Chen Nan is not a revenge!

But some hatred can't be forgotten!

Don't forget!

For example, in the land of creation, the female emperor brought him shame!

Tied up for months!

Bullied by the female emperor!

No hesitation of his feelings!

Make him feel like a tool man!

Those gloomy times are vividly remembered!

So much so that he did not dare to sleep!

I'm afraid to dream about what happened in my dreams!


Except for the human emperor!

The female emperor is also his enemy!

He already has a small goal in his heart!

Solve the human emperor first and find Nangong Wan's physical body!

Then go to the snow country to find the female emperor to take revenge!

Trample her underfoot!

Repay her a hundredfold and a thousand times the shame he once suffered!

Although he is not capable of defeating the female emperor head-on now!

But it can defeat the Tianjiao of the Snow Country!

It is said that it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!

But Chen Nan thinks he is a villain!

If there is no chance for revenge, it is enough!

If only there were!

That's from morning to night!

If you have to be empty, you will take revenge on the other party!


formation competition scene!

Min Jingshi, the formation master of the Snow Country, smiled: "Great Priest, it has been more than ten days since the formation master of the Yan Country entered the formation!"

"So far they haven't found any flaws!"

"Mo said the last day!"

"Even if they are given another month, or even a year, they will not be able to crack this Upside-Down Five Element Array!"

Ling Yanran nodded slightly!

Min Jing said again: "Breaking the formation can see the formation attainment of a formation master, and now there are five Yan Guo Formation Realm Tianjiao in the formation, and I haven't been able to see a reason for so long!"

"I conclude that their means of setting up the formation are also mediocre!"

"In this competition, we in Snow Country have won!"

Right now!

A sneer came from a distance: "Who gave you the confidence to say such a thing?" "

Everyone followed the sound!

I saw Chen Nan wearing a dark blue brocade robe!

With one hand behind, he swaggered over accompanied by Jing Tiancheng and Emperor Yan!

His appearance attracted the attention of many people!

Although the Zhenguo Sword was refined by seven people!

But everyone knows!

Chen Nan is the core figure in refining the Zhenguo Sword!

Without him, Zhenguo Sword would not have come out at all!

Although this person seems to only cultivate in the Earth Immortal Realm!

But it was a super ruthless person who rushed into the nine heavens and tore apart the divine calamity!

And he's handsome!

It's hard for this kind of person not to attract attention!

After all!

This guy is the only refining grandmaster in the Immortal Realm!


Chen Nan's reputation had long spread and he had become a grandmaster in the refining world!

His current status is the same as Cao Rufeng's status in the formation!

No one can shake him!

There are exceptions, though!

That is Li Aohan!

He did not hide his killing intent towards Chen Nan!

After all, he had already promised Chu Xu, the head of the Flying Heavenly Gate, to kill Chen Nan to avenge Chu Yelan!

It's a pity that Chen Nan has been staying in the palace now!

He didn't have a chance to strike at all!

The corners of Ling Yanran's mouth rose: "The five Tianjiao of the Yan National Formation Law Realm have been trapped in the formation for ten days, and now they still have no clue, how can you win?"

Chen Nan glanced at the sun: "There are still two hours before sunset, it is too early to say the victory or defeat at this time, right?"

Before Ling Yanran could speak, Senior Min Jing snorted coldly: "It's not early, even if your Yan Country's formation master has figured out the structure of this formation now, it is impossible to crack it before sunset!"

"Not necessarily!" Jing Tiancheng grinned!

He didn't believe that any formation in the world could stump Chen Nan!

After all, this is a man that even Cao Rufeng is ashamed of!

Chen Nan spoke: "If I'm not mistaken, the formation test is different from the refining tool!"

"Before the contest is over!"

"I should be qualified to represent the Yan Kingdom, right?"

"Do you understand formations?" Min Jingshi Tai's eyes flashed with disdain!

The rest of the Snow Country also showed disdainful eyes!

Although Chen Nan refined an artifact!

Become a refining grandmaster of the immortal world!

But the refining and formation are worlds apart!

They didn't think that Chen Nan would be able to crack this Upside-Down Five Elements Array!

"Do I understand the formation?" The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain: "You just treat me as an ordinary person!" "


Jing Tiancheng and Emperor Yan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood!

Your humble appearance is really unbelievable!

Min Jingshi sneered: "If that's the case, then I'll see how to crack this formation!"

"You can only break the formation if you are in the formation, how can you break the formation when you are outside?"

Chen Nan shrugged: "Then I'll go in!"

Min Jingshi was too irritated by Chen Nan's attitude: "Don't say that you break this formation, even if you can enter, the old immortal is willing to recognize you as the Lord and follow you!"

Chen Nan: "You don't deserve it!"

"Anger me, anger me!" Min Jingshi was so furious!

As a formation grandmaster of the Snow Country Formation Realm, her attainments in formation are very strong!

Even compared to Jing Tiancheng, it is not much worse!

But Chen Nan said that he was not worthy to follow him!

This is literally hitting her in the face!

Those people in the Snow Country Mission all turned blue with anger!

If the eyes can kill!

Chen Nan has long been cut by them by a thousand cuts!

Although Chen Nan refined an artifact!

But this also can't be his qualification to despise Min Jing's master!

Especially those formation mages in the Snow Country!

They can't wait to unload Chen Nan in eight pieces!

After all, Min Jingshi is their idol!

The strongest female formation mage in the immortal world!

Watching Chen Nan go towards the formation, Ling Yanran sighed softly, and the soul transmitted: "Brother-in-law, why are you helping Yanguo?"

"How the hell did my sister offend you, and you want to do this to us Snow Country?"

"Obviously, we are relatives!"

"As long as you have a word!"

"You can sit on the Snow Country Emperor throne at any time and become one of the eight supremes of the Terran race!"

"Even our sisters will serve you!"

"But I don't understand why you're like this!"

She didn't think that Chen Nan could crack this upside-down five-element array!

But Chen Nan's appearance made a burst of dissatisfaction rise in her heart!

She felt Chen Nan's hostility towards the Snow Country!

"Don't call me brother-in-law, your sister and I are not the kind of relationship you imagined!" Chen Nan's face was indifferent!

He stopped in front of the formation!

Cast a Qi Technique!

The structure of the formation appeared in his eyes!

He was stunned when he saw it!

Obviously, I didn't expect that the young generation of formation masters in the Snow Country could arrange this kind of formation!

He saw the power of five formations of different colors!

Corresponding to gold, wood, water, fire and earth!

But if it's gold, wood, water, fire and earth, it's just that, this formation is not difficult to crack!


The power of the five elements of this formation was completely turned upside down!

If it weren't for the Hope Qi Technique, even he would not be able to break this formation for a while!

But now...

It's not hard to break it!

Thinking of this, he took a step and strolled into this misty formation!

Min Jingshi let out a terrified scream: "How is this possible!" "

The formation is clearly operating!"

"Why was he able to ignore the formation and step directly into it?"

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