
! The door was kicked open

! Immediately after

! A figure that surprised Chen Nan walked in! Wu Sheng! The young man that Chen Nan rescued in the bandits' den when he came

to Zhongzhou City! After coming to Zhongzhou City, the two parted ways

! Seeing Wu Sheng appear!


flash of panic flashed in Butler Mu's eyes!

He hurriedly stood up and knelt on the ground with a pop: "I have seen His Highness Nineteen!" The

other four also knelt on the ground for the first time

! Chen Nan's heart trembled

! He did not expect that Wu Sheng was actually His Highness the Nineteenth

! It is said that Wu Sheng is the youngest son of

King Wu and the son who is the most unpopular with King Wu!

And the main reason why Wu Sheng was not welcomed by King Wu...

It was because his personality was most like King

Wu! The two of them quarreled all day

! So,

King Wu drove him out of the Immortal Palace in a fit of anger

! "Sword come!" Wu

Sheng stretched out his hand to the butler behind him

! The other party immediately handed over an immortal sword!

The strong man who shot at Chen Nan before had a sallow face and a trembling tone: "Your Highness Nineteen Rao..."

Wu Sheng split it in half!

"Poof!" "Poof!" "Poof!" "


!" Wu

Sheng held the fairy sword in his hand, like chopping firewood, and killed four powerhouses of the True Immortal Realm in an instant!

Steward Mu was so frightened that his face turned bloodless and trembled, even

Chen Nan didn't expect Wu Sheng to be so decisive!

He didn't give the other party a chance to speak

!" "Butler Mu, you are very arrogant!" Wu Sheng put the long sword on Butler Mu's neck: "Go back and tell Wu Di that Chen Nan is

my lifesaver!" "If he dares to attack my lifesaver, don't blame me for not missing the old love and turning my face with him!"

Although Butler Mu was very arrogant before

, he did not dare to be presumptuous in front

of Wu Sheng! Because he knew the terrifying thing about this master

! Don't talk about

him! Even King Wu didn't put it in his eyes

! If Wu Di, the king of Xiaoyao, made people fearful

! Then Wu Sheng was terrifying! Because

he offended him, he really dared to cut people with a sword

! Well!

He once slashed King Wu with a long sword...

Wu Sheng shouted angrily: "Get out!"

Butler Mu ran out with a roll

! "Brother Chen, how about we change rooms to eat?" Wu Sheng put away the long sword, and instantly recovered the big boy who looked a little restrained and shy before!


changing rooms, Wu Sheng inquired about the contradiction between Chen Nan

and Wu Di! After learning what happened, Wu Sheng said: "Wu Di is arrogant and domineering, and seeing that the money is open, it is normal to do this kind of thing!"

Chen Nan said, "Nineteen Halls..."

Wu Sheng interrupted Chen Nan's words, and said with a slight displeasure: "Brother Chen, we are not outsiders, you can just call me by name, it sounds cordial

like this!" "A mouthful of Nineteenth Highness, I sound too awkward!" Chen

Nan smiled: "That's okay, let's be brothers!" "

Yes, it has to be like this!" Wu Sheng grinned

! He didn't like others to call him His Nineteenth Highness!

After drinking a glass of wine, Wu Sheng began to complain: "You are really a

person!" "I summoned you the jade card before, and if you encounter something that can't be solved, you will summon

me!" "It's not a brother I say big things

!" "In this Zhongzhou City, there is nothing I can't solve

at all!" "This time thanks to me eating here

!" "Otherwise, the third person will definitely not give up!"

Chen Nan smiled bitterly: "Mainly, I didn't expect King Xiaoyao to be so aggressive

!"Okay, even if Wu Sheng doesn't appear, he can solve Butler Mu and those four masters!


Nan said: "Wu Sheng, I want to take the teleportation array to the Middle Continent, can you help with this?"

What are you going to do in the Middle Continent?" Chen

Nan: "Looking for

people!" Wu Sheng touched his head, looking a little embarrassed: "Only the father has the power to open the transnational teleportation array, and the number of people who teleport each time is very small

!" "If I hadn't slashed his sword after drinking, it would definitely be okay to give you a place!"

"Brother Chen,

I'll punish myself for three cups

!" Chen Nan was so shocked that he couldn't say anything!

Good fellow

, as a son, he actually cut his father with a sword?

Wu Sheng continued: "Brother Chen, don't be discouraged!" "

Anyway, there are still more than four years before the next teleportation!"

Perhaps, before this, I can ease the relationship with my father

!" "At that time, I can help you get a place!" Chen

Nan cleared his throat: "What I want to say is, under normal circumstances, how can I get the qualification to ride

the teleportation array?" Wu Shengyan said concisely: "Money

!" "As far as I know, if you want to qualify for riding the transnational teleportation array, you need to pay 100,000 top-grade immortal stones!"

Chen Nan was overjoyed in his heart!

He now has 700,000 top-grade fairy stones in his hands!

If this matter can be handled with money

, it is nothing to

him, but at this time

, Wu Sheng poured cold water on him again: "Brother Chen, that moody man in my family, ghosts don't know what kind of strange rules he will make!"

"He actually proposed that people contribute ten watermelons

!" "Where do you say to find watermelons in the winter?" "

This is obviously embarrassing!" Speaking

of this, Wu Sheng looked indignant

! He seemed to dislike King Wu's style

! Chen Nan had a faint sadness

! If so!

"It's my lifesaver

!" "I'll definitely help you handle this matter

!" ------

Just as Chen Nan and Wu Sheng were drinking

, Butler Mu also returned to the Xiaoyao Royal Mansion with a panicked expression!"

Third Master, the old slave was ineffective and failed to complete your task!" Butler Mu knelt on the ground, first admitting that he was incompetent, and then said: "The old slave itself can kill Chen Nan!"

"But at the critical moment, His Highness Nineteen broke in

!" "He said that Chen Nan was his lifesaver!" "He

also said that if the third master you find trouble with Chen Nan..."

"Don't blame him for not missing the old love and turning his face with you!" Wu

Di was sitting in the yard petting the cat, and after hearing Butler Mu's words, an intriguing smile flashed on his feminine face: "Little Nineteen shouldn't think I'm afraid of him?"

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