Xingu City is shrouded in formations

! In fact, this is also normal! Formations

can protect the people in the city! They can

resist foreign enemies at critical moments

! But what shocked Chen Nan was that this

formation was too mysterious! Even

if he used the Qiqi Technique, he didn't see any traces of the formation! This

was the first time that the Qiqi Technique had failed!

It was precisely because he could feel the formation and not see it that he was afraid and uneasy

! "No need to look, this formation is not an ordinary formation!" "

It comes from the God Realm!" "It's the God Formation!" The

voice of the

green dragon resounded in Chen Nan's mind

! Chen Nan snorted!

He hurriedly said: "How can the formation of the God Realm appear here?"

Can it be broken?" Chen Nan didn't care why there was a formation of the God Realm, he just wanted to know if he could break

this formation! Although his attainment in the formation was very strong

! but this formation was a God Formation

! It was not at all something he could crack at present

! He could only pin his hopes on the green dragon!

Even if there is a formation of the God Realm, as long as you hide in the Tower of Babel, this formation will not hurt you!" Chen

Nan snorted solemnly

, don't care if there is a formation

! His purpose is to find Nie Yao

! Then he inquired about the location of the Fan family! After determining the location of the Fan family, he went directly

! But!

After coming to the outside of the Fan family's mansion!

He entered the Immortal Mansion!

Although he is not afraid of the second-level immortal emperor

, but a divine array appears here, then it is not careless

! If nothing else

, the control of the divine array

must be in the hands of the Fan family! This is also the hole card for them to dare to kill the disciples of the Sword Forging Palace

! Therefore, he must be careful

! Otherwise,

there will be a bloody disaster

! Hiding in the Immortal Mansion to find Nie Yao is the safest way!

As long as you find it, you can take it into the Immortal Mansion

! ------

Fan's house!

In a huge box

! Nie Yao was cast a body-fixing technique, and was lying on the bed with an angry face at the moment

! On the side

! A handsome young man wearing a white robe, Yushu Linfeng, was untying his clothes!

With a lewd smile on his face!"


Nie Yao, you are the goddess in my mind!" "I really didn't expect to spend a good night with a beautiful person like

you!" "Don't worry, I Fan Yun will definitely treat you gently

!" "I promise to make you taste endlessly!" Nie

Yao's face was full of anger: "Fan Yun, I am a disciple of the Sword Casting Palace, are you not afraid of retaliation from the Sword Casting Academy Palace by doing this?" Fan Yun was

stunned, and a disdainful smile appeared on his face: " We have even killed dozens of disciples of your Sword Forging Academy, do you think our Fan family is afraid of retaliation from

the Sword

Forging Palace?" "To tell you the truth, we didn't put the Sword Forging Palace in our eyes at all!" "Mo said the Sword Forging Palace!"


Even if the eight Terran Supremes are counted?"

Nie Yao's heart trembled!

But now, she has an inexplicable sense of crisis

! If the Fan family has no absolute confidence, how can they say such words? Fan Yun's

hands are sealed

! The next moment

! Nie Yao regained the ability to act

! She just sat up and prepared to flee, but she had a feeling of sore limbs!

Fan Yun grinned: "Do you feel dizzy in your head?"

"If it is, then yes

!" "After all, Xiao Ye has never liked to be difficult for strongmen!" Nie

Yao's face was sallow!

She looked at the incense burner next to her, her eyes full of anger: "You actually used poison?"

In fact, I like the way you look like you are high and high, and you don't put others in your eyes

!" "Because when you are poisonous, you will become another

person!" "The kind of passion that I can't wait to swallow my whole person!" Fan

Yun was shocked to find himself in a strange place!

"What is this place?" Fan Yun panicked

, he could feel that the rules of heaven and earth here were different from the outside, as if he had traveled through time and space to another world

! Nie Yao was also full of doubts,

but it was just like this

! She was more afraid of falling into Fan Yun's hands than appearing in a strange place

! "Welcome to my Immortal Mansion!"

accompanied by a familiar voice!

Chen Nan appeared in front of Nie Yao and Fan Yun out of thin air!"Junior Brother Chen, is it really you?" Nie Yao's eyes were full of incredulity

! She felt like she was dreaming

! Otherwise, it would be impossible to see Chen Nan thousands of miles away!"

You are also a disciple of the Sword Forging Palace?" A cold light flashed in Fan Yun's eyes: "I like to kill the geniuses of the Sword Forging Palace!"

A terrifying pressure of heaven and earth fell heavily on Fan Yun's shoulders, causing him

to kneel on the ground with a pop! "I'm a powerhouse at the peak of the fairyland, how can you make me kneel..."

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "I said, this is my Immortal Mansion, here, even the Immortal Emperor has to obey my wishes

!" "Die!" Fan Yun sacrificed his long sword and slashed at Chen Nan

! But the long sword fell in the air, making a crisp sound! A

trace of shock flashed in Fan Yun's eyes, and he quickly said: " The surname is Chen, I advise you to quickly release me, if my father knows that you arrested me, he will definitely kill you!" Chen

Nan ignored him at all: "Golden Boy, search his soul!" The Golden Boy appeared beside Chen Nan with an embarrassed face: "Mansion Master, his realm is too high, I can't search his soul!"

Chen Nan's face also flashed a trace of embarrassment! Also

, the other party is an immortal cultivator

! and his strength is very strong

! but the golden boy is just a puppet

! He can't perform the soul search technique on Fan Yun at all!

Chen Nan spoke: "Tell me about the Fan family

!" "For example, why do you want to occupy that dragon blood stone mine!"

Also, is the formation of Xingu City controlled by your Fan family?" "

Even if you kill me, I can't tell you this!" Fan Yun's eyes flashed with a vicious light, as if he decided that he had pinched Chen

Nan!" "Then you will die!" Chen

Nan's heart moved, and a terrifying sword qi appeared out of thin air, directly cutting Fan Yun's waist!

"If you threaten me, or torture me to extract a confession, I will tell

you!" Chen Nan: "I'm sorry, that's not my style!" Fan

Yun's eyes gradually hollowed: "My father won't let you go..."

Immediately, his eyes closed and he lost his breath!

And at this moment

, Nie Yao also tore

the clothes on his body because of his poisonous hair, and directly threw Chen Nan to the ground...

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