Fan Zhentian was very embarrassed

! He originally wanted to find Dorozha and tell him about the killing of the Yan Emperor,

so as to use his divine power to fight the other party

! But he never expected that Dorozha turned out to be a heavy taste

! He actually took

advantage of his absence to eat

! He should feel very faceless, right,

will he be embarrassed because he knows about his eating, and directly kill himself?

Just when Fan Zhentian hesitated

! He saw a bubble on the statue of

Dorozha! "Good fellow, dare you not only eat, but also eat and drink ah!" Fan Zhentian was so disgusted that even if he saw it with his own eyes, he couldn't believe that Dorozha Heavenly King even ate and drank!"

With my current strength, I can still fight with the Yan

Emperor!" "Let's not disturb the Heavenly King Dorozha to eat first

!" "When he is full of food and drink, I'll come to him again

!" ------

"Things are a little troublesome

!" "If the Yan Emperor really finds a large amount of dragon's blood stone

!" "Dorozha is very likely to lower a will!"

Chen Nan's expression was solemn: "Then what should I do?"

Qinglong: "Find a way to crack this divine array, or kill

Fan Zhentian!" "It can only be like this!" Chen

Nan sighed softly

! Then he controlled the Immortal Mansion to float into the air

! He had to inform Emperor Yan and the others about Xingu City

! Let them know Fan Zhentian's purpose in asking for the Dragon Blood Stone!

Hello Senior

Yandi, I am Chen Nan!" Yandi looked around!

Chen Nan: "I have a spatial magic weapon

!" Yandi summoned: "You are in Xingu City now?"

Chen Nan: "Yes!" "

I am looking for you this time, mainly because I want to tell you something

!" "Fan Zhentian worshiped a

god!" "The purpose of his request for the Dragon Blood Stone is to cast the flesh for that god!"

Emperor Yan's pupils trembled violently

, he didn't expect that Fan Zhentian actually worshipped a god! At

the same time

, he also understood why there was

a divine array here!"Dragon's Blood Stone can't be given to him

!" "Otherwise, the future will be endless

!" "Of course, in these ten days, I will find a way to break this divine array!"

Emperor Yan said in a low voice: "Don't worry, this emperor knows how to do it!" After


told Emperor Yandi Fan Zhentian's intentions

! Chen Nan sat cross-kneeled

! Close his eyes, and the power of his soul spread out of the Immortal Mansion

! He felt the qi between heaven and earth

! It seemed that he wanted to find the fluctuations of the formation

! and find the formation base

! But!

No matter how he tried

, he couldn't find the base of the formation! He couldn't even sense the fluctuations

of the formation! This was the first time he had faced such a tricky situation since his debut

! Ten days of time passed with a snap of his fingers!

Fan Zhentian appeared in the air, looking at Emperor Yan and the others in the distance, with an icy chill in his eyes: "Emperor Yan, have you ever found the dragon's blood stone that you are looking for?"

If you don't find it, then I'll have to fulfill my promise

!" Emperor Yan's eyes were gloomy: "You give this emperor three more days, and after three days, I will definitely find you a large volume of

dragon blood stone!" "Are you bargaining with me?" A trace of killing intent flashed in Fan Zhentian's eyes: "In that case, then I will kill 100,000 people every day

!" "Until you hand over the dragon blood stone!"

They were driven into the street by the strong men of the Fan family, their eyes flashing with panic and unease

! They are all ordinary people of Xingu City

! "I only kill 100,000 people a day!" Fan Zhentian seemed to be enchanted, he pinched the key with one hand, and a terrifying immortal qi erupted in the air! The terrifying energy erupted in the air

! Like an invisible mountain descending!


mortals on the streets could not bear it!

The air

was filled with a pungent smell of blood

! "Fan Zhentian, as an Immortal Emperor-level powerhouse, but you wantonly slaughter mortals, aren't you afraid of being punished by heaven?" Dai Yuan roared

! Emperor Yan and the others also had a monstrous anger in their hearts! That's

100,000 people!

Now they died tragically in front of their eyes!

Fan Zhentian laughed loudly: "I know heaven better than you!" After

a pause, his face was full of anger: "Where is the murderer of my son? Do you really think that I have forgotten your existence?"

If not, I will make you regret it"

With his roar

! Tens of thousands of people were driven by the masters of the Fan family

! They were panicked and helpless

! They cried out in despair and powerlessness

! They didn't know what was happening

! But they met their fate

! If nothing else!

Chen Nan's face was pale,

I didn't expect Fan Zhentian to do this!

Qinglong whispered: "He is deliberately forcing

you to appear!" Chen Nan gritted his teeth

: "I know!" Qinglong: "You need to calm down at this time

!" Chen Nan's eyes were torn: "I also want to calm down!" "

But do you think I can calm down?"

Chen Nan clenched his fists

! He can be ruthless! He can also be iron-hearted! But his heart is ruthless and iron-hearted, just facing the enemy

! He can't watch tens of thousands of people die tragically because of him

! Qinglong sighed softly

! He

really didn't want Chen Nan to make a move! But if Chen Nan didn't make a move, then he wouldn't be called Chen Nan! He didn't

deserve to have a merit pillar


He is even less qualified to rebuild the Heavenly Palace

!"Chen Nan,

don't show up!" Emperor Yan let out a low roar! Chen

Nan was concerned about whether he could crack this divine array

! His value was far better than the 30 million people of Xingu City

! Therefore,

Emperor Yan did not want Chen Nan to appear!

Fan Zhentian clenched his fists, and a terrifying aura gushed out of his body

! His son was already past the first seven

! He only now knows what the name of the enemy is

!" "Chen Nan, I count three times, if you don't appear, I will send these ants to the Western Heaven!" A powerful energy appeared in Fan Zhentian's hand, forcing Chen Nan to show up with tens of thousands of lives! "Chen Nan,

don't show up!" Although I also hope that my subjects will survive, you are the key to cracking this divine array!" "


hope you can recognize your value

!" Fan Zhentian smiled viciously: "I really didn't expect that the Yan Emperor, who was high above, would give up the people of a city because of a Chen Nan!"

Chen Nan appeared behind him without warning, and

the residual sun in his hand directly pierced through Fan Zhentian's chest!

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