The day of the opening of the Dragon Tomb is here!

This morning!

Chen Nan ate breakfast and came to the entrance of the Dragon Palace with a long stick on his back to assemble!

And by this time, many people have gathered here!

Not to mention the disciples of the Dragon Clan, there are more than thirty people from other races alone!

They are all in order to enter the Dragon Tomb to obtain opportunities!

Together with the people of the Dragon Clan, there are more than two hundred people in total!

Among them is Chen Nan's old acquaintance, Ao Ding!

Ten o'clock in the morning!

Ao Han walked out in the Dragon Palace wearing a light golden robe!

He held an important position in the Dragon Clan, and this time he was responsible for leading these people to the Dragon Tomb!

"The opening time of the Dragon Tomb this time is only three days, as for whether you can find the opportunity in the Dragon Tomb, it depends on the creation of Er and others!" Ao Han's face was expressionless!

Immediately, he looked at Chen Nan, and his eyes were full of complexity!

It took five elixirs of more than 100,000 years to make Meiniang his Daoist!

But he didn't expect that the woman would use him as a springboard to hook up with those super strong people of the dragon clan!

He felt that those five elixirs that were more than 100,000 years old fed the dog!

In fact, he had thought about finding trouble with Chen Nan!

Bring back those five elixirs that are more than 100,000 years old!


Mei Niang warned him!

If you dare to find Chen Nan's trouble, you will not spare him...

After the Mei Niang left!

Ao Han calculated the account!

I have had five relationships with Mei Niang together!

In other words, the cost of each plant is equivalent to a hundred thousand years of elixir!

Gold-encrusted ones aren't so expensive!

After returning to his senses, Ao Han waved his big hand, and a demon qi wrapped everyone: "Okay, everyone follow me to the Dragon Tomb!" "

Next moment!

Everyone floated into the air, all the way east, and came to a deep pool!

The water in the pool is crystal clear!

There are a lot of brightly colored koi living inside!

Ao Han pinched the trick with one hand!

Next moment!

Koi in the deep pool are gathering in all directions!


Those koi jumped out of the water in an orderly manner, like an arch!

Followed by!

A space-time vortex appears in the arch!

"The Dragon Tomb is the sleeping place of the ancestors of the Dragon Clan!"

"Spells are forbidden inside!"

The implication is obvious!

Fighting can!

But spells can't be used!

"Okay, let's all go inside!"

With Ao Han's order, more than two hundred people flew into the vortex one after another!

Enter the Space-Time Vortex!

The picture in front of Chen Nan's eyes changed!

It's a barren land!

The air is filled with yellow dust!

There is no end in sight at a glance!

But faintly you can see the outline of a mountain in the distance!


Chen Nan also felt a powerful and divine power!

Invisibly, there seemed to be a dragon chant above the nine heavens!

"Brother Chen Nan, how about we walk side by side?" Ao Ding appeared behind him, looking the same as his father, very responsible, it was difficult to let go of Mei Niang leaving him!

"Yes!" Chen Nan answered with a smile!

He was not familiar with Longling!

If a dragon clan member travels together, it will also help him find the dragon grass!

The two walked side by side, and Ao Ding suddenly said, "You know about Meiniang, right?"

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "It's really unexpected!"

"I also thought that the mei girl was my true love, but... I didn't expect that she would kick me! Ao Ding showed a grievance, painful expression!

Chen Nan patted him on the shoulder and comforted him softly: "Women are the most complex animals in the world, just the so-called needle in the heart of women, especially the kind of women who love vanity, don't be easily emotional!"

Ao Ding said with admiration: "Or you have foresight!"

Then he diverted the topic: "What are you looking for in Longling?"

Chen Nan said, "I heard that the Dragon Teng Grass can cure a hundred poisons, right?"

Ao Ding looked him up and down: "Are you poisoned?"

"I was hit by unknown poison when I was a child, and then I swallowed other poisons and used poison to fight poison and relieve the poison in my body!" Chen Nandao: "I suspect that the reason why I can't step into the Earth Immortal Realm may be the cause of the toxin!"

"So I want to come to Longling to try my luck!"

Ao Ding was relieved!

Chen Nan: "What about you?" What are you looking for in Longling?

Ao Ding said casually: "Meiniang left me, I am depressed, so I came here to relax!" Chen

Nan was speechless!

In order to be able to enter the Dragon Tomb, he paid for five thousand top-grade immortal stones!

That's definitely not a small amount!

Even many ordinary immortal cultivators can't earn so much wealth in their entire lives!

And the other party entered the Dragon Tomb because he was idle and bored!

Came here just to distract yourself!!


It doesn't cost money for the clansmen of the Dragon Clan to enter the Dragon Tomb!

It's completely differentiated!

"Let's go, brother help you find the Dragon Teng Grass, if anyone dares to rob it with you, see how Lao Tzu repairs him!" Ao Ding patted Chen Nan's shoulder, appearing very kind!

In fact, his impression of Chen Nan was not bad!

Although at first he thought that Chen Nan was a big wrongdoer!

But it turns out...

Their father and son are the great wrongdoers!

Chen Nan was overjoyed: "In this way, there is Brother Lao Aoding!" "

Ao Ding's status in the Dragon Clan is not very high!

But his father Ao Han held an important position!

According to the words of the earth, this is a second generation of guan!

Others will give him more or less some face!

One hour later!

Chen Nan and Ao Ding came to the continuous mountain range!

Without the sand and dust in the sky, he also saw what this mountain range was!

This was actually the corpse of a pale golden dragon with a body length of more than tens of thousands of meters!

Standing in front of the faucet makes people feel small!

It's as if this is a mountain!

"Is this the ancestor of the Dragon Clan?" Chen Nan looked at Ao Ding on the side!

Ao Ding nodded solemnly: "Yes, this is the ancestor of our dragon clan, a rare four-clawed golden dragon!" "

Chen Nan is relieved!

Among the dragon clan, the five-clawed golden dragon has the strongest strength!

Although the dragon in front of him only had four claws, he could imagine how terrifying he was when he was alive!

Chen Nan couldn't help but ask, "Brother Ao Ding, why did the ancestor of your dragon clan fall?"

Ao Ding shook his head: "The old ancestor has fallen for many years, and no one in the clan knows why he fell!" Okay, don't talk about this, hurry up and find the Dragon Grass!

"I took the Dragon Teng Grass before, and they live near the remains of my ancestors!"

"It is said that the Dragon Teng Grass was transformed by the essence blood of the ancestors!"

"Do you know what the Dragon Grass looks like?"

"I tell you, the dragon grass is different from ordinary grass, the leaves on it are all golden, and the leaves have dragon scales!"

Chen Nan's eyes lit up, and he looked at the golden plant in the distance and said, "Is it it?"

Ao Ding: "Yes, that is the Dragon Grass!" Chen

Nan walked over quickly!

Excitement in my heart!

He never expected that he would find the Dragon Teng Grass so easily!

Thanks to Ao Ding, the big wrongdoer, walking with himself!

Otherwise, it wouldn't have gone so smoothly at all!

It's a no-brainer!

As long as he has the Dragon Grass, he can dissolve the spider poison in his body and restore the characteristics of a man!

Just thinking about it, he was a little excited!

And just as Chen Nan bent down to pick that Dragon Grass, a sword light broke through the air and forced him back more than ten meters!

Immediately, a playful voice came: "Dragon Grass, and your life, which one do you want?" "

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