyone is lining up to come to me to get medicine, and Xiao Ye has already brewed a soup medicine to cure poultry chaos!" "

Hear Chen Nan's words!

The Ten Thousand Demon Cave, which had been silent for days, suddenly erupted into a burst of shouts!

Countless demon clan powerhouses swarmed out, lining up to go to Chen Nan to get medicine!

Tu'an, who was covered in pus, also came to Chen Nan's side for the first time, and he didn't believe that Chen Nan had developed a decoction to cure poultry chaos!

But I can see that the pus sores on his body have been scarred, and he looks energetic!

Immediately convinced!

The first time I took the decoction medicine made by Chen Nan!

However, the effect is minimal!


To be precise, there is no effect at all!

The same is true of other demon race masters, and they can't feel the slightest improvement after drinking it!

"It shouldn't be like this!" Chen Nan was a little frustrated: "After I drank this, I obviously felt that the poultry chaos had improved, but why can't you heal?"

Touran patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "There is always a difference between the Terran and the Demon Clan, even if this soup medicine can solve the chaos you are infected with, it may not be able to save my Demon Clan!" "

He saw what Chen Nan did in his eyes and remembered it in his heart!

Even if the soup medicine he brewed couldn't save the demon clan, he wouldn't blame him!

The result does not matter!

What matters is his dedication to the demon clan!

"Although we are of different races, we are all carbon-based creatures, and since this potion is effective against the Terrans, it will also be true for the Demon Race!"

"Even if it's useless!"

"I can make it useful too!"

Speaking of this, he took out the short knife and directly cut his wrist!

Di Di Di!

The pale golden blood flowed into the medicine barrel, making many canine demon races grin!

Touran couldn't understand what Chen Nan was doing!

It wasn't until Chen Nan felt dizzy that he stopped bleeding!

At this time, the liquid in the medicine barrel has turned purple!

You can smell the mixture of medicinal herbs and blood!

It smells a little pungent!

Chen Nan said weakly: "My poultry disorder has been cured, to put it bluntly, antibodies have been produced in my body."

"As long as antibodies are injected into your body, your poultry disorder will also be cured!"

"If it doesn't work this time, then I can't do anything!"

Touran did not hesitate and scooped a spoonful at the first time!

After drinking it, his weak eyes suddenly bloomed with dazzling light, and the sores on his body were quickly healing at a speed visible to the naked eye, under the shocked and joyful eyes of everyone!

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