Before throwing Dorozha's statue into the Mao Pit in Xingu City, Chen Nan had humiliated the other party with the name of the human emperor Baili Aotian!

"But ordinary people can't hurt him in the slightest

!" "It is said that the battle was fought for three days and three nights

!" "In the end, that Heavenly God's mind doppelganger was killed by the Emperor's Law of Silence!" Speaking

of this, Gong Jian's eyes showed an unconcealable shock

! Chen Nan only felt cardiac arrest

! An inexplicable sense of oppression swept over

! Dorozha is a super strong man who is one of the four heavenly kings of the God Realm!

But who would have thought! Even

his mind doppelganger was defeated by

the Renhuang! The Renhuang is so powerful

! Can he really be his opponent?

Chen Nan rarely fears a certain person

! But this time, he felt a strong

pressure! But he quickly adjusted his mentality! The

greater the pressure, the stronger the motivation!

I don't believe that after opening the nine-story Tower of Babel, he is not your opponent of the Emperor Baili Aotian

! After a full meal, Chen Nan felt warm on his body

! Then he walked to the Hall of Merit in the snow

! "Elder Cheng, help me see how many merit points are in this jade card!" Chen Nan took out Cai Jian's jade card! Elder Cheng

: "There are 200,000 merit points in this!" Chen

Nan was overjoyed in his heart, and then took out his jade card: " Then please help me redeem the clue of the divine fire!" Before

he didn't know how many merit points Cai Jian's jade card had!

It is very difficult and risky to obtain the recognition of the divine fire

!" "The slightest mistake will lead to your soul scattering

!" "I advise you

to be cautious!" "It is not too late to wait for the realm to be improved

!" "The junior will seriously consider it!" Chen Nan said politely!

What can he say?

Then Chen Nan returned to the back mountain and opened the parchment scroll for the first time

! This is a map! There is a big river on the map, and there is a waterfall about a kilometer high down the river

! And there is a

stone cave on the right side of the waterfall! According to the information on the map, that divine fire is in the stone cave!

"Ruins No. 7?"

"This should be the mansion of some powerful cultivation before!"

Chen Nan looked at the introduction

of the No. 7 Ruins again!"The No. 7 Ruins are located in the depths

of the Funeral God Ridge!" "And the Funeral God Ridge is in the westernmost part of the Yan Country, bordering the Snow Domain to the north, and the Qian Kingdom to the west!" "There are powerful demon beasts living here, and it is a forbidden land

!" "If you want to survive inside, you must have the cultivation level of the Immortal Emperor!" "

With my current strength, even if there are powerful demon beasts in the Funeral God Ridge,

they can survive!"

"When this snow stops, it's time to go to Funeral


Ridge!" As I said before

, the area of Yan Country is not large! Funeral God Ridge is 100,000 miles west of the capital of Yan Country, even if it flies, it won't take long

! At the same time,

Feng Yan also learned the news that Chen Nan woke up!

"I really didn't expect this guy to wake up!"

Although he pretended to defect to Chen Nan before, and even ordered his junior brother to help him sell blind boxes

! But all this is an illusion

! He wants to help Chen Nan earn merit points, only in this way can he get enough merit points and exchange for clues of divine fire!

Then he went to the Hall of Merit and found Elder Cheng: "Elder Cheng, I heard that our palace has a clue to the divine fire, right?

Feng Yan looked a little disappointed

! But his heart was full of heart

! You don't need to ask! You don't need to ask

! The clue of the divine fire must have been obtained by

Chen Nan! Now as long as you get close to him,

you can follow him to find the divine fire

! Cool crooked

! In the evening

! Just when Chen Nan and Xia Youwei were in the room with a hot pot!

He was carrying a pot of fine wine, with a smile like a chrysanthemum on his face: "I heard that Junior Brother Chen woke up, so I came uninvited, didn't disturb the two, right

?" "What did Senior Brother Feng say, can you come here to give me face!" "

Have you eaten? If you haven't eaten, eat some together?" Chen Nan seemed very enthusiastic

! But in his heart, Feng Yan had become a dead man

! He heard Gong Jian say!

Now that he has just woken up

, he has come to visit him! It must not be well

! However, no matter what medicine is sold in Feng Yan's gourd, he is a jumping beam clown in his eyes

! Feng Yan grinned and said, "No, don't you want to come to rub rice?" "

Come and come, eat together!" Chen

Nan warmly invited, and added a pair of bowls and chopsticks to Feng Yan!

Senior Brother Feng, you just came, I was thinking of asking you for a favor!" "

Do we still need to say 'please' in this relationship?


Nan: "I heard that there is a divine fire in the Burial God Ridge, and I wanted to try my luck!"

Feng Yan pretended to suddenly realize

! But my heart was full of joy

! Junior Brother Chen Nan

! You are really so simple

! You actually tell me this kind of thing

! Forget it! Since

you treat me as a senior brother, then when the senior brother kills you, just do it!

Thinking of this, Feng Yan said: "You should indeed have divine fire, after all, with your ability, if you have divine fire, you will definitely be able to refine immortal weapons

!" "In this way, I will find a few masters and accompany you to the Burial God Ridge

!" "Strive to help you get the divine fire, and it can be regarded as living up to our friendship!" Chen

Nan was overjoyed, and quickly picked up the wine glass: "Senior Brother Feng Yan, don't say anything, I salute you with this wine!"

Feng Yan was in a good mood, took the wine glass and drank with

Chen Nan! However

, in his heart, Chen Nan had become a dead man!

As long as he went to the Funeral God Ridge, it would be Chen Nan's death period!

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