"Do you know where

the waterfall is?" Uncle Bai looked at the Wolf King, in fact, they could also find the location of

the waterfall! It just took a long time

! That's why he asked the Wolf King, after all, it lives in the Burial God Ridge

! The Wolf King looked northwest!

Uncle Bai

nodded slightly: "In that case, then we will leave overnight and strive to reach the waterfall as soon as possible and get the divine fire!" Speaking of this, he squeezed his hands and blocked the magic

array! The demon beast recognized the Lord for no reason has also happened, so in his opinion, the wolf king must have been conquered by his own personality charm

! Of course

, after shielding the law array, his spiritual power was highly concentrated

! I was afraid that this beast would play tricks

! Fortunately, the

Wolf King is still very tame!


Uncle Bai was in a good mood, rode directly on the Wolf King, and then flew towards the waterfall in the northwest under night

! The wolves were rushing in the mountains and forests

! Frightening countless birds and beasts running around

! The Blood-eyed Demon Wolf King may not be the strongest demon beast in the entire

Funeral God Ridge! But they are the most powerful race in the Funeral God Ridge

! So! They can ignore all enemies! The

Wolf King does not want to be ridden!

It wants to

be Chen Nan's mount

! But Chen Nan told it with his eyes, let it listen to Uncle Bai!

Feng Da sacrificed a black tent boat and appeared in mid-air with

six people! Then a huge waterfall appeared in the eyes

of the six people! This waterfall was like a heavenly river hanging upside down

! It emitted a deafening roar! At

the same time, there was a huge rainbow hanging from the sky dome

! It gave people a strong visual impact!

"That cave is in front of us, let's go!" Feng Da controlled the black tent boat towards the entrance

of the cave, and the wolves appeared below the waterfall! They knew that there was something strange here, and they didn't dare to enter at all

! They could only wait here for Chen Nan and the others to return

! The light in the cave was dim

! The air was humid! There was a musty smell!

Feng Yan sacrificed divine fire to illuminate the entire alley in front

!" "The

power of the soul is limited here, don't use it rashly!" Uncle Bai's expression was solemn, he felt that there were fluctuations

in the formation here! The level of this formation is very high

! If it was in its heyday, he would not dare to enter it rashly

! But now the energy of the formation base has consumed a lot, and with his strength, he can enter it

! But there is also a premise

! That is, not touching the formation!

This roadway is really deep, let's walk for almost a quarter of an hour, and we haven't even reached the end!"

"The words fell

! A Y-shaped fork in the road appeared in front

! There is a name on both roadways

! One says Huangquan Road

! The other says Peach Blossom Source!"

Where should we go now?" Feng Yan was a little inexplicably nervous!

Feng Da frowned and analyzed: " Not surprisingly, Huangquan Road should be a dead end

!" "If you enter rashly, there is a high risk of unknown dangers, and you will even lose your life!" "

And the peach blossom source represents vitality when you hear it!" "In my opinion, you should enter the peach blossom source!" Uncle

Bai also nodded slightly

! Qi Shenbing and Bao Xinghe did not express their position

! Their

task was only to protect Feng Yan Quan!

If so, isn't this multiple-choice question too simple? In my opinion, we should do the opposite

!" "I think that Peach Blossom Source is the dead end

!" "On the contrary, Huangquan Road represents hope!" "Because only by crossing Huangquan Road can you cross the Naihe Bridge

!" "Only after drinking Meng Po soup can you be reincarnated

!" "So, Huangquan Road represents hope!" Uncle

Bai pondered for a moment: " What Feng Yan said is reasonable, we should do the opposite!" Before

the words were finished

, Chen Nan ran into the peach blossom source without turning his head

! "Damn, you come back quickly!" Uncle Bai roared

! But Chen Nan didn't pay attention to him at all! Chen Nan didn't

know which one to choose

! But! The seed of doom in Feng Yan's body had sprouted!

That is to say!

The choice to follow him will definitely usher in bad luck

! So

! Eliminate the choice of sealing Yan

! Enter the peach blossom source! It's just that this kind of thing can't be said

!"There is no way back, follow him in!" Uncle Bai's face was gloomy, and he followed Chen Nan at the first time

! The other four people also entered the peach blossom source with a hard head!

Feng Da smiled and said: "Look, I said it's time to enter the peach blossom source, this is really a paradise!" Speaking of this

, he patted Feng Yan's shoulder: "Boy, remember, the road is

simple!" "Sometimes some things are actually very simple!"


Bai looked at Chen Nan, his eyes full of coldness: "How do you know that the peach blossom source is the way of life?" "

The junior doesn't know, I just feel as if there is a mysterious force calling me!" Chen Nan looked very nervous

! Although he entered the peach blossom source,

there were still too many unknowns before he met the divine fire! and

even dangerous!


Shenbing slapped his right cheek without warning

! He raised his palm with a smile: "It's okay, a mosquito fell on my face, and I slapped it to death!" Before

he finished speaking,

his face turned green

! Foaming at the mouth!

"The mosquito is highly poisonous, quickly release the immortal qi to protect the body!" Uncle Bai was well-informed, and quickly released the immortal qi to protect the

body! At the same time

, Qi Shenbing also struggled with pain on his face

! His skin bloomed

! Then dense mosquitoes swarmed out of his body! In

an instant, he turned into a skeleton!"

It's just a mosquito, how can it be so terrifying?" "

That's a ninth-level true immortal!" Feng Yan shivered with fright

! Not only him

! Uncle Bai, Fengda, and Bao Xinghe were even more uneasy

! They didn't expect a mosquito to be terrifying to this extent!

A ninth-level true immortal was dead like this?

Even if they saw it with their own eyes, they

couldn't believe it!

"It's weird here, don't touch the mosquitoes here!" Uncle Bai's eyes were solemn, and then he looked at this paradise: "This paradise is not big, we look carefully, we should be able to find the whereabouts of the

divine fire!" Feng Yan sighed lightly: "However, we don't know what form

the divine fire is!" This question stumped everyone!

Uncle Bai hesitated and said, "Or we wait until dark, so that the divine fire should appear in our eyes!"

Several people nodded one after another, feeling that what

Uncle Bai said made sense! So the group sat cross-kneeled

! Uncle Bai even arranged a formation to ward off mosquitoes

! In the blink of an eye, night fell

! Under their expectant eyes

! Divine fire appeared in the eyes of everyone in an extremely strange posture

! It made people's scalps numb

! It was difficult to accept!

Uncle Bai was dumbfounded: This is the Divine Fire?"

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