The appearance of the Blood Floating Tu instantly made the atmosphere of the scene solemn! This is the sharpest knife in the Zhongzhou City Mansion! All of them are composed of strong people in the Golden Immortal Realm

! and they all have high-grade immortal armor and immortal weapons

! But whenever the Blood Float Tu appears, it is often a river of blood

! Chickens and dogs are not left!

It is precisely because of the existence of the Blood Floating Tu

that Zhongzhou City

will be peaceful.

Even if there are cultivators who want to make trouble.

I also have to touch my neck to see if it's hard enough.

Can it withstand the butcher knife of the Blood Float.

The person who led the team was named Xue Tong.

When he saw Hou Yuan, who had lost his arms, his pupils trembled violently.

Obviously, I didn't expect Hou Yuan to be injured so badly.

After returning to his senses, he looked at Chen Nan, his eyes were cold and ruthless: "You hurt Young Master Hou?" Chen

Nan frowned slightly: "The Blood Futu is the pillar of Zhongzhou City

!" "A sharp blade to protect the people of Wu Country

!" "How come today, but it has become an eagle dog in the hands of others?"

"You are looking for death!"

Hou Yuan stopped him as soon as possible: "Captain Xue, it's just a trivial matter, don't interfere in this matter!" Before

he guessed that Chen Nan was not an ordinary person.

When I heard what I said just now, I firmed up my thoughts.

This person is very strong.

It's cruel.

It can be said that there is no king's law.

But the pattern is huge.

Now, he was ninety percent sure that Chen Nan came from the Immortal Palace above his head.

He looked at Concubine Yu, endured the pain, and said apologetically: "Concubine Yu, today's matter is my fault, I sincerely apologize to you!"

I thought that after the Blood Futu appeared, Chen Nan would be arrested.

I didn't expect things to turn out like this.

After coming back to her senses, she stepped forward and quickly put her arm around Chen Nan: "Brother Chen, let's go quickly."

"This matter today is just a lesson, if you dare to bully people in the future, it will not be your pair of arms that will be broken!" Chen Nanyu patted Hou Yuan's shoulder seriously.

"Yes, yes, yes!" Hou

Yuanhe dared to say something, and quickly answered.

"I hope you can do it!"

Chen Nan and Concubine Yu swaggered towards the distance.

Hou Yuan made a look at Xue Tong, and his soul transmitted: "Send someone to follow, I want to know what the origin of this guy is

!" "If he really has a shocking background, then Xiao Ye should consider himself unlucky!"

"I will make him regret coming to this world!" Although


Chen Nan was gone,

the deeds he left behind became legends.

The arrogant Hou Yuan was slapped in the street.

And a pair of arms were scrapped.

Even if Blood Futu appeared, he did not dare to order the arrest of people.

Instead, he apologized in public.

This is something that ordinary people dare not think about.

After all, Hou Yuan has always bullied the people.


Brother Chen, why did you put such a heavy hand before?"

Chen Nan and Concubine Yu also did not have the idea of visiting the temple fair, but returned to the Star Picking Tower.

After going back, Concubine Yu asked the puzzlement in her heart.

Chen Nan: "Hou Yuan is a typical bully who is afraid of the hard, and the more you are afraid of him, the more he will become more serious."

"On the contrary.

"If you behave harder.

"He will have a brain, and the brain is not a big deal."

"The harder you are, the more frightened he becomes."

Concubine Yu suddenly realized: "Therefore, even if the Blood Futu comes, even if he wants to unload you in his heart, he does not dare to make a rash move."


She looked anxious: "In case Hou Yuan knows that you are just an ordinary person, he will definitely not let you go at that time."

"It's not a big problem, a jumping beam clown, I haven't put it in my eyes yet." Chen Nan's face was full of disdain.

In fact, when he started it, he already thought of the worst outcome.

Either he overtook control of Zhongzhou City's city defense formation and directly killed Hou Yuan.


all, he used Cao Rufeng's personal understanding to understand the way of the formation! At

that time


the guy who followed them should have informed Hou Yuan of his whereabouts?

He was also not afraid that Hou Yuan would find trouble with Yu Fei's parents.

Anyway, Concubine Yu's parents knew that a mysterious big man had given a dowry.

As long as Hou Yuan is informed of this matter, the other party will definitely not dare to mess around.

His seemingly impulsive and reckless behavior has already thought of all retreats!

The reason why Chen Nan did this.

There is also a purpose.

That is the power of testing the mold array.

When he slapped Hou Yuan's shoulder before, he punched the small bad luck array he had arranged into Hou Yuan's body.

As for the power of the formation, it is still unknown.

But he's sure.

Hou Yuan will definitely not give up.

It was just time to use him to test the power of the Bad Luck Array.

According to the records of the Qiqi Technique.

There are multiple fortunes in everyone.

But once bad luck is plagued, it will definitely be a disaster.

It's just that on Earth, Chen Nan didn't have the cultivation of the Eight Classics of Hope Qi at all.


He looked at Concubine Yu, who was chatting with Yu Weiwei.

I wanted to see her fortunes,

but I found that she had a bloody light.

And strongly.

"Why is there a blood light qi in Concubine Yu's body

?" "What exactly must happen to have such a thick blood light qi?"

a sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

This bloody aura directly enveloped her lifespan.

If it is not resolved, she will definitely die.

"Why are you looking at me like this?"

Chen Nan's straightforward eyes made Yu Fei's heart feel ape.

She couldn't resist Chen Nan's charm at all.

Or even a look.

"Who made you look so good?" Chen Nan's mouth seemed to be smeared with honey.

Concubine Yu's face turned red, and she said to Yu Weiwei: "Enter the dormant state!" Yu Weiwei

slowly closed her eyes.

Concubine Yu blushed and said, "Brother Chen, it's late at night, or I won't go back tonight, can I rest here?"

Chen Nan grinned.


Even if I can't eat it, you'll feel sorry for me." "


beautiful night passed in a flash.


Had breakfast.

Chen Nan and Concubine Yu left the Star Picking Tower.

First, I went to East Street to buy some pastries.

According to Concubine Yu, when she came to visit Cao Rufeng with her master, she bought osmanthus cakes from East Street.

This is Cao Rufeng's favorite pastry.

Don't get tired of eating.

After that, I went to buy two altars of peach blossom wine.

With the wine and pastries, they went towards Cao Rufeng's house! Just as

Chen Nan expected! No matter where they went, there was a strong man of the Golden Immortal Realm secretly following behind them! When they saw Chen Nan and Concubine Yu going to Cao Rufeng's house with gifts!

The strong man of the Golden Immortal Realm immediately used the transmission jade card, his tone trembled, and he informed Hou Yuan of the matter: "Young Master, those two went to Cao Guoshi's house!"

Hou Yuan gasped: "Lying groove, they went to Cao Guoshi's house?"

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