"Just listen to me!"

The corners of Mei Niang's mouth rose and she looked very confident!

It is said that confident women are the most beautiful, and her kind of smile Chen Nan has seen in Mr. Bodo's film!

Now I see it with my own eyes... He just wants to hit people!

The two quickly entered the deep mountains!

See a large number of mortals gathered at the entrance of a valley!

Er... It's a bit inaccurate to say that it's mortal!

To be precise, it should be a true cultivator!

They all have the strength around the Mahayana period!

The man is handsome!

The woman is beautiful!

There are tens of thousands of people in sight!

At the very front, a young man wearing a white robe with a sharp head holding a folding fan with a landscape map painted on the fan!

He gently shook the folding fan in his hand and said, "Not everyone is qualified to enter my dragon clan and become a citizen of my dragon clan, even if you are all geniuses among the ten thousand Terrans, after the primary election!"

"But if you want to enter my dragon clan, you must go through the final selection!"

"The rules of the final selection are very simple, as long as you can ring this big bell next to you, you can enter!"

Chen Nan looked at Meiniang puzzled and whispered, "What are they doing?" Mei

Niang: "What does the dragon look like in your mind?"

Chen Nan thought for a while: "Soar for nine days, call the wind and call the rain!" "

Mei Niang: "The dragon can indeed soar for nine days, calling the wind and rain, but the dragon is a kind of delicious and lazy species in its bones, so the dragon clan will go to the human world from time to time to find some mortals to become the people of the dragon clan!"

"It sounds nice to be a citizen of the dragon clan, but to put it bluntly, let them be the servants of the dragon clan!"

"This is also why cultivators in the Mahayana realm are recruited, because their lifespan is a little longer than ordinary people!"

Chen Nan was relieved!

Mei Niang continued: "Next, you will treat me as your wife, talk less, and leave everything to me!" I promise to take you into the Dragon Clan! Chen

Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood!

He really can't treat Mei Niang as his wife!

Even if she is in her current form of Hata-sensei!

At this time, the young man holding a folding fan in the distance found Chen Nan and the two, and shouted loudly: "Hey, what are you two doing?" Why did it appear in Shenlong Valley?

Seeing this, Mei Niang showed an uneasy look, lowered her head, and said sincerely and fearfully: "Back to senior, our husband and wife passed by here, and we have no intention of disturbing us, so let's leave!" "


Ao Ding appeared in front of Meiniang like a ghost, put away the folding fan, and held up Meiniang's chin: "Little lady, come, raise your head, let me see your appearance!" Mei

Niang raised her head nervously!

The moment she raised her head!

Ao Ding's pupils trembled violently!

What a beautiful beauty!

This is countless times more beautiful than those women present!

Especially the panic and uneasiness emanating from her touching eyes gave people a feeling of pity!

Her eyes instantly poked the softest position in Ao Ding's heart!

He could see that Chen Nan was a human and Meiniang was a demon!

Perhaps in the eyes of the Terrans, this kind of love affair is against human ethics!

But for the dragons...

No big deal!

He did not doubt the identity of the two!

"I don't know what the little lady is called?" Ao Ding's eyes lit up, and he asked with a smile!

"The little woman's name is Meiniang, and he is my husband, Jun Chennan!" Mei Niang is well-behaved like a little woman!

Ao Ding nodded slightly and said, "Mei Niang, my dragon clan is recruiting clansmen, do you two husband and wife want to become members of my dragon clan?"

Mei Niang was stunned, and her eyes were full of incredulity: "Really? Can our husband and wife enter the dragon clan and become members of the dragon clan?

Ao Ding nodded with a smile: "This is nature!"

"Husband, thank you this senior, we are about to become members of the Dragon Clan!" Mei Niang's face is red with excitement!

Look back at Chen Nan!


Somewhat upset!

Of course!

It's all acted!

Because everyone can see that Ao Ding has taken a fancy to 'his wife and daughter', as a man, it is impossible to be indifferent!

"Brother Chen Nan, my Dragon Clan is hospitable, if you have stayed in my Dragon Clan enough, you can leave completely!" Ao Ding looked at Chen Nan with a smile!

Although he was able to kick Chen Nan away, only let Meiniang enter the Dragon Clan alone!


But he is a good man!

He can't beat Mandarin ducks!

Can't break up the couple!


He likes married women!

Love being alone with a married woman!

It's fun!

Others don't understand!

Seeing that Chen Nan was unmoved, Ao Ding continued: "What, I have a house along the street in the Dragon Clan, you can go there to live and make a living!"

Meiniang grabbed Chen Nan's arm: "Husband, aren't you good at roasting meat?" If we had a house down the street, we could totally make a living from grilled meat!

"No more wandering around!"

"Yes, we will return to the human world after we have children!"

"At that time, even if your parents do not agree with the two of us being together, it is estimated that they will not say much!"

Ao Ding's heart moved!

Feelings are a pair of bitter mandarin ducks!

It's getting more and more fun!

Thinking of this, he patted Chen Nan's shoulder and said, "Brother, if I were you, I would live in the Dragon Clan with peace of mind!" After all, we can't wronged our wives who are willing to follow us around, you say?

Chen Nan nodded with a heavy expression: "Since that's the case, then thank the seniors for their kindness!" Our husband and wife will surely remember your kindness!

Ao Ding laughed: "My name is Ao Ding, not much older than you, if you can see me, call me Big Brother Ao!" In the future, I will report my name when I encounter something, so that I can make it!

Chen Nan was grateful and hugged his fists: "Thank you Brother Ao!"

Ao Ding took out a black token and gave it to him, and then walked towards the humane at the entrance of Shenlong Valley: "This is my brother and sister, let go!" By the way, take the couple to the shop along my street! "

The two Dragon Clan children at the entrance decisively let them go!

It's just that looking at Chen Nan's eyes with a mocking smile!

It was as if I saw another giant green green hat on his head!

Then Chen Nan and the two were taken into the Divine Dragon Valley!

The moment you enter!

Chen Nan suddenly had a feeling that the winding path led to a secluded place!

You will be greeted by a huge castle that looks like an ancient castle!

There are many ethnic people in the city!


Demon race!

Birds, you have it all!

And there are all kinds of shouting on the street, which looks very prosperous!

Chen Nan was deeply surprised by this sight of the dragon clan, he thought that the dragon clan would live in the mountains and forests, living on dew and wild fruits!

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be a paradise!

"This is Brother Ao Ding's house, you will live here from now on!" A Dragon Clan brought Chen Nan and Meiniang to a street shop in a bustling area in the middle of the city!

This set of shops has two floors and a backyard of hundreds of square meters!

Both living and living are excellent!

After the dragon clan member left, Chen Nan extended a thumbs up to Meiniang: "Bull, you really brought me into the dragon clan!"

"The dragon clan is, as long as you hold this point, why can't you blend into the dragon clan?" A confident smile on her face!

Chen Nan sighed: "Don't be happy too early, if Ao Ding really attacks you, can you eat well?"

"One thing I have to tell you, don't manifest your essence when you do that kind of thing!"

Mei Niang's face was full of fascination, and she grinned: "Actually, it's not a big deal to manifest the body, then I can him in turn!" "

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