The scene was silent!

Those masters of the dragon clan want to escape!

But you can't escape!

Of course, they didn't want to succumb to Chen Nan either!

"Lao Tzu chose you Immortal Plate!"

Ao Thirteen roared angrily, holding a long sword, and instantly appeared in front of Chen Nan!

As a core disciple of the Dragon Clan!

Even if he died, he would not be loyal to Chen Nan!

It's about dragon dignity!

"Get out!"

Chen Nan slapped it and pumped it out hundreds of meters!

The reason why I didn't use it to convince people with virtue...

It's just afraid that I'll accidentally kill Ao XIII!

The young son of the Dragon King, this identity is very weighty!

You can't kill it easily!

"You forced me, you forced me!"

Ao Thirteen Qiqi sprayed blood, he squeezed it with both hands, and a large bronze bowl appeared above his head!

There are mysterious runes on it!

It looks quaint and desolate!

In addition to this, there is a terrifying devouring power!

"Heaven-swallowing bowl?"

"This is one of the three major killing weapons of my dragon clan, and it is a inheritance thing!"

"With this thing, Chen Nan will die!"

Those people of the Dragon Clan all shone with their eyes!

"Watch out for this!" Ao Ding's soul sent a message to Chen Nan: "The Heaven Swallowing Bowl is one of the three major killing weapons of my dragon clan, although urging it will consume a lot of essence blood, but urging this thing with Ao Thirteen's strength can completely melt you!" "

Although Chen Nan deceived him!

But compared to Chen Nan, he hated the people of the Dragon Clan even more!

The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl erupted in the air with terrifying devouring power!

Then it flashed and floated over Chen Nan!

But right now!

A stunning scene happened!

The power of devouring suddenly disappeared!

Then the heaven-swallowing bowl weakly fell on Chen Nan's head!


After the Heaven Swallowing Bowl fell on Chen Nan's head, it fell to the ground and landed at his feet!

Chen Nan's eyes were resentful: "In our hometown, throwing objects from height is going to jail..." Also, you don't want to smash me with this bowl, do you? Ao

Thirteen was stunned!

Your mother!

What is this situation?

How did the Sky Swallowing Bowl fail?

Without much thought, he squeezed his hands and wanted to control the Heaven Swallowing Bowl!

He swallowed the heavenly bowl but did not respond!

"Get up!"

"Get me up!"

"Get up!"

Ao XIII's mentality collapsed!

Why are there so many unreasonable things?

"How about I get it up?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth rose, and his spiritual power was injected into the Heaven Swallowing Bowl!


Next moment!

The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl burst out with a dazzling blue light and rushed into the sky!

It's like a dome, shrouding this world!

"Are you the devil?"

"This is the inheritance treasure of my dragon clan!"

"Why can you steer?"

Those disciples of the Dragon Clan were all dumbfounded!

Ao XIII is even more bloodless!

He didn't know why things had come to this point!

But he knows!

When the Heaven Swallowing Bowl was controlled by Chen Nan, they fell into a desperate situation!


Chen Nan spoke!

The terrifying devouring power erupted in the Heaven Devouring Bowl!

Swallow all the masters of the dragon clan into it!

Even if their bodies are very burly, the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl gives people the feeling that they can contain all things in heaven and earth!

"Young Master Chen, why can you control the Dragon Clan's inheritance killing weapon?" A bird clan expert had a puzzled face, and he couldn't understand why Chen Nan could control the dragon clan's inheritance killing weapon!

"I don't know what's going on!" Chen Nan's heart moved!

The heaven-swallowing bowl fell into his palm!

You can clearly see the dragon clan powerhouse inside like an ant!

Then he looked at the man in his right hand!

He could feel that the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl was somewhat similar to the breath of serving people with virtue!

Perhaps, this is why he can control the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!

"Give you one last chance, all swear allegiance to me!"

"If not, I will refine you now!"

Chen Nan spoke!

Spiritual power was also injected into the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!

Next second!

There was a hysterical scream from the Heaven-Swallowing Bowl!

Those dragon clan powerhouses all felt the terrifying energy, and they had no doubt that this energy could melt them!

"I surrender, I surrender!"

"I swear allegiance to you!"

The powerhouses of the dragon clan all felt panic and deep unease!

Although they do not want to surrender, they do not want to die even more!

"I send it too..." Remorseful and want to swear!

But he was an ordinary demon spider at this time, and he completely melted before he finished speaking!

Very humiliating way to die!

"Chen Nan, I swear allegiance to you, go up the Dao Mountain and go down the sea of fire, please let us out quickly!" Ao Thirteen screamed, he had transformed into a silver dragon, but the energy in the heaven-swallowing bowl melted his dragon scales!

"I have to finish swearing before everyone can let you out!"

The oath is like an invisible rope!

Very small!

Wrapped around his soul!

As long as he has one thought, he can make the other party's soul fly!

Wait until everyone swears!

Chen Nan's heart moved, and he released the dragon clan powerhouse in the heaven-swallowing bowl!

Together with the clansmen of foreign races, there are a total of two hundred and nineteen people!

After all, Chen Nan killed one before!

At this time!

These two hundred and nineteen people are like frosted eggplants, completely wilted!

"Tell me where Ao Xiaoyu is, and whether your dragon clan has laid a net outside!" Chen Nan spoke!

Ao Thirteen said, "Ao Xiaoyu was arrested and is now imprisoned in her mansion!"

"As for you..."

"There are indeed many masters outside, not a heaven and earth net!"

In the eyes of the dragon clan, Chen Nan was just an ant!

Even if he has a strength comparable to the Golden Immortal Realm!

Even if you have the Desolate Ancient Body!

But before he grows up, he is just a mortal!

Chen Nan asked again, "What is your Dragon Clan's plan?"

Ao XIII shook his head: "Although I am the son of my father, I don't know his plan!" Chen

Nan didn't suspect anything at this!

He could feel if Ao XIII was lying!

As for what medicine is sold in the Dragon King Gourd, it is unknown!

"Get out of here first, and cover me to Xiaoyu's mansion after leaving!" Chen Nan's plan was simple, first rescue Ao Xiaoyu, and then summon the Golden-winged Roc Bird!

After all!

This is in the Dragon Clan!

He didn't think that he could kill those strong people of the Dragon Clan on his own!


Chen Nan flew out of the Dragon Tomb first!

Just came to shore!

I saw Ao Han and the others looking at him fiercely!

Among them, there are also several elders of the dragon clan!

"Chen Nan, I didn't expect you to come out alive, but we underestimated your strength!" An old man with white hair had a face full of anger: "However, even if you come out, it will be difficult to escape death!"

"Just because of you, do you want to kill me too?" Chen Nan grinned!

His smile is cold and creepy!

"Don't you want to know what happened in the Dragon Tomb?"


"Kill me?!"

"You'd better move me and try it!"

Roar, roar, roar!

A deafening dragon chant came from the Dragon Tomb!

Immediately after that, more than a hundred dragons appeared behind Chen Nan!

Their faces were full of hideousness, and they glared angrily at those dragon clan powerhouses!

The sudden scene shocked everyone!

They didn't know at all why these young powerhouses of the Dragon Clan appeared behind Chen Nan!

The old man at the head subconsciously swallowed his saliva and looked at Ao XIII: "Your Highness Thirteen, is he threatening you?" If yes, you wink!

Ao XIII let out a deafening dragon groan: "Chen Nan is our master, if you want to kill him, you are our enemy!" "

The dragon clan powerhouses are stunned!

Who would have thought that Chen Nan would accept the strong among the younger generation of the Dragon Clan?

And there is also the son of the dragon king in this?

How the is this still fighting?

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