The appearance of the physiological enlightenment teacher Bodo made Chen Nan creepy!

He never dreamed of it!

You will see Hata-sensei in the fairy world!

"Hata-sensei? No, I'm a mei! Mei Niang's eyes flashed with puzzlement!

Chen Nan swallowed wildly: "No! You are Hata-sensei!

"I can recognize you!"


"Especially when you're not wearing clothes!"

Mei Niang's eyes are full of suspicion!

I don't understand what Chen Nan means!

But without explaining anything, he directly transformed into a Buddha-figure!

Chen Nan's expression froze!


Really a Lightning Leopard?

"Do you believe me now?" Mei Niang re-transformed into Mr. Bota, and she smiled like that island actor!

"It's not... What kind of serious illness are you? You are a male animal, male, how did you transform into a woman? "Chen Nan's mentality exploded!

Mr. Hado is a god-like being in his mind!

Now it's in front of you!

He really can't accept it!

After all!

Her Buddha-figure is a male lightning leopard!

Mei Niang smiled and said, "I feel good like this!" Well, this woman looks very good, if I transform into her appearance, I will definitely be able to charm thousands of men when I go to the human world in the future! "

You're a pervert, aren't you?" Chen Nan was creepy!

He also knows that demon beasts can change their gender when they first transform into adults!

But it's also the first time I've seen a demon beast do this!

Meiniang sighed lightly: "Actually, I have always envied beautiful women, they can wear beautiful clothes, and they also have countless followers and admirers!"

"Of course, I've always wanted to be a woman!"

"It's just that I can't imagine the beauty of a woman at all!"

"Until I see this woman on your glowing body, I won't become like her!"

"She's not your wife, is she?"


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood!

Don't mess around!

She is my teacher!

Chen Nan is a little sore!

Because he was hit by spider poison, he set his treasured photo of Mr. Hata-sensei as a screensaver!

Just look at it when you're idle!

It's not just lecherous!

It's just a matter of finding a feeling!


Who the could have thought!

A male lightning leopard will transform into her when he sees Hata-sensei...

Watching Mr. Bodo at this time throw winks at him, scratching his head!

Chen Nan: "Gag...

He's disgusting!

But considering that he had just eaten dozens of elixirs, he directly covered his mouth!

Can't spit up!

Can't spit up!

It's all good stuff in your belly!

Don't spit up!

"Don't you like Hata-sensei very much? Do you want to get her? Mei Niang raised her eyebrows: "If you want, I can give you the first time of this body!"

"Don't say thank you, call me a good person!"

Chen Nan's face was gloomy, and he appeared in his hands with virtue: "Now, immediately, immediately, become your Buddha-figure!"

"Why are you so fierce to people!" Mei Niang muttered, looking aggrieved!


Without saying a word, Chen Nan raised the person to serve her and smashed her...

A moment later, Meiniang returned to her form as a lightning leopard and came over a little nervously: "I was joking with you just now, why are you so angry?" The

corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

Mr. Hado is the teacher of enlightenment when his love is first in the beginning!

He's seen all her films!

It was a god-like existence in his mind!

And Mei Niang's behavior just now has already affected the sexy and sultry image of Mr. Bodo in his heart!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan said, "Don't transform into an adult in front of me in the future!" Mei

Niang: "Why?"

Chen Nan: "I'm afraid I'll hit you!" "

Mei Niang is speechless!

"Let's go, go to the dragon clan!"

Chen Nan said and landed on Mei Niang's back!

Mei Niang hesitated and asked cautiously: "Or, I will transform into an adult and take you on your way?" Don't hide from you, I want to try! "

Hear this!

Chen Nan couldn't help but snort!

At this moment, his brain made up the picture of Mei Niang transforming into an adult and rushing with herself!

She uses her hands and feet like a primate, running fast on the ground!

The two 'comes' in front of him are shaking wildly!

Himself sat on her back...


The picture is so beautiful!

He didn't dare to imagine!

"No, just use the current form!" Chen Nan decisively rejected Meiniang's proposal!

Although I thought about riding Hado-sensei when my feelings first opened!

But now...

At least, people can't, ride a demon beast transformed into a deprivation teacher!

Lightning Leopard's speed is fast!

It is comparable to Chen Nan's Dapeng Technique now!

Its speed is worthy of the reputation of the fastest walking beast!

"Master, why are you going to the Dragon Clan?" Mei Niang asked curiously!

Chen Nan: "Looking for the Dragon Grass!" Mei

Niang: "Impossible! When pigs fly! "

The Dragon Grass is the greatest treasure of the Dragon Clan!"

"Don't say that you are a mortal, even if the Immortal Emperor of the Terran clan comes to ask for medicine, they will not give it!"

"How could you give you the Dragon Grass?"

"You just need to send me to the Dragon Clan, you don't have to worry about the rest!" Chen Nan sat smoothly on Mei Niang's back, closed his eyes and nurtured his mind, constantly simulating the True Phoenix Seal in his mind!

Although he came to the immortal world!

The strength is also comparable to the powerhouse of the early Golden Immortal!

But I don't understand the exercises of the immortal world!

The True Phoenix Seal is the only Immortal Realm technique!

Gotta grasp it well!

Stay alive when it matters!

A week has passed!

It's noon!

Meiniang suddenly stopped, staring uneasily at the lush mountains and forests in front of her, and a nervous voice came out of her mouth: "Master, we... We're in big trouble!

"What the hell is this mountain forest in front?" Chen Nan also felt an ominous feeling!

The woods ahead are extremely luxuriant!

The leaves of the grass and trees are all blood red!

It gives the illusion that this mountain forest is stained red with blood!

Mei Niang said in a low voice: "You are not a demon race, I don't know the horror of our demon world, there is ominousness in our demon world, real ominous!"

"This ominous is not alone!"

"No one knows where it will appear!"

"But one thing is obvious!"

"Once you encounter ominousness, even a strong person at the Demon Emperor level will have an accident!"

"This ominous name is... Fifth season! Speaking

of this, Mei Niang's voice has trembled!

"Fifth season?"

Chen Nan's heart trembled!

He thought of the weirdness and ominousness recorded in the books!

According to legend, the fifth season is like clouds, elusive and drifting with the wind!

But once someone strays into it!

It will turn into flying ash and disappear into heaven and earth!

So far!

No one can explain the origin of the fifth season!

Chen Nan's face turned sallow, and he said to Meiniang: "What are you doing stupidly?" Hurry up and run... Can't run away! Before

he finished speaking, the blood-red scene in front of him came silently, devouring one person and one leopard!

At the moment when it is covered by the fifth season!

Chen Nan suddenly felt that the temperature had changed!

The humidity and heat are unbearable!

A stark contrast to the outside!

Mei Niang transformed into the appearance of Teacher Bodo, and looked at Chen Nan with affection: "Master, we have strayed into the fifth season, and there is no chance to leave alive!"

"Or else... I'll give you the first time, will you let me feel the joy of being a woman before I die? "

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