Cao Rufeng looked at the gray-robed old man, his eyes full of doubts

: "Wu Laojiu, do you know something?" Wu Laojiu looked at the distant east: "It's been almost two and a half years since the battle

in the demon world, right?" Cao Rufeng nodded

! Although they were in the human

world, although they didn't know what happened in the demon

world, but on the day of the war, they all felt a terrifying force coming from the eastern world!

The intensity of that battle was no less than the battle between the eight immortal emperors in the human realm back then!

Wu Laojiu nibbled on a watermelon and said, "If someone can be unimpeded in the demon world, if there is a lightning leopard..." Cao

Rufeng frowned: "What do you

mean?" Wu Laojiu: "You know what I mean!" "You mean, Chen Nan is from the demon world?" Cao Rufeng gasped, and even a thick layer of goosebumps rose on his body!

Wu Laojiu: "There is a fable, a supreme will appear in the Terran race, who can lead the Terran to glory!"


"The world seems to have forgotten a little

!" "That person is from the demon world!" "And he has ruled the demon world!" Cao Rufeng's heart rose a huge wave


He knew that ancient fable,

and he knew that the person in the prophecy came from

the demon world

! But he didn't believe in the so-called prophecy at all!

"No, if Chen Nan is really the person in the prophecy, why is he just a Mahayana realm cultivator?" asked Cao Rufeng puzzled

! Wu Laojiu threw the watermelon skin out with his hand, not knowing where it landed, causing a burst of angry scolding!


Desolate Ancient Holy Body claims not to possess the body of an immortal, but it has combat power comparable to that of an immortal!" "However, I have also found an ancient recipe over the years!" "

It can break the curse of the Desolate Ancient Holy Body!" "It can have the body of an immortal!" Cao

Rufeng muttered, "If that guy is really a Desolate Ancient Holy Body, you can help him and give him a chance!"

Do you know what treasures I will need in that ancient recipe?"

"The elixir before the end times!" Cao

Rufeng smiled bitterly: "That's really rare

!" Wu Laojiu grinned: "However, if he can develop this teleportation array, it is not impossible to push the boat along the water and send him a chance

!" "You are really an old traitor!" Cao Rufeng sneered: "However, I advise you not to have too many illusions about Chen Nan!"

"Even if he is an ancient holy body, it is impossible to grasp my perception of

the formation!" "That's all written by my drunken ambition, even if I wake up and see it, it feels unrealistic!"



?" "The formation is so magical?"

On the way back, Chen Nan looked at the formation experience that he had purchased from Cao Rufeng for ten Lower Grade Immortal Stones!

Although he didn't think that any important information could be recorded on

it, but after reading it, Chen Nan felt like he had pushed open a door to a new world!

"The formation base is invisible, there is already a spirit!" "The formation is unpredictable

, vast as the sea, ethereal as smoke

!" "There is no trace to be found!" "There is a trace to follow

!" "Fairy stone can be

the formation base!" "Ore can be the formation base!"


All things in heaven and earth can be the foundation of the formation!" "The sun, moon, and stars can also be the foundation of the formation!" ------

Chen Nan understood these words

! He was deeply shocked

, and even felt very ridiculous!

especially with mountains, rivers, lakes and seas as the

foundation, and all things in heaven and earth

as the foundation, and the sun, moon, and stars


the foundation

After going back, Chen Nan began his retreat

! He didn't know if he had talent in the formation

! But what if he did

, if he could really arrange a teleportation array, he could completely make a splash and obtain the summoning of King Wu! He

even offered to give the right to use the teleportation formation to the other party, and then take the teleportation array to leave!

She knew that Chen Nan would be in retreat for a while in the next period, so she didn't want to affect his cultivation by his side

!" ------

Cao Rufeng said in his personal experience, the formation is unpredictable, there is no trace to be found, there is a trace to follow

!" "If it is true, I should be able to feel the formation that shrouds this city!"

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled, emptying his body and mind!

He felt the people hurriedly walking by on the street

, and he also felt the wind slowly blowing in the air

! However, he did not feel the

traces of the formation! "I practiced the Dapeng Technique, and my perception of space is different from ordinary people!"

"But why didn't I feel the fluctuation of the formation?"


Nan opened his eyes!

If the formation really has no trace to be found, there is a trace to follow

! Then why didn't he feel the fluctuations

of the formation? Could it be!

Everything recorded in the books is fake?

He walked to the window and pushed it open

! Night fell

! Zhongzhou City also became a city that never sleeps! The

bank of the Acacia River in the distance is like a fire dragon, lying quietly there!

Chen Nan said casually: " Weiwei, I got a book with personal insights about the

formation!" "The man said, there is no trace of the formation, there is a trace to follow

!" "What do you think about this?"

Yu Weiwei: "Look with your eyes!" ???

Chen Nan looked at her, revealing a strange gaze!


Weiwei: "The road is simple!"


slowly closed his eyes

! He opened them again

! The scene in front of him changed drastically! The

heavens and the earth were covered with a layer of scarlet light!"

"Could this be the protective formation of

Zhongzhou City?" Chen Nan knew that Zhongzhou City had a protective law array

! It was said that it was a ninth-level formation! It was

arranged by Cao Rufeng himself!

It was also because of this formation that he became famous in one fell swoop and became the national master of the Wu Kingdom

! Although he saw the existence of the formation,

Chen Nan was not happy! and

even inexplicably a little uneasy!

"The Hope Qi Technique was taught to me by Master in prison

!" "It is enough to be able to use it on earth

!" "But why can I also show my divine power in the immortal world!" "

Even see the City Protection Formation of Zhongzhou City?"

Chen Nan felt more and more that the master's origin was terrifying

! and he didn't know anything about him

! "Forget it, there must be a road before the car reaches the mountain, and one day the truth will be revealed!" Chen

Nan took a deep breath,

hiding the uneasiness brought to him by Wushan in his heart

! Then slowly stretched out his hand and used spiritual power and formation fluctuations to communicate!

But not long after, the power of the formation flew to his fingertips like an elf, wrapping and jumping in his fingertips

! ------

in that remote courtyard north of the city!

Cao Rufeng in his sleep sat up abruptly, his eyes full of horror: "Not good, someone has taken control of the city protection formation!"

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