
are you, actually threatening Young Master Qingchen?"

"Quickly kneel down and beg for mercy

!" "If not, I will definitely make your heads different!" Several

young people behind Qing Chen roared angrily

! "Find death!" A

cold light flashed in Wu Sheng's eyes!

The sword qi of Pi Lian whistled out from his fingertips, and instantly beheaded those people

! "No


"Young Master Qingchen help

!" "Kill him, kill him to avenge us!" Those

young people let out heart-rending screams!

Because people who have been beheaded by their waists can see their heads in different places;

they can see their undominated lower bodies

! They can also see their internal organs scattered to the ground

! The kind of powerless despair is more frightening than death

! Qing Chen and Liu Rui's scalps are numb

! They never expected that Wu Sheng would kill more than ten people in public

! You must know that fighting and killing are strictly forbidden in Zhongzhou City

! See the miserable picture in front of them!

Qing Chen only felt cold all over his body, and an inexplicable uneasiness rose in his heart

! Liu Rui was even more frightened and bloodless

! She had never seen such a bloody picture!

"It's over, you're finished!" Qing Chen jumped like a thunder: "You kill people in public, ignoring the laws of Wu Kingdom, I will definitely report to the officials to arrest

you!" "No matter who you are, you have to pay a terrible price!" Wu

Sheng looked indifferent: "Report it!"

Wu Di grinned: "I want to see what the people from the official government can do to us when they come

!" Qing Chen just took out the transmission jade card

! He heard a rush of footsteps: "Who is killing people in the Floating Fragrance Pavilion?" Soon a

group of soldiers in armor surrounded them!

Seeing the person who took the lead, Qing Chen's eyes lit up: "Brother Jia, you just came, they killed people in public, ignoring the laws of the imperial court, and they should be severely punished!"

Jia Yuncheng is a person from the sixteenth guard of Zhongzhou

City! Specializing in maintaining law and order in Zhongzhou City

! Although it is not an institution with the city defense battalion, Qing Chen and Jia Yuncheng are old acquaintances! Jia Yuncheng

looked at the wealthy people on the ground who were killed, and looked at Chen Nan and the others with indifferent eyes: "Daring, Er and others dare to openly commit murder and flout the laws of the imperial court!"


!" "The people of the Sixteen Guards immediately stepped forward! Seeing this scene

! Qing Chen and Liu Rui both showed playful

eyes! The Sixteen Guards are a terrifying institution!

Once it falls into their hands, no one can have a good end

!" "I advise you not to interfere in this matter!" Wu Di's eyes were indifferent: "This matter, the water is very deep, it can drown you!"

Threatening me, right?" Jia Yuncheng's eyes widened: "Believe it or not, Laozi will kill you on the spot now

?" "Kill me?"

Wu Di was stunned, and then said with a sinister smile: "You're finished, you're about to be condemned by

the Nine Tribes!" Jia Yuncheng snorted coldly: "I am an official of the imperial court, the official residence is in the sixth rank, without the order of the emperor, who can condemn me of the Nine Tribes?"

The scene

was about to erupt

! It suddenly became much more depressed

! "Stop

!" "Who the dares to move, Lao Tzu chopped him!" At

this time,

an angry shout sounded! I

saw a middle-aged man in his forties running over from a distance

! I saw Ma Zhen!

Jia Yuncheng and Qing Chen were both taken aback

! This is the commander of the Sixteenth Guards! Although

he only has the official

rank of the third rank, he maintains the security of the entire Zhongzhou City

! Moreover, this person is ruthless

! It makes many people tremble!

What they didn't expect was that

the other party stood in front of Wu Di solemnly like a child who had done something wrong: Third Master, my subordinates have no eyes, please surrender your guilt!"

"Jia Yuncheng, Qing Chen and Liu Rui's scalp is numb!

What the

is the situation? Why is Ma Zhen so jealous

of the other party? Could it be that the other party has some powerful background?

Wu Di glanced at Jia Yuncheng with a playful face: "Your people don't believe that I can condemn him of the Nine Races, what do you think about this?" Ma

Zhen snorted and looked at Jia Yuncheng with an indifferent face: "Hurry up and abolish your cultivation and apologize to the third master

!" Jia Yuncheng swallowed his saliva wildly: "Lord, they committed murder in public

!" "Don't talk to me so much, all you have to do is obey!" Ma Zhen glanced at him with hatred, and his soul transmitted: "He is the King of Xiaoyao!" Boom


Five simple words!

A chill from the soul rushed to my heart!

I think back to what I just said...

He actually

ordered him to be arrested,

and even threatened to kill him on the spot if he resisted?

Since it is my own person, then I will give Commander Ma a face to you

!" "This matter will be turned into a big thing and a small matter!" He

didn't want to swallow his anger

! But Qing Chen knew


The other party must have a great origin!

They have just killed more than ten

people, this is a murder case!" "Just as the so-called Son of Heaven breaks the law and commits the same crime as the common people

!" "Even if they have an earth-shattering background, they must be severely punished by the law!" Her

face was full of indignation

! She was not afraid of power

! "Qing Chen, this is your woman? Is her brain in the water?" Ma Zhen frowned!


Qing Chen shouted angrily

! Liu Rui is his treasure

! He will not allow anyone to insult Liu Rui like this!

His face is full of anger: "Commander Ma, as the commander of the Sixteenth Guards, you maintain the security of the entire Zhongzhou City

!" "Now the murderers of more than ten of my brothers are in front of you

!" "You should arrest

them!" "Instead of colluding with them!"

Have you forgotten the mission and duty on your shoulders?" "Have you forgotten that the Son of Heaven committed the same crime as the common people?" Ma

Zhen's face was grim! As

the commander of the Sixteen Guards

, he had never been reprimanded by a junior in person!

At this time, Qing Chen's voice sounded again: "Maintaining law and order is your business, if this little thing can't be solved!"

I will summon my father and let the city defense battalion intervene in this matter

!" Wu Di had an intriguing smile on his face: "I have already summoned your father, he will come immediately!" "

You can actually summon my father?" Qing Chen's scalp was numb, and a sense of foreboding arose!

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