It doesn't matter if you leave alive!

The important thing!

If Fan Peng is still alive and tells the Dragon King about his relationship with the Poultry Clan!


The dragon clan must be spying on themselves secretly!

It is even possible that he has known the conversation between himself and Ao Xiaoyu before!

If so!

Not only did he have to die!

Even Ao Xiaoyu will be burdened by himself!

A sense of oppression!

A sense of oppression!

An invisible sense of oppression enveloped his body and mind!

It almost suffocates him!

One thing is certain!

As long as he leaves the Dragon Tomb, he will be attacked and hunted down by the Dragon Clan powerhouse!


Chen Nan had never felt such a panic and unease!

It's okay to be in Longling!

After all, the powerhouses who surpass the Golden Immortal Realm cannot enter!

With his strength, no one in the Dragon Tomb could help him!

But once you leave!

He will surely become the fish on the board!


"Why do the people of the Dragon Clan want to spoil me one after another?"

"It must be to verify Fan's words of repentance!"

"Because the Dragon Clan can't believe his words!"

"But if he says that the purpose of my trip is to detoxify the dragon grass!"

"Then the Dragon Clan will definitely believe what happened between me and him!"

"I will believe in my relationship with the poultry clan!"

"As long as I hit the idea of dragon tengcao, it is equivalent to solidifying the relationship with the poultry clan!"

"All this is just a temptation!"

Chen Nan made the key clear!

But not so panicked!

Since it is safe to stay in the Dragon Tomb!

Then plan ahead during this safe period!

"Want to wait for Lao Tzu to go out and get me?"

"I'll go and paralyze you!"

"See who can get ahead!"

The ruthlessness in Chen Nan's heart was activated!

He was scared!

Because he doesn't even know what it's like to be ruthless!

"Brother Chen Nan, if you can't find the Dragon Teng Grass and can't solve the poison on your body, what are your plans?" Ao Ding suddenly asked with concern!

Chen Nan: "If that's the case, there is no way!"

As soon as his voice changed, he said, "Brother Ao Ding, if, I mean if, if someone deceives you, what will you do?"

Ao Ding was stunned, and then laughed: "That's good, at least, I still have the value of being deceived and used!" "

He smiled brightly!

Chen Nan was speechless!

When I thought about it, Ao Ding's situation in the Dragon Clan was relieved!

Ao Han is the deacon of the dragon clan!

His position is not high, not low!

So much so that no one plays with Ao Ding at all!

The high status can't look at him!

Those with short status are not willing to bother him!

Because of this, he has no friends at all!


For him, being deceived or used by others can also reflect the meaning of his existence!

"Brother Chen Nan, look quickly, there is a dragon grass in front!" Ao Ding's voice suddenly came!

Chen Nan looked ahead fiercely!

A dragon grass sways in the wind!

"This Dragon Grass is mine, no one can snatch it away!"

Chen Nan didn't want to expose his strength!

But now!

Since the dragon clan knows his identity, there is no need to hide it!


His figure was like the wind, and he instantly flew towards that Dragon Grass!

"Groove, so fast?"

Ao Ding gasped!

He always thought that Chen Nan was a weakling!

But I didn't expect that the other party's speed would be so fast!

To put it bluntly, his speed can even surpass the fastest speed of his humanoid state!

"This Dragon Grass is mine, you are not qualified to touch it!"

As Chen Nan expected!

Just when he was just approaching that Dragon Grass!

A middle-aged man came out from behind the boulder on the side, and he directly slashed at Chen Nan with an open axe!

The board axe tore through the void and erupted into a deafening sonic boom!

Ao Ding exclaimed: "Brother Chen Nan be careful, his name is Ao Wu, and he has the peak realm of the five layers of the Golden Immortal!" "

Golden Immortal Five Layer?" Chen Nan's eyes were hideous, and he directly removed the long stick on his back!


The long stick roared out, instantly destroying the plate axe in Ao Wu's hand, and blasted his whole person out thousands of meters!




Ao Ding was stunned!

What the is going on here?

Am I hallucinating?

If there is no hallucination, why did a Mahayana stage cultivator smash a super strong person at the peak of the fifth layer of the Golden Immortal with a stick?

This! He! Mother! Combine! Reason! Is it?!

A stick smashed Ao Wu, Chen Nan grabbed the Dragon Teng Grass, directly stuffed it into his mouth and chewed it!

The Dragon Grass Fruit is worthy of being the treasure of the dragon clan!

After entering the abdomen, a pure medicinal effect suddenly spread!

Make him feel comfortable!

The most important thing is that there is also induction below!

Dragon Grass can really detoxify!


Figures are flying in all directions!

Directly surround Chen Nan and Ao Ding!

One of them was wearing a golden robe, with a sharp head and a pair of vertical pupils!

At a glance, you can tell that it is a ruthless character!

Ao Ding's face changed!

I didn't expect that these people who entered the Dragon Tomb Trial would appear at the same time!

And surround him and Chen Nan!

Without much thought, he hurriedly saluted the young man at the head: "I have seen His Royal Highness Thirteen!" Chen

Nan's heart moved!


The youngest son of the Dragon King?

Ao Thirteen glanced at Chen Nan with an intriguing smile on his face: "Chen Nan, right? I have someone here that you should know! With

those words, he spread out his right hand!

A green demon spider appeared in the palm of your hand!

This demon spider is Fan Penance!

Fan Peng looked at Chen Nan with fierce eyes: "Chen Nan, I didn't expect me to be alive, right?"

Chen Nan smacked his lips: "It's really unexpected!"

"What I don't understand is, how did you manage to evade my search and survive?" Although he saw Fan's repentance, he was still full of doubts!

Fan Peng smiled wickedly: "Didn't you Terrans often say that it was dark under the lamp?" When you kill my Buddha-figure that day, I will hide under your collar!"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "No wonder!" No wonder! The

demon spider turned his body, looked at Ao Thirteen, and said respectfully, "Your Highness Thirteen, can you believe my words now?" Chen Nan mixed into the Dragon Clan just to obtain the Dragon Teng Grass to remove the spider poison in his body!

"Everything I said is true, including his relationship with the Poultry Clan!"

Ao Thirteen stared at Chen Nan, his eyes indifferent: "The surname Chen, do you want to tie up your hands, or do you want my people to destroy you?"

"Don't think about getting out of here alive!"

"Because no one can save you!"

"Of course, it's impossible for Ao Xiaoyu to leave!"

It's obvious!

The Dragons already knew their plans!

Ao Xiaoyu is a carefully polished knife of the dragon clan against the bird clan!

They can't let their plans be ruined!

"Do you think you can catch me?" Chen Nan grinned: "I'm sorry, I've already learned the Dapeng Technique, you guys can't catch me!" With

that, he flew quickly towards the exit!

"Chase, you must not let him leave alive!" Ao Thirteen's eyes were cold, the Dragon Clan had a population of nearly 10 million, once Chen Nan fled back, it would be difficult to find him even if he wanted to!

Just when everyone chased Chen Nan to the exit, they found that he was blocking here with a long stick in his hand!

Ao XIII sneered: "Why didn't you run?" Do you know that there are many masters waiting outside?

"I never wanted to escape, I'm here to prevent you guys from escaping!" Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent!

One person and one stick, like a husband and a god!

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