The next day

! Just after eating

, Yu Weiwei knocked on the door: "Master, King Xiaoyao and His Royal Highness Nineteen are waiting for you downstairs

!" "Good

!" Chen Nan and Concubine Yu got up and came downstairs!


Di said angrily: "Brother Chen, you come to judge, this guy went out with the dragon sword, he is clearly defending against me!"

You said that since you are defending against me, is it necessary to hang out together?" Wu

Sheng said angrily: "You are purely a gentleman's belly with the heart of a villain

!" "We didn't bring bodyguards on this trip

!" "What's wrong with me carrying the Dragon Slashing Sword?"

"If you think I'm defending against you, then don't follow us!"

Wu Di was speechless

!" Chen Nan shook his head helplessly: "It's not early, let's go, three thousand miles is not close, strive to rush to the summer villa before sunset!"

Wu Sheng gave Wu Di a disdainful look

! and then followed Chen Nan's footsteps

! Wu Di's eyes flashed an undetected cold light, and then followed!

Wu Sheng's summer villa

is in Yunkunshan, south of Zhongzhou City! It is said that when the weather is good, you can see the ocean in the distance in Yunkunshan

! Leave the South City Gate

! A flying sword appears under Wu Sheng's feet

! Carrying Chen Nan and others into the air, heading in the direction of Yunkunshan

! ------

Cao Rufeng's home!

Under the plane tree!

Cao Rufeng and Wu Laojiu sat in front of the chessboard and played

chess! There was a plate of watermelon beside them

! "You strike now, there is still time! Otherwise, you will send the white-haired person to the black-haired person!" Cao Rufeng held a chess piece in his hand, his eyes overlooking the entire chess game with flat eyes!

Wu Laojiu ate melons, stared at the chess game intently, and said casually: "It's no big deal, anyway, people can't escape a dead word for a lifetime!"


Apart from saints, who can get rid of reincarnation

?" Cao Rufeng chuckled: "Do you really think so?" Wu

Laojiu's action of eating melons trembled violently! "

You know, I don't like power schemes!" "

Because the more you experience, the more you will find the darkness and ugliness of human nature!"


As a high-ranking person, the future king of a country

!" "You must be proficient

in the art of power and strategy!" "You must have a bottomless city government

!" "And in terms of power art, my nineteen sons, only the third makes me impressed

!" "He does not compromise his means for the end

!" "Even if he risks the world's great opposition

!" "If he can become the new king of the Wu Kingdom!"

"I will definitely be able to lead

the Kingdom of Wu to glory!" "I am optimistic about

him!" "But I don't like him!" "

If there is no Xiao Nineteen, he will become the new prince of the Kingdom of Wu!"

"When I see that Little Nineteen looks like me when I was younger

!" "My heart is messed up

!" "They are all my sons

!" "Of course I want Little Nineteen to win

!" "But that will pollute his Taoist heart and make him a power schemer!"

"I feel sorry for

Little Nineteen again!" Cao Rufeng muttered, "Actually, you already have the answer in your heart

, you hope Little Nineteen can win!" Wu

Laojiu sighed lightly: "Who doesn't favor his favorite son?" "

It's just that you also know Little Nineteen's character!" "

He doesn't fight for fame and fortune, and it's impossible for him to intervene in the battle of the crown prince!"

"His appearance has given Little Nineteen someone he wants to maintain

!" "On the other hand, there is another bond between the third elder and Chen Nan!" Cao

Rufeng shook his head: "Actually, you underestimated Little Nineteen, his ability, the city government, is by no means as simple as you think!"

"If so, then isn't he more of the perfect me in my mind?" Wu Laojiu looked to the south and grinned!

Cao Rufeng: "But, aren't you afraid that they will have an accident?"

Wu Laojiu was stunned, and then said with a smile: "I believe in the ability of your apprentice! If you can't even pass this level, how can you dominate the immortal world?" ------

until noon

! The four of them landed

! In front of them is a mountain range that stretches for hundreds of miles!

There are many strange-shaped stones in the

mountain!" "This mountain is called Snake Mountain, and it is said that there are many kinds of poisonous snakes living in the mountain!"

However, the meat of these poisonous snakes is extremely delicious

!" "Especially the use of snake meat to make porridge, it is even more memorable!" Wu

Di also said: "Yes, when we were young, there was an imperial chef in the palace who was good at cooking snake meat, and the snake meat he made was praised even by his father

!" "Especially you guy, I miss it very much if I don't eat it for three days!"

"Because of this, many imperial chefs are too scared to enter the imperial dining room

!" "It's a pity

!" "When I killed the snake, I was bitten by a poisonous snake because of negligence

!" Wu Sheng suddenly diverted the topic: "You said, the chef who killed the snake was bitten by a poisonous snake, and his life was screaming!" "

And I, who loves snakes, will I be bitten to death by poisonous snakes?" Wu

Di was stunned and shook his head: "That's not it, when you were a child, your father gave you the Ten Thousand Snake Pill, which is an extremely rare elixir!" "

After taking it, it can be invincible, especially against snake venom, it has a miraculous effect

!" Wu Sheng: "But, the most poisonous thing in the world is not a poisonous snake

!" "It's a human heart!" Wu

Di frowned: "What do you mean?"

I saw twelve masters wearing black masks coming

in the air! Among them, there were ten True Immortal Stage powerhouses

! The strength was very good

! There were even two people who had reached the realm of the Immortal Emperor

! The sudden change made Chen Nan and the others look solemn

! They didn't expect to be in distress here

! "What are you?" Wu Sheng was like a great enemy, his eyes were full of cold light!

"The one who wants your life!" The leader

slashed at Wu Sheng with a sword! The sword qi burst out of the air, exuding the momentum of destruction and decay

! "Roll!"

Chen Nan knew that Wu Sheng only had the Golden Immortal Realm

! Even if he had the Dragon Slashing Sword in his hand, it was difficult to resist this blow

! He instantly resisted in front of the opponent and used the black long stick to resist the opponent's attack

! But he suffered heavy damage, and his blood and qi flowed backwards!

"Old San, this is your person, right?" Wu Sheng's eyes looked at Wu Di angrily!

Wu Di's face was gloomy: "Nineteenth brother, you are a bloody squirting person!" "

You and I are brothers and sisters, how can I be fratricidal

?" Wu Sheng gritted his teeth and looked at him: "Apart from you, how can anyone else know

our whereabouts?" Wu Di: "But here are not only you and my brothers!" Wu

Sheng's eyes were full of killing intent: "You mean that Big Brother Chen leaked our whereabouts?"


, did you ignore the fact that he is my lifesaver?!" Wu

Di grinned and showed a crazy smile: "My good brother, I really didn't expect that you were smarter than I thought

!" "You are right, these people are arranged by me!"

But everyone who is my enemy will die

!" "Even if

you are my brother!" When the words fell, he quickly retreated into the distance, and waved his big hand: "Go up together and kill the three of them!" But

what he didn't expect was that

the twelve strong men killed him!

Wu Di was furious: "Are you crazy? Why are you doing it to me?" Wu

Sheng showed a sinister smile: "I'm sorry third brother, these are all my people!"

"I just

wanted to test you!" "But I didn't expect that you really wanted to kill us

!" "It is said that your city is as deep as the sea, and in my opinion, it is like that!"

Wu Di jumped like thunder!

He didn't expect it to fall into Wu Sheng's hands!

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