"Hou Chen, are you guilty?" the

mighty voice echoed throughout Zhongzhou City.

This moment.

Countless people raised their heads in unison.

I saw an old man wearing a white robe with white hair appear in midair.

"Lord Mu, the lower official is wronged, the lower official is wronged!"

Hou Chen was completely panicked.

The judge is in charge of the sword of punishment in the Kingdom of Wu.

If a court official broke the law, the judge would take the sword of judgment and kill him.

This is also a super powerhouse of the eighth-level Immortal Emperor level.

They don't make easy moves.

Once you get out of the way, that's no small matter.

"The judge never wrongs any good

person!" "He will not spare a wicked person!" Lord

Mu's eyes were indifferent: "Since you don't admit guilt, then this official will help you recall the memories."

"You saved a mysterious woman three thousand years ago?"

Lord Mu: "Then do you know who the other party is?" Hou

Chen said truthfully: "Xiaguan saw that she was seriously injured, so he took her to his home to heal her injuries.

"After the injury healed, the woman left!" Lord

Mu: "She is the princess of the Demon Clan!" "


Let an inexplicable fear rise in Hou Chen's heart.

Lord Mu: "Over the years, I have frequently found people practicing Demon Race exercises in the territory of Wu Kingdom

!" "She is the culprit

!" "And the root cause of all this is because you saved

the Demon Princess!" "Do you know what crime you have committed now?" Hou

Chen shouted: "Lord Mu, I didn't know that woman was the Demon Princess!"

There is a sense of foreboding.

Lord Mu shook it in the air.

The golden palm made a crackling bone breaking sound in Hou Chen's body.

The next moment.

There was a black magic energy overflowing from his body.

"You have all practiced the Demon Race exercises, and you still say that you don't know that the other party is the Demon Princess?" Lord Mu's eyes were indifferent.

Countless people were shocked and in an uproar!

I never expected that Hou Chen actually practiced the Demon Race Exercises!"

"Why, why is this happening..." Hou Chen looked at the demonic energy overflowing in his body incredulously.

His mentality collapsed.

He didn't expect that the woman taught him the Demon Race Technique.

"What else do you have to say now?" Lord Mu's eyes were indifferent, without the slightest emotional fluctuation.

"Yes, I have something to say. Hou Chen looked at Chen Nan angrily: "This person has also practiced the Demon Race Exercises, yes, his strength is very strange, he must have practiced the Demon Race Exercises

!" "Otherwise, a Mahayana stage cultivator will not be able to resist my attack!"

Don't ask why.

Nine plants are to be condemned.


Even if you die.

Before he died, he wanted to get rid of Chen Nan by the hand of the judge.

The judge looked at Chen Nan and shot a golden light in the air.

The golden light submerged into Chen Nan's body, like a mud cow entering the sea.

It did not cause the slightest abnormality.

"He didn't practice the Demon Race Exercises!" Lord Mu's voice sounded slowly, and then a golden long sword appeared in his hand: "According to the law, those who practice the Demon Race Exercises!"

He slashed forward.

A golden sword qi was like a glimpse

of shock! "No..."

Hou Chen let out a desperate cry, and his body was hit by sword qi.

In the air, it turned into a blood mist and disappeared between heaven and earth.

He was reluctant.

It's not unwilling to die.

It was so inexplicable that he was unwilling to die,

especially what Chen Nan said.

For example, you still have time to run.

And his final countdown.


did he already know that he was going to be in great trouble?


Houchen also died!

His death brought tears to the eyes of many people in Zhongzhou City.

Because in the eyes of the people of Zhongzhou City, neither of them is a good thing.

In addition to oppressing the people, merchants.

Nothing else will be done at all.

Today, their father and son died tragically one after another.

It's a day to celebrate.


because the previous room was affected by the fighting.

So Lu Youcai arranged another room for Chen Nan.

It is also proposed that the room fee is free.

After all, Hou Chen's trouble to find Chen Nan in the Star Picking Tower was their unfavorable protection.

Chen Nan didn't say anything about this.

But what he didn't expect was.

The bloody light disaster on Concubine Yu's head still hasn't disappeared.

On the contrary, it is more intense than before.


What the hell is going on?" "Why is Hou Chen also dead, but the bloody aura on Concubine Yu's head is still there?"

Chen Nanbai was puzzled.

He held his breath and concentrated.

I want to see through the truth behind it.

Only to find that nothing can be seen through.

"No, no, no, no!"

"Master said that everyone has multiple fortunes.

"If you can see the fortune above someone's head, you can see what the other person has experienced or is going through."

"Unless... This thing has to do with me!"

A strong uneasiness rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Thinking of this, he looked at Concubine Yu and said with a smile: "Concubine, if you have lunch later, you can go home!" "

Brother Chen, am I delaying you?"

She enjoyed being with Chen Nan.

No matter what to do.

As long as she has him by her side, she will be very solid and satisfied.

Chen Nan: "Mainly for fear that your parents will have doubts.

"Obedient, go back first."

"When I'm done with my plan, I'll go to your house to pick up a kiss."

Chen Nan had a hunch that Concubine Yu's accident must be because of herself.

That's why.

Only then will he let Concubine Yu return home.

Concubine Yu could only respond sullenly.

"Remember, don't leave the house when you go back. If you encounter danger, summon me as soon as possible!" Chen Nan instructed seriously before leaving.

He didn't know exactly what was going to happen.

It can only be adapted to change.

In fact, he wanted to withdraw the bloody light disaster in Concubine Yu's body and avoid her crisis.


That bloody calamity was too intense.

Even he can't pull away.

That's it.

Concubine Yu reluctantly left the Star Picking Tower.

Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled and continued to try to arrange the teleportation array.

Unlike the Common Law Formation.

The teleportation formation is a space law array.

It is not easy to set up.

Time flies.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

Chen Nan's space law array also took shape.

With the naked eye.

A small nine-storey transparent tower can be seen slowly rotating.

In the middle is a green soul.

It transmits the received message.

"Yu Weiwei, did you buy the jade brand you bought?" Chen Nan looked at Yu Weiwei, who was as well-behaved as a maid.

"The host, already helped you buy it. Yu Weiwei gave the jade medal she bought to Chen Nan.

Chen Nan pinched the trick with one hand, entered the number of two jade cards in the formation soul, and then handed one to Yu Weiwei: "You take it out, try how it works

!" "Look at the maximum communication range!"

Yu Weiwei turned and left.

As Chen Nan expected, the idea of arranging a summons formation worked.

And the coverage area is also fifty kilometers.

Not very far though though.

But just arrange a few more summonses.

Wouldn't it be able to cover the entire Zhongzhou City?

Chen Nan felt a burst of excitement in his heart, and picked up the summons token to inform Concubine Yu of this happy news.


In the transmission jade card, there was a scream from Concubine Yu: "Brother Chen save me..."

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