Everyone looked at Chen Nan in unison! Chen Nan:

"Can I refuse to answer

?" Feng Yan sneered: "Are you weak in heart?" Su

Nian: "I am an elder of the Law Enforcement Hall of the Sword Casting Academy, and as a disciple of the Sword Casting Palace, I have the obligation to accept my interrogation!" "I

had dinner with Junior Brother Chen on the eighth night of the first eight nights of last month, and many people know about this!" Xia Youwei's voice sounded!"

Yes, yes, I saw them together

!" "It was a night that I will never forget

!" Many disciples spoke one after another

, they did see the two walking side by side in the study palace! Feng snorted coldly: "Junior sister Xia Youwei, I'm afraid your testimony is probably not enough to clear Chen Nan's suspicions

!" "Even if someone sees you walking side by side in the study palace!"


But who knows what he did before?"

"I..." Xia Youwei was speechless

! Before they ate together, they did separate from

Chen Nan for a while! As for where Chen Nan went during that time

, what he did

! She didn't know!

"You said that my words can't prove Junior Brother Chen's innocence, right?


Xia Youwei is one of the three golden flowers

of the Sword Casting Palace, except for Dai Yuan,

everyone in the entire Sword Casting Palace does not know about her relationship with Jing Tiancheng!

Chen Nan sneered: "You said that Senior Sister Xia's testimony is not enough to clear my suspicions, so on what basis do you accuse me of killing Ge Ning and Qu Yin

?" Feng Yan had a condescending posture: "I have a fire spirit body, and I can clearly feel the residual breath of the blue flame from

the fire!" "Is this enough?"

Su Nian: "The fire spirit body can indeed sense the fire element

!" "Plus Feng Yan is willing to swear!"

Therefore, our Law Enforcement Hall is willing to believe his testimony against you!" The

situation was somewhat unfavorable to Chen Nan!

"You said that I killed Ge Ning and Feng Yan, right?

Chen Nan nodded slightly, and then looked at Su Nian: "Senior, if I accidentally strayed into a no-man's land thirty miles away, I happened to cast the Blue Flame Fire Illumination

!" "And after me

!" "Ge Ning and Qu Yin appeared there and died tragically for no reason

!" "So that all three of us left their breath there!"

"Can this be said that I killed both of them?"

Is it fair

to me?""Also!


don't know Ge Ning and Qu Yin, why did you kill them

?" "Shouldn't you investigate

the motive for the murder first?" "You don't know my motive for killing and take me back to investigate?"

No one believed that he was a murderer,

because he did not have the strength to kill two Heavenly

Immortal Realm powerhouses! The two Heavenly Immortal Realm powerhouses would not stand there like a fool and be set on fire by

Chen Nan! Chen Nan continued: "Can I now testify that Feng Yan killed Ge Ning and Qu Yin, and then deliberately led me to no man's land thirty miles away in order to frame me?"

"I saw that I couldn't see five fingers over there, and then I released the blue flame from the fire!" At

this moment

, everyone's eyes were focused on Feng

Yan! Compared to his testimony against

Chen Nan, Chen Nan's counterattack was more powerful

!"I didn't, don't talk nonsense!" Feng Yan's face was sallow, but he didn't expect that Chen Nan was a sharp-toothed person!

Seeing Su Nian looking at him, Feng Yan hurriedly said: "Elder Su Nian, I really didn't kill Ge Ning and Qu Yin!

Chen Nan sneered: "You have the Fire System Spirit Root, and you are one of the ten Tianjiao of the Sword Forging Academy!"

"Even if you swear?"

"Which Chosen Son's oath have you ever seen be bound by the rules of Heaven's Dao?"


Senior Brother Feng Yan, I know that you don't look at me well, but there is no need to pour dirty water on me, right?" Chen Nan continued to fight back: "Just because Senior Sister Nie Yao invited me to dinner before, you held a grudge against me

?" "Is your pattern too small

?" "Is this worthy of your Tianjiao's identity?"

Feng Yan was embarrassed and angry: "You stop talking!" and

then said to Su Nian: " Elder Su, the matter is like this, Chen Nan offended me, I wanted to let Ge Ning and Qu Yin follow secretly, and then teach him a lesson

!" "However, I didn't expect that Ge Ning and Qu Yin would die mysteriously and tragically

!" "When I followed their

breath!" "I only found Chen Nan, Ge Ning and Qu Yin, and the breath of Blue Flame and Fire!"


all, you are one of the top ten Tianjiao of the Sword Casting Palace! Use

this method to deal with a new disciple

! Gong Jian snorted coldly: "I don't believe that Chen Nan killed Ge Ning and Qu Yin

!" "If there is evidence, don't ink, quickly take it out!"

"If not, don't pour dirty water on others


"Although our guys don't compete for fame and fortune

!" "But we will never be bullied

!" Cai Jian stood up: "I can prove that if Feng Yan is true, it was indeed Chen Nan who killed Ge Ning and Qu Yin!" "

I have seen this with my own eyes, and I can use it as a witness!"

No one expected

that Cai Jian would actually see the picture of Chen Nan killing Ge Ning and Qu Yin! Chen Nan's face was hideous

! He was sure that he was not seen when he killed someone

! At this time, Cai Jian stood up and wanted to take the opportunity to get rid of him!


Jian was furious: "The surname Cai, Chen Nan only has the strength of the Earth Immortal Realm, and Ge Ning and Qu Yin are both strong people in the Heavenly Immortal Realm, do you think he can kill the two?"

Cai Jian's smile remained unchanged: "There are always some masters in the world who can kill enemies

beyond the level, this is no need to make a fuss!" "Like a new person, he has refined the ultimate spirit weapon in an instant

!" "Compared to killing the enemy beyond the level, this is more incredible

!" "

Isn't it?" Su

Nian's voice sounded: "Since each says something reasonable!"

As long as I watched the picture that happened

that day!" "Whether Chen Nan is guilty or not, I have my own conclusion!"

Jing Tiancheng's voice suddenly sounded: "I don't know, can I Jing Tiancheng be a witness for Chen Nan Xiaoyou, prove that he did not kill anyone that day?"

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