
Nan was really amused: "Am I a man, don't you have a point in your heart

?"Since the other party is a man, why can she resist her male chopping technique?

You must know that the reason why she can become a female emperor depends not only on her beautiful appearance and Miu Man's posture!

"You just need to remember that the master has no interest in you, and that's enough!" "

En!" "

Even if you lie on my stomach, I can fall asleep!"

She lay on Chen Nan's body, but the other party fell asleep

! This is the biggest pain in her heart! This time

Chen Nan is very obedient

! Turn around and leave

! After entering the wooden house, turn your head and sleep

! Face this woman who wants to kill herself

! There is no need to have gentlemanly manners at all! The

female emperor's face is full of anger

! But after calming down!

A wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth

! She has always been a true destiny girl

, enjoying the adoring gazes cast by thousands of men

! But today

! but it has fallen into Chen Nan's hands!

Her proud face, figure, and status are like

floating clouds in his eyes!"

"Wu Laojiu, why can you give him such a precious opportunity?"

Is it just because he has a rare Desolate Ancient Sacred Body

?" the female emperor's eyes revealed puzzlement

, but more curiosity

! The next day

! "Get up and go to the creation forest!" The female emperor woke up Chen

Nan! "Why do you want me to be inseparable from you? You should not be in love with me?" Chen Nan smiled badly!

The female emperor slapped over, her eyes were cold: " In front

of me, you better be respectful, if not, I will kill you now!" Chen Nan licked the corners of his fishy and sweet mouth, and said with a smile: "I really didn't expect that the high-ranking female emperor would be irritated by my joke

!" "It seems that you really fall in love

with me!" "If not, you won't be angry

!" "Sick!" The female emperor walked towards the west angrily: "I advise you to follow me closely and don't provoke me to get angry!"

Qinglong spoke: "Follow her, relax her vigilance!" "

In my opinion, the yin qi in her body will still erupt

!" "At that time, you will take the opportunity to stay away from her

!" "In this way, she will definitely die

!" "You don't need to do it at all!" Chen

Nan's eyes lit up

! If so!

He hurriedly followed the figure

of the female emperor! Finally came to

the creation forest! The so-called creation forest is actually a lush black

forest! and the creation fruit is blood-red

! crystal clear! Although

the creation forest is very large

, it only produces more than ten creation fruits!

Those more than ten created fruits fell into the hands of the female emperor, and all of them were swallowed by her!

Even though Chen Nan was behind her, she regarded her as

a transparent person! Chen Nan did not express any dissatisfaction or negative emotions! The

best way to completely relax the female emperor's guard against herself is to be a transparent person

! and then give a fatal blow at the critical moment! Although

the creation fruit was found

! The female emperor did not return to the wooden house,

but crossed the entire creation forest!

Only after a foggy barrier appeared in front of her, she stopped, and then walked along the edge of the barrier

! She also just came to the Creation Land, she must find out how big the Creation Land is

! Find out the terrain here

! Only in this way can you find the Creation Pool

! Just as the green dragon expected

! At sunset! The Yin Qi in the female emperor's body exploded!

Her face was full of pain, and her body was shivering with cold

! But Chen Nan did not escape

! With his strength, he would be discovered by the female emperor before he could escape

! Yes,

the female emperor had been staring at him deadly! He had

not relaxed his guard at all

! So

Chen Nan obediently lay on the ground

! The next moment

! The female emperor leaned over!

The arms were on his chest

! The long legs were on his waist

! Chen Nan was like a red-hot ore, which could dispel the yin qi in her body and bring her warmth

! This is the meaning of Chen Nan's existence to

her! The bright moon hangs high

! The land of creation is unusually quiet! The

female emperor opened her sleepy eyes and felt comfortable! Human

hearts are made of flesh!

She wanted to say thank you to Chen Nan

, but she was angry to find that this

product was asleep again!

There was a hara at the corner of her mouth, and there was even a slight snoring sound in her mouth...

The female emperor's mentality collapsed! The

Immortal Emperor put his arm around you, you can actually sleep?

After all,

she had secretly checked Chen Nan's body!


! Is it really a man who has male characteristics???

will he be a small trash that is not useful??? a

big question arose in the heart of the female emperor

! She looked at Chen Nan

! Her moving eyes flashed with a strange light!

Chen Nan is really


His facial features are three-dimensional, and

the whole person reveals a masculine aura

! But he is not the most handsome man the female emperor has ever seen! But

! Combined with his unruly personality, it looks so different!

"Wan'er, go, let's go home!"

"No one can take you away from me!"


, Chen Nan's face was full of anger, and he suddenly sat up! At this moment

, his eyes were blood-red,

the killing intent was monstrous! The

whole body exuded a violent momentum

! Even the female emperor was secretly frightened!

She felt the earth-shattering killing intent in Chen Nan's eyes!


The Wan'er in your mouth is very important to you?" The female emperor couldn't help but ask!

Chen Nan's face was full of anger:

"What happened to you?" "Even if you are the female emperor, what's wrong

?" "What qualifications do you have to inquire about me?" "

Don't interrupt when Laozi is in a bad mood!"

The female emperor was furious

! She had lived for so many years

! It was the first time she had been abused like

this! She wanted to be angry

! But for some reason,

she didn't have the courage to say the words that came to her lips

! She actually felt that Chen Nan at this time was a little terrifying

! Although she also knew that the strength of the other party and herself was very different!

But an inexplicable uneasiness rose in his heart

! ------

Chen Nan looked at the sky with a gloomy face

! I don't know why

! Just now he saw Nangong Wan in a dream! This was the first time Nangong Wan dreamed of her after her death

! This was a dream that made him happy

! Because he finally saw the person he missed

! But in the dream, Nangong Wan let him go!


then Nangong Wan seemed to have changed a person, and directly ordered countless

strong people to kill him! He held a merit pillar to kill all directions

! But countless strong people made him lack skills

! He couldn't take Nangong Wan back at all

! It was even difficult to protect himself

! Because of

this, he woke up in a dream!"

Is this a dream, or are you hinting at me?"

"Who is that he in your mouth?" "

What's behind this shocking conspiracy?"

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