To be precise!

This is not Nangong Wan!

Because Nangong Wan is dead!

This person and woman in front of her is Nangong Wan's life!

It was the woman who appeared in his dreams!

To see Nangong Wan's life here before leaving, this is something that Chen Nan categorically did not expect!

The woman's face was stunned, and she didn't expect to meet Chen Nan here!

Without much thought, she said anxiously: "Husband, listen to my words, and leave the immortal world quickly!"

"Don't go to the Middle Continent!"

"Go there and you'll die!"

Chen Nan stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist, forcibly staying in this realm: "Wan'er, can you tell me what happened?"

"What exactly is the conspiracy of the Middle Continent?"

Nangong Wan said in a low voice: "The human emperor has laid out a bureau, and he wants to lead you over!"

"And I'm just the bait!"

"Listen to me, don't go to the Middle Continent!"

The voice just fell!

Her eyes suddenly became indifferent, and an icy smile appeared on her face: "Chen Nan, do you really bear with your woman lying alone in a cold coffin?" "

She seems to have a dual personality!

Nangong Wan is just one of the personalities, and she can't control this body!

"If you want to find her physical body, come to the Middle Continent!" Speaking of this, a powerful immortal force bloomed in her body and broke free from Chen Nan's hand!

"Tell the Emperor that I cut off his head!"

Chen Nan's angry voice echoed in the sky above the Land of Creation!

But his people have disappeared into the land of creation!


"Brother Chen, how is it?" Have you ever found an opportunity? As

soon as Chen Nan appeared on the South China Sea, Wu Sheng came forward with excitement on his face!

Except for him!

King Wu, Cao Rufeng and Concubine Yu are also waiting here!

Today is the period of the year!

They all wanted to know if Chen Nan had found an opportunity!

"There is no need to ask this question, this guy has already stepped into the Earth Wonderland!" King Wu laughed loudly!

In fact!

He also didn't know if Chen Nan could find an opportunity to break the curse of the Desolate Ancient Saint Body when he entered the Land of Creation!

He just wanted to gamble!

It turns out!

He won the bet!

Concubine Yu was also full of excitement!

Cao Rufeng: "Since you broke the curse of the Desolate Ancient Saint Body, your strength has increased a lot, right?"

Chen Nan said, "If you meet a strong person in the True Immortal Realm, you should be able to defeat it!" King

Wu waved his hand into the distance!

Next moment!

A strong man from the True Immortal Realm came over!

King Wu said, "This person is called Zhen Jie, he has the realm of true immortal perfection, and he is only one step away from the immortal emperor, you two can compete with each other!" Zhen

Bie bowed his hand to Chen Nan: "Young Master Chen, let's make a move!" "Good


Chen Nan moved his muscles!

He also wanted to test his strength!



A terrifying immortal power erupted in his body!

The momentum of the whole person has also reached an amazing point!

It was as if an ancient demon beast had woken up in its sleep!

"It feels so strong!" Wu Sheng swallowed his saliva wildly!

King Wu, Cao Rufeng and Concubine Yu were also full of expectation!

They could all feel Chen Nan's strength!

"Don't let the eldest brother eat my punch!"

Chen Nan's eyes froze, and he cast the Dapeng Technique and appeared in front of Zhen Jie!

A fist as big as a sandbag bloomed with the momentum of destruction and decay!

Wait and stand there quietly!

No matter how terrifying Chen Nan's attack was, he stood still!

When Chen Nan's fist appeared in front of him!

He decisively slapped!

Fists collide!

The terrifying immortal power burst out between the two!

A huge wave tens of meters high suddenly rose on the surface of the sea!

Immediately, the two appeared in the air!


The two did not use blades, but the purest physical battle!

After all, in this way, you can more intuitively see how strong the other party's strength is!

Every encounter caused a thunderous muffled sound!

A moment later, the two landed!

Zhen Jie's eyes were solemn: "Your strength is comparable to that of a True Immortal Late Stage powerhouse, but your physical body is terrifying, and your speed is not slow!"

"If you have a powerful weapon, you should be able to kill a ninth-level True Immortal-level powerhouse in seconds!"

Chen Nan has a new understanding of his strength!

King Wu made a look at Zhen Jie and signaled the other party to retreat!

Then with a wave of your right hand, a set of tables, chairs and benches appeared on the beach!

In addition, there was a lot of wine and meat, and Wu Sheng also brought the prepared grilled fish!

King Wu said, "Above the true immortal is the immortal emperor, don't think that you can kill the ninth-level true immortal, don't put the immortal emperor in your eyes!"

"Because the Immortal Emperor's means are by no means as simple as you think!"

"Especially when you encounter some strong people who control the power of the law!"

Chen Nan's heart moved, he happened to have a lot of puzzles about the power of the law, and asked: "Ninth Uncle, how much of the power of the law can a person master?"

"Is it true that the more law power you master, the stronger your strength?"

King Wu nodded: "The power of the law is like the sea water in this ocean, a drop of water is very weak, and it will disappear in an instant when it falls on the ground!"

"But when the power of the law turns into an ocean, even the mountain continent can be swallowed up in an instant!"

He continued, "Of course!

"Telling you this doesn't let you control the power of the law!"

"With your current realm, you can't spy on that realm!"

"Just wanted to tell you the difference between the Immortal Emperor and other cultivators!"

Cao Rufeng said, "Another point, if you can access the power of the law, don't rush to achieve quick results!"

"Be mentally prepared!"

"Some people spend a hundred years, a thousand years, or ten thousand years not necessarily to obtain the recognition of the power of the law!"

"Even if Wu Laojiu controlled the power of the first wisp of law, it took five hundred years!"

King Wu is one of the eight supremes of the Terran race!

It took him five hundred years to control the power of the first law!

You can imagine how difficult it will be for ordinary people to control the power of rules!

Chen Nan scratched his head with an embarrassed look!

He really wanted to say that he had mastered the power of the law!

But I still didn't say it!

He was afraid of hitting King Wu and Cao Rufeng!

Seeing that Chen Nan wanted to say and stop, King Wu said: "There are no outsiders between us, but it doesn't matter what you want to say!" Well, your master is the guy who hates grinding the most!

Chen Nan looked at Cao Rufeng, it was really as King Wu said!

He has already made a face!

Thinking that he was about to leave Wu Kingdom, Chen Nan didn't want to make Master angry!

This is a very unfilial act!

Chen Nan cleared his throat and said with some embarrassment: "Don't hide from Master and Ninth Uncle, I have mastered the power of the law!"

"What? Have you mastered the power of the law? King Wu gasped!

Cao Rufeng's eyes were also full of horror!

Chen Nan didn't explain anything, and a wisp of Yang Law power appeared in his palm!

He believes facts speak louder than words!

Looking at that wisp of the power of the Yang Law, King Wu subconsciously swallowed his saliva and did not hide the shock in his heart: "Oh my God, it's only been a year, you actually mastered the power of the law in such a short time?"

"It's not a year either!" Chen Nan said frankly: "Five minutes, it took me five minutes to master the power of the law!" "

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