The female emperor frowned

! I don't know why Chen Nan said this

! But seeing the other party dodge, embarrassed eyes! She was embarrassed

and angry

! How could she not know that Chen Nan saw herself

! "Die!" The

female emperor raised her right foot

! and then collapsed

! "It's over!" Chen

Nan's heart was like death

! He felt the feeling of suffocation!

He also felt

a strong sense of crisis! This was something he had never experienced in his life

! In the face of the angry kick of the Xeon

female emperor! Even if his flesh was very strong,

it was absolutely impossible to resist the opponent's attack

! Boom! The female emperor fell on his chest with a kick

! The terrifying energy was instantly injected into his body!

Piercing his internal organs

! Let him spew out a mouthful of blood

! Serious injuries make him a waste! Even

his body can't move!

"I kindly remind you to go away, but you want to kill me..." Chen Nan breathed hard, and a wry smile appeared at the corner of his mouth: "Blame me, blame me for being a decent gentleman!"

"Lao Tzu should stab you to death with a stick..."

"Die!" The

female emperor did not expect that Chen Nan's vitality was so tenacious

, and he could withstand her angry blow! Then

she raised her foot again

! But just when she was about to fall

! Her pupils trembled violently! Her

body stiffened, and she lay straight on Chen Nan's body! ???

Chen Nan looked confused! Before

he died, he would give me facial cleanser?

"If I'm not mistaken, the yin qi in the female emperor's body has exploded


"With her current realm, she can't suppress it at all!"

Qinglong's voice echoed in Chen Nan's mind!

"Then what do I do now?

She pressed on Chen Nan's face, Chen Nan was really suffocating

! Qinglong said

, "For you, why is this not a happy thing?" "After all, the female emperor is a goddess in the hearts of thousands of men

!" "She can lie on you, this is a blessing that you cultivated in your previous life

!" "I'd rather not have this kind of blessing!" Chen Nan wanted to cry without tears

! The postures of the two of them were extremely ambiguous!

As long as the female emperor recovers her ability to act

, she will definitely kill him as soon as possible

!"Don't worry, your Desolate Ancient Saint Body can suppress the Yin Qi in the female emperor's body!" "It won't be long before she recovers

!" "At that time, she shouldn't kill you!" "

The Desolate Ancient Saint Body can suppress the Yin Qi in the female emperor's body

! This is something that Qinglong did not expect

! But

for Chen Nan, it was a turning point!

Because the female emperor must also be able to sense

Chen Nan's help to her!"Who is he?" "

Why can he suppress the yin qi in my body?" Lying on Chen Nan's body, her body was stiff, and a huge wave rose in the heart of the female emperor who was incapacitated! She

has a rare extremely

yin body! But because she can't control the yin qi in her body,

she will come to the place of creation to look for creation!

He Cheng wanted to meet a man but could suppress the yin qi in her

body! Is he the body of the supreme yang? Obviously not

! If he is the body of the supreme yang, he can definitely feel the attraction of the underworld!

The posture of the two was extremely ambiguous,

she could even feel the breath exhaled by Chen Nan

! This was an experience she had never had before

! It was weird

! It was like countless ants crawling around in her heart

! This feeling was absolutely not good

! But as time passed!

She actually felt a little comfortable...



emperor also felt that the yin qi in her body had been significantly relieved

! It was very

comfortable! She had not been so relaxed for many years, she was comfortable

! But the next second

! She was thunderous

! Asleep! Chen Nan was asleep!


is unacceptable for her!

You must know that she is the high-ranking female emperor in the immortal world

, she is the goddess in the hearts of thousands of men,

even the other seven Terran supremes will stop at nothing to get her favor!

She lay on Chen Nan's body, but the other party could fall asleep...

She felt that her dignity was provoked

! her sense of superiority was wantonly trampled by the other party

! After her body regained consciousness!

She stood up as soon as possible, her beautiful eyes full of killing intent: "If it weren't for the yin qi in my body, you would have become a corpse by now!"

"Are you a big pervert?" Chen

Nan yawned and opened his eyes, his eyes were a little weak: " Just because of my respect for you, it makes you feel that your superiority is trampled on by me and want to kill

me?" "Huh

!" "Women are really unreasonable animals!" "

I want to ask!" "

If I did you when you lay on me just now

!" "What would you do?"

"Think I'm conquered by your charm, so complacent?!"

Or think that I am a disciple and offended you, so he shot and killed me?!"

He is not as old as the

female emperor! But! As a scumbag, he knows the heart of women best

! If not,

he can't become a scumbag! The

female emperor was so angry that she never expected that Chen Nan would see through her thoughts!

Because no one dared to pry into her inner thoughts

, let alone contradict

her!"When speaking in the future, it is best to ask my permission first!" The female emperor's eyes were cold

! She waved her hand casually! Chen

Nan fell into a coma

! ------

when Chen Nan woke up again

! It was already noon the next day!

No matter how he struggled

, it was difficult to

break free of that rope! the more he struggled, the tighter the rope became!

The female emperor walked out of the wooden house with indifferent eyes: "This is a binding immortal rope, even the ninth-level immortal emperor can be bound

!" "Dead heart

!" "You can't break free!" The

voice of the green dragon also echoed in Chen Nan's mind: " Don't expect me to help you break the binding immortal rope, she is right, even the ninth-level immortal emperor is bound and it is difficult to break free!" Chen

Nan looked at the female emperor with an indifferent face: "Give it a pain!" The female emperor

walked towards the table in front of the wooden house, and an indifferent voice came out of her mouth: "You still have use value for me, I won't kill you

!" "Well!" "At least not now!"


You are cheap!" Chen Nan said angrily: " The reason why you don't kill me is nothing more than to let me suppress the yin qi in your body, what is the difference between this and a bed-warming maid?" The

female emperor poured a cup of flower tea: "Do you know, how many people want to kiss Fangze with

this emperor?" "You can become the bed-warming maid of this emperor, you should be proud

!" Chen Nan whispered: "This will be the greatest shame of my life!" "

What is your relationship with Wu Laojiu?" The female emperor diverted the topic!

Chen Nan frowned: "Do you know that I am from the Kingdom of Wu?"

"The female emperor: "I found Wu Laojiu's token on your body!" Chen

Nan was creepy: "Did you just check the token on my body?

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