The corner of Ao Ding's mouth twitched, and he couldn't help but say, "If he steps into the Earth Immortal Realm by himself, the gambling contract will be nullified?" Mei

Niang nodded slightly, and said helplessly: "Blame me, I shouldn't have said to help him step into the Earth Immortal Realm!"

"Brother Ao, I really don't want to be with him!" Her eyes were helpless, revealing unwillingness and grievances!

Ao Ding took a deep breath and forced a smile: "The problem is not big, there is nothing that one elixir cannot solve, if there is, then two!" "

He never thought that Puff Chiu would pay such a big price!

Although reluctantly!

But if Chen Nan stepped into the Earth Immortal Realm with his own ability!

Then won't you be empty?

After all, that 100,000-year-old ginseng plant is not cheap!

"Thank you Big Brother Ao, if I can get out of the sea of suffering, I will definitely repay you well!" Mei Niang was full of gratitude, and then stood on tiptoe and kissed Ao Ding on the face, and ran away with a red face!

The sudden joy smashed Ao Ding unconscious!

He didn't expect Mei Niang to kiss him!

Although it is like a dragonfly in water, he also makes him intoxicated!

He suddenly discovered that even if he paid two hundred thousand year elixirs, what could he count?

I'm really smart!


Meiniang barbecue is a small fire in the dragon clan!

It's not just the roast that tastes great!

The most important thing is that the hostess is coquettish!

It's obsessive!

There is also the two-color ball made by Mei Niang barbecue, which is very interesting!

Because if you spend two fairy stones, you may win the jackpot of five million!

The earnings on the first day of the Mei Niang barbecue were not bad!

More than seven thousand spirit stones were sold just by relying on catering!

But the two-color ball sold for more than 10,000 pieces!

Because this thing is interesting, it attracts many dragons and even people of other races to buy it!

After all, Senshi is the only recognized currency in the Immortal World!


Chen Nan lazily lay on the recliner, holding a 100,000-year-old Ganoderma lucidum in his hand, and said while eating: "I plan to recruit a few employees tomorrow, if we are too tired!" "

Not to mention the tiredness of work, I don't earn much!


He has to focus on the two-color ball!

If you can drive the two-color ball to the major streets of the dragon clan, you will definitely be able to fight for gold every day!

It is not impossible to raise five thousand top-grade fairy stones in a year!


It's hard!

Because now only a few people are interested in two-color balls!

There are still many people who are skeptical!

There is no reason for it!

Chen Nan was just an outsider who had just entered the Dragon Clan!

In case someone really wins the first prize, can he come up with five million Pinxian Stones?


To get the recognition of the entire dragon clan, this is a long and arduous task!


Chen Nan posted the recruitment information at the door!

Recruit two cooks and three waiters!

The chef's monthly salary is three hundred spirit stones, and the waiter is two hundred!

Chen Nan also knew that the salary of the Dragon Clan was very low, so not long after the recruitment information was posted, someone came to apply!

And they are all young and beautiful women!

It's just that the two women who applied for the job as a chef are older, looking thirty-five or six years old, and the charm remains!

Seeing them, Chen Nan looked at the smiling girls around him again, and chatted with them about homely girls!

What a fucking pervert!

Just such an adult chance, you a male monster turned into a woman...

"Husband, or let them come to our shop to work together!" Mei Niang spoke, obviously having a good impression of these five people!

Chen Nan did not refuse!

It's just five employees anyway!

As long as it is able to work, it doesn't matter to anyone!

He called the two cooks to the back kitchen and taught them the technique of roasting meat!

They all have experience as chefs and can learn them as soon as they learn!

I also know that the reason why Meiniang barbecue is good is that it is all those seasonings prepared by Chen Nan!

After teaching a few times!

Two people can bake it handily!

And the taste of the roast is not much worse than Chen Nan!

No wonder!

They are all demon races and have lived for thousands of years, if they can't even learn this little thing, is it still worthy of their identity?

The back kitchen does not need Chen Nan for the time being, he goes to the front hall, and his main energy is still focused on the two-color ball!

Whether he can enter Longling in a year, he still has to count on the two-color ball to help him make a lot of money!

Right now!

Ao Ding, dressed in a white robe and holding a folding fan, stepped into the barbecue restaurant!

Seeing Chen Nan sitting behind the counter, his mentality collapsed!


Or the peak of the Mahayana period?

Your mother!

Do you want to be so pitted?

Looking at Mei Niang again, she forced her face to laugh a little!

It seems that he is also very distressed that Chen Nan has not broken through this matter!

Ao Ding suddenly hurt!

What's the situation?

This is unreasonable!

Mei Niang opened her mouth and said, "Husband, I want to go out and buy some clothes, or do you want to take a look at it in the store?"

Chen Nan said, "Or I'll accompany you!" Mei

Niang said: "No need, the business in the store is just right, and you can't leave people." And you are not familiar with the dragon clan, it just so happens that Brother Ao Ding is here, let him take me there!"

Ao Ding's eyes lit up and said, "Brother Chen Nan rest assured, I still have some connections on the Dragon Clan's side, and I promise to let Mei Niang buy better clothes at the lowest price!"

"Then there is Brother Lao Aoding!" Chen Nan was grateful, and bowed to Ao Ding like a big wrongdoer!

"My own brother, what are you talking about?" Ao Ding laughed, I went out shopping with your wife to buy clothes, but you are still grateful to me!

What a wrongdoer you are!

That's it!

Mei Niang and Ao Ding left the barbecue restaurant!

Just when Ao Ding wanted to ask Meiniang why Chen Nan hadn't broken through yet!

Meiniang suddenly said, "Brother Ao Ding, if you don't want to save me from the sea of suffering, don't give me hope, don't lie to me, okay?"

Ao Ding was anxious: "Meiniang, what do you mean by this?" I, Ao Ding, am single-minded to you, so why deceive?

Mei Niang's eyes turned red: "If you didn't lie to me, then why hasn't my husband broken through after taking two hundred thousand year elixirs?" "

Ao Ding almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

I want to know the reason more than you do!

Mei Niang continued: "It has been several years since the husband stepped into the peak of the Mahayana period, and it is said that he should have broken through a long time ago, but for some reason he has been trapped in the peak of the Mahayana period!"

"If those two hundred thousand year elixirs you gave are real, he will definitely break through the shackles!"

Ao Ding looked at her incredulously: "You doubt that I gave you fake medicine?" Meiniang, can't this be ah, I am dedicated to you, I have always hoped to save you from the sea of suffering, how can you think like this? "

Ao Ding is a little angry!

He had never been treated like this!

Meiniang hugged his arm tightly and quickly shook her head: "Brother Ao Ding, I'm not questioning you, I didn't mean that..." I mean, have you been scammed by selling drugs? "

Ao Ding himself is angry!

But the softness of his arm and the woman's panicked look extinguished the anger in his heart!

His brows furrowed, and his brain turned quickly: "What you said makes some sense, if those two 100,000-year-old elixirs are true, Chen Nan will definitely break through the shackles!"

"Now it seems that I really may have been deceived!"

Speaking of this, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes: "What a Ruyi pharmacy, dare to sell fake medicine to Young Master Ben, see how I can repair you!"

"Mei Niang, go, come with me to ask for justice!"

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