Chen Nan was panicked!

He got up and went to the copper mirror!

I want to use the Qiqi Technique to watch my luck!

But... In addition to being handsome and dashing!


He really couldn't see anything else!

After all, the Qi Hope Technique can only look at others, and it is impossible to see its own Qi luck at all!

"Until now, I can only take one step at a time!"

Chen Nan has no way back!

I have lived in the Dragon Clan for almost a year, for the trip to the Dragon Tomb!

In order to find the Dragon Teng Grass and solve the spider poison in his body!

If he didn't solve this poison, he would rather die!

The next day!

Chen Nan went to the Dragon Palace!

Paid five thousand top-grade fairy stones, and then obtained a token to enter the Dragon Tomb!

The Dragon Tomb will officially open in the morning of a month!

Hold a black token and enter!

And you will also be notified of the collection before entering!

Except for Chen Nan!

He also found some strong people of other races!

There are Terrans!

There are also demon races!

More birds!

These people have lived in the dragon clan for generations, and they are all rich!

Entering the Dragon Tomb is also looking for opportunities!

Fortunately, he is not the only businessman!

Otherwise, it has to be eye-catching!

Just as Chen Nan was about to leave!

A luxurious jade chariot stopped in front of him, and it was two rare golden jiao of rui beasts pulling the cart!

It can be imagined that the owner of the car has a lofty identity and a transcendent status!

"Get in the car!"

There was a lazy sound in the car!


Chen Nan was stunned, then opened the curtain and entered the car!

What came into view was a beautiful woman with a gorgeous face and a charming face!

She wears gorgeous clothes, and her smile gives people a dignified and elegant feeling!

"Your year, the changes are really not small!" Chen Nan sighed, he hadn't seen Meiniang for a long time, and this time he saw it, he felt more and more like Teacher Bodo!

Mei Niang changed back to her previous appearance in a second, and grinned: "If you want to climb up, you can't improve your demeanor?"

Chen Nan asked with concern, "How are you doing during this time?" Mei

Niang: "Thanks to the things you taught me, now I have a firm foothold in the Dragon Palace!"

"Yes, now Miss Ben is the number one lady of the dragon clan!"

In terms of love and sexual affairs, Chen Nan is profound!

Unlock a lot of difficult moves, poses!

Therefore, after coming to the Dragon Clan, he told Mei Niang about those postures!

Of course!

Just explain!

Simple explanation!

Purely theoretical, not involved in real combat!

"Although the 1,000-person slash was not completed, the 100-person slash did!" There was a hint of arrogance in her tone!

One year to complete the 100 people beheading...

Chen Nan felt that the other party was amazing!

What's even more remarkable is that no one discovered that her body was a male leopard...

"I have discovered the secrets inside a dragon palace!" Mei Niang suddenly became serious: "There are very few people who know this secret, and it involves the dignity and face of the dragon clan!"

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Will you die knowing this secret?" "

Although everyone has curiosity!

But he knows that curiosity kills cats!

Moreover, the feeling of panic in his heart has not disappeared!

It's not a good thing to know!

Meiniang whispered, "Although Ao Xiaoyu is the princess of the dragon clan, she is not the bloodline of the dragon king!"

"It is said that Ao Xiaoyu's mother is the childhood sweetheart of the Dragon King, but for some reason, Ao Xiaoyu's body is more of the blood of the poultry clan!"

"What do you say? You say that Ao Xiaoyu is a combination of the bird clan and the dragon clan? Chen Nan stood up suddenly, his eyes full of shock!

Mei Niang made a boo gesture: "Although there is a ban on jade, you don't need to be so loud, right?" Also, you think only male dragons are?

"Don't make trouble, so is the mother dragon!"

"And they're playing wilder than you think!"

"Yes, it's very wild!"

Chen Nan didn't pay attention to her at all!

He only felt his scalp tingle!

Even a thick layer of goosebumps rose on the body!

If what Mei Niang said is true!

That Ao Xiaoyu is Yan Guang's biological daughter!


Yan Guang didn't know that he had a daughter!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Nan tried to calm his emotions: "What else do you know?" Mei

Niang said: "I don't know much, because there are very few people who know what happened back then, but I have sorted out a timeline and a network of characters!"

"Wait, didn't you want to know before?"

"Why are you so attentive now?"

Chen Nan said impatiently: "Don't talk nonsense, say it quickly!"

"Do you know that in more than a year, no one has ever spoken to me in such a tone?" A strange smile appeared on Mei Niang's resentful face: "Hurry up, quickly scold me, I want to be scolded!"

Chen Nan: "Stupid!

Mei Niang looked intoxicated: "Comfortable!"

Chen Nan's eyes were resentful, and he looked at her directly!

It seems that even scolding is too lazy to scold!

Mei Niang smiled, and then said: "The thing is like this, Dragon King Ao Lie had a childhood sweetheart when he was young, and he was a pure dragon descendant like him!"

"Not that kind of hybrid dragon!"

"If these two people combine, the dragon son born will definitely be very powerful!"

"But when Ao Lie and his childhood sweetheart went out to practice, they were attacked by the strong people of the poultry clan!"

"He even snatched away Ao Lie's childhood sweetheart!"

"I don't need to say what happened next, right?"

"Hey, hey!"

"After that, the strong man of the Dragon Clan went to the Bird Clan and forced the other party to hand over Ao Lie's childhood sweetheart, and that woman seems to be called Ao Lingxuan!"

"Ao Lingxuan went crazy after he came back!"

"After almost ten years, Ao Xiaoyu was produced!"

"Of course, Ao Xiaoyu at birth was just an egg!"

"Ao Lingxuan ran out of the Dragon Clan after going crazy, wanting to go to the Bird Clan to kill the man who occupied her, but was counter-killed by the other party!"

"In order to protect the reputation of the Dragon Clan, Ao Lie claimed that Ao Xiaoyu was her daughter, and also sealed the fact that she had sealed the bloodline of the Bird Clan in her body!"

"If I hadn't served an old dragon powerhouse, I wouldn't have heard about this past!"

Chen Nan frowned!

This is not the same as the facts he knows!

Great provenance!

In his understanding, Yan Guang and Ao Lingxuan really love each other!

Nothing snatched her away!

And the most important point!

That is, Ao Lingxuan did not die in Yan Guang's hands!

Instead, he died at the hands of the Dragon King Ao Lie!

Yes, to ask who he believes in the immortal world the most!

Who can you push your heart with!

Yan Guang is definitely in the first place!


He believed Yan Guang's words!

"All this is a lie!"

"It's a conspiracy!"

"The purpose is to make Ao Xiaoyu hate Yan Guang!"

"Then treat him as a mother-killer!"

"In this way, Ao Lie can use Ao Xiaoyu's hand blade Yan Guang!"


"This Ao Lie is really insidious!"

At this moment, Chen Nan sorted out the truth behind this matter!

Thanks to him mixing into the dragon clan!

Thanks to Detective Mei Niang, she heard about this!

If not, Yan Guang and Ao Xiaoyu and their father and daughter will really meet each other!

"Since I know about this, I absolutely can't sit idly by!" Chen Nan's eyes were firm, bidding farewell to Meiniang, and he went straight to Ao Xiaoyu's mansion!

He wants to reveal the Dragon King's conspiracy!

Inform Ao Xiaoyu of his true identity!!

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