Tian Lang!

The lecturer over there in the Formation Palace!

The formation attainment is very good!

She also paid a lot of money to invite him!

Before, Tian Lang promised her!

Today will appear on time to assist her in refining the Chinese Immortal Weapon!

But now the refining is about to begin!

But still no one saw the other party!

A sense of foreboding spread in her heart!


Feng Yan's voice sounded, and he had an intriguing smile on his face: "Junior sister Nie Yao, you are the protagonist today!"

"It's not too early to say!"

"Can you invite your formation mage up?"

Look at his malicious smile!

Nie Yao firmed up his guess even more!

Feng Yan must have secretly made a ghost!

This moment!

A lot of people are whispering!

"I heard that Senior Sister Nie Yao offended Senior Brother Feng Yan before!"

"Isn't it!"

"It is said that Senior Brother Feng Yan went to Senior Sister Nie Yao with wine, wanting to celebrate her stepping into the realm of the Supreme Immortal!"

"But because Chen Nan of the gang room offended Senior Brother Feng Yan!"

"Did this Chen Nan take the peach blossom luck? Why are the three golden flowers in our palace, and both of them are so close to him? "

Senior Sister Nie Yao's move is too irrational, after all, Senior Brother Feng Yan's father is a first-class lecturer in the Formation Academy, and it is not too much to say that the voice is high!"

"As long as Feng Yan doesn't let people help Senior Sister Nie Yao, she won't be able to invite the formation master to assist her in refining!"

Of course!

There are also different sounds!

Where there are people, there are conspiracy theories!

"You are all too superficial!"

"In my opinion, Senior Sister Nie Yao did it on purpose!"

"Senior Sister Nie Yao is one of the ten Tianjiao of our Formation Academy, not because her formation attainment is too strong to be named Tianjiao, the main thing is that she stepped into the Supreme Immortal Realm after more than two hundred years of cultivation!"

"Junior Sister Nie Yao's cultivation talent is certainly very strong, but it is too difficult to refine a medium-grade immortal weapon!"

"She should know that she can't refine a medium-grade immortal weapon!"

"So use this method to save face!"

"Just imagine, if she invited a formation master and failed to refine a mid-grade immortal weapon!"

"And without inviting a formation master, which one can better preserve her face?"

"So, she deliberately offended Senior Brother Fengyan!"

"Even if she is forced to graduate today, she can claim to be targeted!"


listen to the chatter coming from around you!

A strong anger rose in Nie Yao's heart!

She thought she had the ability of a Level 6 Alchemist!

As long as there are formation masters who come to assist him, he will definitely be able to refine a medium-grade spirit weapon!


Feng Yan secretly caught her off guard!

And right at this moment!

She saw a black-robed old man coming in the distance!

Isn't this exactly the formation master she hired?

Nie Yao's eyes bloomed with dazzling light, and a charming arc appeared at the corner of his mouth: "The formation master I invited has already arrived!" "

Speaking of which, it's the same as the seal!

Like a provocation!

After all, Feng Yan didn't want her to invite a formation master!

Tian Lang's appearance was tantamount to a slap on Feng Yan's face!

Feng Yan revealed a gloomy gaze!

It gives a feeling of facelessness!

"It turned out to be Master Tian Lang!"

"I really didn't expect Senior Sister Nie Yao to invite him!"

"This is a formation master, and his formation attainment is very good!"

Everyone is talking about it!

Tian Lang's appearance also successfully broke those previous conspiracy theories!

"It seems that my grandfather is not needed!" Xia Youwei beside Chen Nan whispered!

Chen Nan: "Not necessarily!" "

Aha?" Xia Youwei looked puzzled: "Tian Lang has appeared, he will definitely be able to help Senior Sister Nie Yao refine a medium-grade spirit weapon, do you still need my grandfather's hand?"

Chen Nan smiled and said nothing!

"Senior Tian Lang, the time has come, please help me!" Nie Yao's eyes looked at Tian Lang eagerly!

Tian Lang sighed and said helplessly: "Miss Nie, I'm really sorry, I'm afraid Old Immortal can't help you!" "


As soon as these words come out!

It was like a thunder that fell on Nie Yao's head!

She only felt that her scalp was numb, and a thick layer of goosebumps rose on her body!

Without much thought, she quickly asked, "Senior Tian Lang, why are you here?" You have clearly promised to help me before! "

Everyone else is confused, too!

I didn't expect things to get to this point!

Tian Lang sighed: "I did promise Miss Nie, but last night there was a mistake when I was cultivating, and I can't help you today!" Nie

Yao's face turned pale!

Things turned out beyond his imagination!

Feng Yan on the side said cheerfully: "Junior sister Nie Yao, I didn't expect this kind of ending, right?"


Nie Yao clenched his fists!

She looked at Tian Lang!

Look at Feng Yan again!

One thing can be determined!

Tian Lang must have been under the intention of sealing the seal, so he pretended to agree to help him refine the weapon!

To paralyze yourself!

Then give yourself a fatal blow at the crucial moment!

This is murder!




A variety of emotions filled her heart!

She can refine the Medium Grade Immortal Weapon now!

But without the formation mage at the moment when the weapon was formed, she had no chance of winning at all!


She really couldn't find a capable formation mage to help herself!

For some reason!

She thought of a sentence that Chen Nan had said!

He once said to help himself find a formation master!

Don't think about it!

Her gaze locked on Chen Nan in the crowd, and there was anticipation and nervousness in her eyes!

"Junior Sister Nie Yao shouldn't expect this ant to help you, right?" Feng Yan did not hide his inner disdain: "He is just a cook, can he contact a powerful formation master?" "

That's it!

There was laughter all around!

Gong Jian was furious: "What's wrong with the cook?" "

you immortal plates!"

"From now on, you guys who are booing on the sidelines don't want to eat the food in the room!"

Nie Yao's face was like wax!

Oh, yes!

How could you think of letting a cook help you?

"Nie Yao, the time has come, it's time for you to start refining!"

The senior leaders of the Sword Forging Academy Palace came out!

"If you don't invite a formation mage, you can choose to give up!"

"However, according to the rules of the Academy Palace, you will end your studies in the Academy Palace early!"

There are many fifth-level alchemists in the Academy Palace!

And the sixth-level alchemists are very few!

Only by becoming a sixth-level alchemist can you stay in the Academy Palace for a long time!

Even if Nie Yao is one of the top ten Tianjiao!

It's not enough for the Sword Forging Academy Palace to change the rules for her!

In fact, for ordinary people, even if they finish studying, it is not a big deal!

With the honor of a fifth-level alchemist, you can eat and drink without worrying about it in this life!

But Nie Yao's dream was to become a seventh-level alchemist!

Refine a high-grade immortal weapon!

And now it seems!

Her dream is going to stop there!

Thinking of this, she sighed softly: "I'll put..."

Before he finished speaking, Jing Tiancheng walked in the distance: "Old Immortal is willing to help Nie girl!"

The senior leader of the Sword Casting Academy Palace gasped: "Respect senior, you... Why are you here? "

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