Xia Ren: "Yes, he said his name is Chen Nan!" "

Concubine Yu has tears in her eyes!

It's been more than three years since I came back!

She misses Chen Nan every day!

I look forward to his early return!

But three years have passed!

She couldn't help but think!

Is Chen Nan still alive?

If not, why not come?

When her parents forced marriage, she was ready to die!

Because she doesn't want to marry someone she doesn't like!


The news that Chen Nan appeared was like a light in the darkness!

Illuminated her life!

Don't think about it!

She lifted her skirt and dashed outside!

The drawing room is not far from the gate!

But to her, it seems to cross thousands of mountains and rivers!


She saw the figure of the twilight!

He carries a long black stick and wears a white robe!

Resolute facial features, deep eyes!

Isn't that the person she thinks about day and night?

"Brother Chen, you're finally here!" Concubine Yu threw herself into his arms, tears of joy running down her eyes and down her cheeks!

"If you're okay!" Chen Nan hugged her tightly, and there was a moment of peace in his heart!

He is like a duckweed drifting without roots!

Except for finding a sense of presence in the poultry family, there has always been no fixed place to live!

And now!

He has that presence again!

It was brought by Concubine Yu!

"What kind of system is it to hug and hug other men?" Yu Mingzhi chased out with a gloomy face!

He himself explicitly forbade his daughter to cut off with someone she knew before, not to mention that the two were still hugging each other in public at this time!

This in itself is difficult for him to accept!

What's more, Han Wonsan is on the side!

If it angers him!

How can a daughter marry into the wealthy family of the Han family?

Sure enough!

Seeing Concubine Yu and Chen Nan hugging each other!

A happy face!

Han Wonshan's handsome face showed hatred that could not be concealed!

Although he and Concubine Yu have not yet become married!

But in his heart, he had long regarded Concubine Yu as his wife!

And now...

The two hugged each other in public!

What is the difference between this and cuckolding him?

"Hands off, hands off!" Mother Guan Hanliu separated the two angrily and looked at Concubine Yu angrily: "As a woman who has not yet left the cabinet, don't you feel very humiliated like this?"

Concubine Yu's eyes were firm: "Father and mother, Brother Chen is my sweetheart, and I have long been in love with him!"

"Apart from him, I will never marry anyone else in this life!"

Mother Guan Hanliu's face was gloomy: "Look at him, in terms of appearance and cultivation, which point can be compared to Young Master Han?"

"Not to mention that Young Master Han comes from a famous family, is he comparable?"

"I tell you, you died that heart while it was too early!"

"As long as I'm alive, I don't agree to the two of you dating!"

"Only Young Master Han is your good match!"

Hear this!

The expression on Han Yuanshan's face eased a little, but he still said: "Uncle Yu, Aunt Guan, the engagement day is tentatively set for three days later, and I will send someone over then!"

"Good, good, good!"

Yu Mingzhi and Guan Hanliu are overjoyed!

As long as Han Wonshan doesn't have this matter and is worried about it, then it's okay!

Han Yuanshan's eyes were indifferent, and he glared at Chen Nan and left angrily!

"Father, mother, I am here today!" Concubine Yu's eyes were red: "Even if I die, I won't marry Han Yuanshan!"

"You have always lived here, don't you know who Han Wonshan is?"

"He is a kid who doesn't learn and doesn't have any skills, and is addicted to the land of fireworks all day!"

Concubine Yu entered the Xuan Yu Gate a few years ago!

Although only come back once in a while!

But also know Han Wonsan's conduct!

Yu Mingzhi said, "I know that the young master of the Han family often goes to the land of fireworks, but who said that men can't go to the hook bar to listen to music?"

After saying this, he secretly looked at his wife and gave her a look!

Signal not to take her seriously, you just talk!

Guan Hanliu received her husband's gaze and said, "Your father is right, it doesn't hurt for a man to occasionally go to the hook bar to listen to music, especially Young Master Han is still the heir of the Han family!"

"Tired and bored, what's wrong with going to a song?"

Concubine Yu's face turned pale: "In that case, then you let my father go to the hook bar to listen to the music!"

"Bastard, did you talk like that?" Guan Hanliu was furious!

But Concubine Yu looked at her with aggrieved eyes: "So, you know better than me that there is no so-called hook to listen to music at all!"

Yu Mingzhi sighed, as if he knew that his statement was unconvincing, so he said, "Yes, I admit that the young master of the Han family often went to the land of fireworks in the early years!"

"But that's all when you were young!"

"As far as I know, I haven't been to the land of fireworks in more than ten years!"

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Young Master Han has changed!"

"Just as the so-called person is not a sage, why can't we give him a chance?"

Concubine Yu asked rhetorically: "Do you really believe that dogs can quit eating?"

Yu Mingzhi was embarrassed and angry: "Don't talk nonsense, three days later, an engagement ceremony will be held with Young Master Han, as for Chen Nan, you'd better break off contact!"

"If not, don't blame me for not missing the relationship between father and daughter!"

Concubine Yu's eyes were full of grievances: "Father, Brother Chen saved my life!"

"If it weren't for him, I would have died in the demon race a long time ago, wouldn't you be able to fulfill the two of us?"

It is said that tribulation sees the truth!

What Concubine Yu really wants is that kind of life in the poultry clan!

See the truth in the plain!

"It turned out that this kid had a big life, and he was able to leave the demon clan alive!" Yu Mingzhi had obviously heard what happened to the demon race, and his attitude had also eased!

Immediately, he took out two middle-grade fairy stones: "This fairy stone can be regarded as your reward for saving my daughter, saving some flowers is enough for you to have no worries in this life!"

"Take it and hurry up, if you dare to come to my Yufu in the future, don't blame me for letting people break your dog's legs!"

Chen Nan looked stunned!

Two pieces of medium-grade fairy stones want to send themselves?

Chen Nan suddenly wanted to laugh a little!

If he took out 10,000 top-grade fairy stones, he should be able to scare Yu Mingzhi and Guan Hanliu to death, right?

After returning to his senses, Chen Nan said, "Uncle Yu, Aunt Guan, I have a good relationship with Concubine Yu, and I hope that the two of you can fulfill us!"

"I don't know what the Han family's dowry is for you, I'm willing to pay ten times!"

"I just hope that the two of you will allow me to associate with Concubine Yu!"

The last thing he lacks now is top-grade fairy stone!

More than 100,000 years of elixir!

If you can exchange these for Yu Fei's freedom, why not?

In the words of the earth, what can be solved with money is not a matter at all!

Hear Chen Nan's words!

Yu Mingzhi, Guan Hanliu, and his wife were stunned for a moment!

It seems that I didn't expect him to say such a thing!

Immediately, Guan Hanliu mocked: "A cultivator in the realm of the Mahayana period also dares to speak out?

"Do you know what the Han family's dowry is?"

"Five top-grade immortal stones, five elixirs that exceed 100,000 years!"

"Can you get these things?"

"Have you ever seen Shangpin Senshi?"

"Do you know what a hundred thousand year elixir looks like?"

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