
a wooden house in front of you! Surrounded by wildflowers! There's

a wooden table!

There's a kettle and a cup! This is where humans live

! If that's

all! After all, eight people come in every 50,000 years!

The question is...

There was a drying rack in front of the wooden house

! There was a woman's belly pocket and a long skirt drying on it

! What does this mean?

There are people living

here! And it's a woman!

The voice of the green dragon sounded: "I can meet other people here..." Your luck is really bad

!" "

I can feel the strength of that woman

!" "She is very strong

!" "You can't afford to mess with

it!" "I'll help you cover your breath, you leave quickly!" Although the green dragon's voice is weak,

it reveals a trace of solemnity

! The green dragon said so!

What can Chen Nan do?

It must have been a detour!"

There are not many people who can make you so jealous, should that woman be a female emperor?" Chen Nan communicated with the Qinglong soul

! He knew that there was a woman among the eight Terran supremes!

At the same time, entering the land of creation, even if the other party is a high-ranking female emperor


But Chen Nan does not have the slightest sense of joy

! He does not think that he can charm the other party with his damn charm!

In fact

, it would be nice to share all the resources! This is a bad thing

! After all, they are coming

! Even if he wants to use them exclusively, it is not practical

! Sharing resources is the best result!

But the problem is...

The only

thing he can do is not to let the female emperor discover him as much as possible!

Before sunset

, Chen Nan found the magic

medicine in the mouth of the green dragon! "Don't move it!" The green dragon said: "There are not many magic medicines in the land of creation, if I guessed correctly, the female emperor is very likely to know about this magic medicine


"If you take it away, it will inevitably attract the attention of the female emperor!"

Chen Nan's heart rose for a while, and then he was afraid: "What should I do?"

Qinglong: "You put your hand on this magic medicine, I will absorb its medicinal effects and let it wither

!" "I just don't know if it will cause the female emperor to notice!" "

The divine medicine withering is also a natural phenomenon

! It's just that the probability of appearing is very low

! Chen Nan put his hand on that magic medicine according to Qinglong's words!


next second!

He felt a surging medicinal effect like a torrent injecting into his body, and

was immediately absorbed by the green dragon


However, there was a tearing pain in his arm!

"The medicinal effect of the divine medicine is extremely domineering

!" "Even if you have the Desolate Ancient Holy Body, you can't take it

!" "Otherwise, you will explode and die!"


Continue to the east, there is still a miracle medicine!" Because he had absorbed the magic medicine, Qinglong's voice was not so weak!

"How long will it take for you to recover your strength?" asked Chen Nan as he walked.

Qinglong casually said, "Let's take another

10,000 divine medicines!" "Are you kidding?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth twitched!

Qinglong: "10,000 divine medicines can only restore one percent of my strength at the peak!"

A monstrous wave rose in Chen Nan's heart: "Weakly ask, how strong was your strength at your peak?"

Qinglong's tone had a hint of pride: "Let's put it this way, one percent of my strength can crush the ninth-level Immortal Emperor

!" Chen Nan swallowed: "It feels really strong!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Nan's voice sounded again: "Since you are so strong, why did you get hurt, why did you become an egg?"

Qinglong was stunned speechless

, and then let out a light sigh: "It doesn't hurt to tell you, that battle was too tragic back then

!" "Mo said it was me, even the saints fell several times!" "


I also didn't think that the saints would fall, after all, they jumped out of the three realms and five elements, the reincarnation of yin and yang

!" "But!" "

That scene has been deeply imprinted in my mind

!" "If it weren't for your low realm, I wouldn't mind sharing that memory with you!" Chen

Nan couldn't help but ask: "What happened back then?"

"Lingxiao has been shattered

!" "The gods are dead!" "There are corpses that exude divine light floating between heaven and earth

!" "Blood stains the firmament and the earth

!" "Only saints are fighting to the death!" Chen

Nan's heart rose a huge wave

! The gods are dead?

What a fierce battle that must be!

"Oh yes!"

The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl, and the black rod in your hand, come from Ling Xiao

!" "The Heaven-Swallowing Bowl is just a very ordinary item and utensil!"

Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of blood

! Good fellow

, it turned out to be a bowl for feeding dogs!

I don't know if the Dragon Clan and others know that they regard the bowl that feeds dogs as a treasure of inheritance, and their mentality will explode

!" "But!" "

That black stick in your hand has an amazing origin

!" "If you can, I hope you refine it as soon as possible!"

Chen Nan: "We are not outsiders, can you elaborate?" "

Do you know that you are so appetizing and easy to be beaten

?" Qinglong: "Do

you know the Heavenly Court?" "I know

!" Qinglong said: "The most sacred place in the Heavenly Court is the Hall of Meritty

!" "There is a pillar in the Hall of Merit, called the Pillar of Merit!"


You mean, I can rebuild the Heavenly Court?" Speaking of this, he looked at the black long stick behind him, and he always felt very dreamy

! Who would have thought that

its real name turned out to be the Pillar of Merit! The

green dragon was silent for a long time: "This

Heavenly Court, someone must rebuild it!" "As for whether you can rebuild the Heavenly Court, it still depends on your creation!"

Chen Nan nodded solemnly

, the power of the merit pillar is terrifying, but

there is too much inconvenience on the back

! It would be great if it could be refined

!" "Go, first go to find another magic medicine, and then find a place to refine the merit pillar!" Chen Nan's figure was like a sturdy spirit cat, quietly shuttling through the forest

! At the same time!


soon as she appeared, it was as if everything in heaven and earth had become a foil

! She was the female emperor

! The first strong woman of the Terran race

! Si Ning!

She looked at the withered miracle medicine in bewilderment: "This miracle medicine was still vigorous three days ago, why did it wither today?"

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