Chen Nan's face was solemn

! Nie Yao's state was very poor! He had to be detoxified

! Otherwise, he would probably be in danger of his life

! Without much thought, he searched the storage bags of Luo Rang and the others, and burned their bodies to ashes!

and then picked up Nie Yao: "Go back to the palace first!" "Good!" Although Chen Nan and Nie

Yao left-------

But the storm he left behind was like a gust of wind, and soon swept the entire capital of the Yan Kingdom!

"What? An Earth Immortal Realm immortal cultivator killed seven Black Dragon Hall Immortal Realm powerhouses on the street?" "Lying groove, is your head in the water, or is my head in the water? Do you think I will believe your nonsense?"

"This is impossible!" "

I don't believe that the Earth Immortal Realm Immortal Cultivator is so strong!"

Many people

have seen with their own eyes the picture of Chen Nan killing seven Immortal Realm powerhouses

!" "That guy should be a heavenly god, invincible in the flesh, even a mid-grade immortal weapon can't hurt the slightest!" "Yes, I've

never seen such a brave person!" "

Even if that guy named Chen Nan kills the master of the Black Dragon Hall?" Will

the Black Dragon Hall let him go?" "If nothing else, Chen Nan will not live more than three days!" ------

"What, Chen Nan killed the seven Fairy Realm powerhouses of the Black Dragon Hall?" Feng Yan also learned from Fan Yi's mouth what Chen Nan had done on the street!

Fan Yi's expression was solemn: "It turns out that what Senior Brother said is right, Ge Ning and Qu Yin both died tragically in the hands of Chen Nan

!" "That guy is really a monster, even if the middle-grade immortal weapon cuts on his head, he will be unharmed!" Feng

Yan subconsciously swallowed his saliva and said, "Does the Black Dragon Hall know about this?"


Yan nodded slightly, and then said: "Junior brother, I still want to trouble you to intercede with Chen Nan for me, I hope that the master of the Black Dragon Hall will leave him with his life


"I want to slowly play him to death and let him know the end of being an enemy with me!"

Senior brother, Chen Nan killed seven Black Dragon Hall masters on the street, do you think that the Black Dragon Hall will let him live?" "

It will definitely unload him in eight pieces


Black Dragon Hall! Hall Master Black Dragon sat in the hall with anger on his face

! His eyes exuded earth-shattering killing intent

! As a first-class immortal emperor

, his strength is beyond doubt

! The killing intent emitted is unbearable for ordinary people!

He looked at the little brother who was shivering in front of him, and a cold voice came out of his mouth: "You said that Luo Rang and the others were killed by an ant in an earth fairyland?"

"Yes, Hall Master, that guy is called Chen Nan, a disciple of the Sword Forging Palace..." That little brother told what happened on the street from beginning to end!

The black dragon slapped the throne under him, and he was furious: "What a Chen Nan, he dares to kill

my Black Dragon Hall people on the street!" "Is he a soft persimmon when I think

my Black Dragon Hall?" "If you don't crush him, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my Black Dragon Heart!"

"If nothing else, Chen Nan will definitely come to the door to ask for medicine

!" "Unless, he is willing to watch the woman who was poisoned to save him die tragically!" The

black dragon nodded slightly: "Listen to what you said, this Chen Nan is also a ruthless stubble, just the flesh is comparable to the immortal weapon, this is not something that ordinary people can do!"

"Let him have no return!" At

the same ------time, Chen Nan

took Nie Yao back to the room in Houshan

! The reason why he didn't send her back to her residence was mainly because it was more convenient to take care of

here! After all, few people came here!

Xia Youwei exclaimed: "Senior Sister Nie seems to have hit

Mu Kuisan!" Chen Nan couldn't help but say: "This poison is terrifying?"

Xia Youwei nodded solemnly: "Mu Kuisan is the most vicious poison in the Black Dragon Hall!" "

It is said to be refined from the corpse poison of red-haired zombies!"

"After being hit by Mu Kuishan, the poisoned person must be detoxified within an hour, otherwise he will become a zombie!"

Chen Nan's heart trembled

! He quickly took out several storage bags that he had collected before, wanting to find Mu Kuisan's antidote inside

! Unfortunately,

there is no antidote in it!

Xia Youwei's face was full of anxiety: " Master, Mu Kuisan's antidote is extremely rare, if you want to get... You have to go to the Black Dragon Hall!"

"Not necessarily!" Chen

Nan urged the power of merit in his body to inject into Nie Yao's body!

This time, it did not cure Nie Yao's

injuries, nor did it play a role in detoxification

! Then he thought of something!

The corners of his mouth flashed with bitterness: "Zombies, like saints, jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements!" "

Even if the power of merit can heal all kinds of injuries, but..."

"Corpse poison is an exception!" Chen

Nan released the power of merit to protect Nie Yao's divine soul, as well as the internal organs! After all, if she can't find an antidote within an hour, she will

turn into a zombie! Although the power of merit cannot restrain corpse poison,

it can also prolong the time

for Nie Yao to turn into a zombie! Looking at Nie Yao who fell into a coma with a face full of pain!

Chen Nan

had a complicated mood!

He couldn't see her dying in front of his eyes!

"You are here to take care of Senior Sister Nie, I'll go to the Black Dragon Hall to get the antidote!" Chen Nan stood up

, Xia Youwei's face was full of anxiety, and she stopped directly in front of Chen Nan: "Master, there are many masters in the Black Dragon Hall, if you go rashly, you will definitely die ten

times!" "Don't worry, I have already summoned my grandfather just now, let him help think of a way

!" Chen Nan smiled: "Your grandfather has already retreated!"

I can handle this matter, you don't have to worry!" said and strode out

! Even if there are many experts in the Black Dragon Hall

! There are many dangers

! Even if this trip is ten deathless,

he has to find the antidote and let Nie Yao wake up!

He didn't know where

the Black Dragon Hall was! Just as he left the Sword Forging Academy,

he clearly felt that someone was watching him in the dark

! The corners of his mouth rose

! He walked directly towards the young man!

"Are you a disciple of the Black Dragon Hall?"

"Can you take me to the base camp of the Black Dragon Hall?"

You know that I am a disciple of the Black Dragon Hall, and you still want me to take you to the Black Dragon Hall?

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