Chen Nan didn't know what Elder Cheng meant

, but he still returned to the back mountain! As soon as he returned to the back mountain, he

was shocked by the picture in front of him

! All five people, led by Gong Jian, fell into the snow

! They had blue noses and swollen faces, and they suffered serious trauma

! And in the distance

, a woman in a purple dress was drinking hot tea, her eyes full of cold! !

Behind her were two young disciples

!"Didn't you say that he didn't come back?" The woman had a playful look in her

eyes! "Junior Brother Chen, this lady wants to find trouble for you!" Gong Jian's face was gloomy, his status in the Sword Casting Academy Palace was very high, but there were also some people who did not put him in their eyes

! Such as Chu Yelan in front of him

! "Looking for my trouble?" Chen Nan was amused!

He seemed to understand what Elder Cheng meant

, although he didn't disdain to kill his fellow sect and seize their merit points

! But trouble came to the door

! He would definitely not be afraid of the other party

!"My name is Chu Yelan!" the woman spoke, with a hint of pride in her eyes

! "And then?" "

Chen Nan has heard of Chu Yelan

! This is the existence of the three golden flowers of the Sword Casting Palace!

Not only is his appearance extraordinary

, but he has also become a sixth-level alchemist! Cultivation

is also the best of the three golden flowers, reaching the cultivation of the True Immortal Realm

! This strength looks at the young generation of Yan Country, that is also the leader!

Chu Yelan said: "I heard that you bought the No. 36 weapon spectrum, right?" Chen

Nan asked rhetorically: "What's wrong?"

Before Chu

Yelan could speak, a young man named Han Ye behind her shouted angrily: "Dare to talk to Senior Sister Chu in this tone, what kind of attitude are you? Chen

Nan narrowed his eyes slightly: "Shut up! Is there something you have to say here?"

It was as if this man in front of him had a fierce beast sealed

in his body! Once he woke up, he would definitely swallow him in one bite

! He no longer dared to pretend

! He closed his mouth nervously! He

didn't even dare to look at Chen Nan! Chu

Yelan said: "I need the No. 36 weapon spectrum, so I'm tired of Junior Brother Chen cutting love!"


, Chu Yelan, never do anything to bully people!" "This Lower Grade Immortal Stone should be a witness of the transaction!" "Chu Yelan, you don't fucking want to force your face at all!" Gong Jian said angrily: "The No. 36 weapon spectrum is worth five thousand merit points, but now you take a Lower Grade Immortal Stone to buy it?"


long as Chen Nan is willing to sell it to her, they have nothing to say

! However

, she took out a lower grade fairy stone to buy

! Chu Yelan's eyes flashed with unconcealable anger: "Gong Jian, your mouth is still as smelly as ever! I really suspect that you are eating!"

Even can get the likes of shell lang, how about you, who likes you, you are not even as as!" said and spat viciously

! "Find death!" Chu

Yelan's eyes froze, and he slapped Gong Jian in the air

! Chen Nan resisted Gong Jian's body, resisted the other party's slap!

"Chu Yelan, right?" Chen Nan's eyes were cold: " The No. 36 weapon spectrum is indeed on me, but why should I sell it to you at a low price? You are paralyzed, what are you hanging things?"


!" "I hope you will kowtow to several senior brothers and apologize

!" "Otherwise, don't think about walking out of the back mountain!" Chen

Nan rarely burst into foul language

! But today he couldn't bear it! Chu

Yelan was just in trouble with him, and he even injured Gong Jian and others!

This is absolutely unbearable for him

!"Dare to speak ill of Senior Sister Chu, I will teach you a lesson today!" Another young disciple behind Chu Yelan was furious, raised his hand and sacrificed a long sword to kill Chen Nan!

Chen Nan slammed a punch on the oncoming sword body

! The middle-grade immortal weapon shattered in response! That young disciple even spat out blood and flew out


??? ???

this moment

! Everyone widened their eyes in unison!

A punch smashed the middle-grade immortal weapon?

Chen Nan looked at Chu Yelan, his voice was extremely indifferent: "You kneel in front of several senior brothers now to apologize, I will let you leave!" "Chen

Nan, are you too blind?" Chu Yelan was embarrassed, as the existence of the three golden flowers of the Sword Casting Palace, she had never been despised like this

! Chen Nan: "Are you a human?"

"You look for death!" Chu

Yelan was furious, she was holding a purple long sword!

Quickly appeared in front of Chen Nan like lightning

! The long sword in his hand swallowed cold light

! It was a killing move

! "Something that gives her face no face!" Chen

Nan slapped her face heavily

! With a crisp slap sound

! Chu Yelan was pumped out for tens of meters!

Like a toad, she fell heavily in the snow, looking extremely embarrassed!


looked at Chen Nan's eyes full of horror

! That was a strong man in the True Immortal Realm

! Who would have thought that he would be slapped away by

Chen Nan? "Chen

Nan, you are dead!" "Senior Sister Chu is the palm pearl of the

Flying Heaven Gate Master!" "If you hit her, it is equivalent to offending the entire Flying Heaven Gate!" Han Ye's face was bloodless, he didn't expect Chen Nan to dare to make a move on Chu Yelan!

Chen Nan frowned

! If he remembered correctly

, the Uncle Bai who was killed in the Funeral God Ridge before was the person from the Flying Heavenly Gate

! "I'm going to kill you!" Chu

Yelan was furious, and the breath of the True Immortal Realm powerhouse roared out

! Her right face was red and swollen, and there was a bright red handprint!

The purple long sword burst out ten thousand sword

qi! "Die!" Chu

Yelan roared angrily, and countless sword qi swallowed towards

Chen Nan! As the existence of the head of the three golden flowers of the Sword Casting Palace! As

the palm pearl of the Flying Heaven Gate Master

! She was born high! Now

Chen Nan smacked her face in public, it was difficult for her to accept! Only

by killing him could she vent the killing intent in her heart!

"Just by you, it's not enough to kill me!" Chen Nan's

figure suddenly disappeared

! The next second he appeared in front of

Chu Yelan! The slap raised high contained a terrifying fairy qi

! Snap

! He slapped Chu

Yelan's left face! With a loud slap sound

! Chu Yelan flew out again

! And at this moment!

Her left face also swelled rapidly

! If Chu Yelan, who was slapped before, was angry

! then this slap completely extinguished the anger in her heart!

Chen Nan looked down on her condescendingly, like an emperor who dominated the sky: "Kneel down and apologize, otherwise you will be carried away from the back mountain!"

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