


A dull explosion suddenly erupted under night!

That's the sound of a fryer!

The geniuses of the twelve alchemy realms of the Yan Country and the Snow Country all collapsed their mentality at this moment!

They have been refining the elixir here for more than ten days!

Although it has not been successful, there is progress!


Who the could have thought!

Chen Nan arrived in less than an hour!

Just used a big ding to refine a magic elixir?

This in itself is hard to accept!

What's even more infuriating!

This product also dislikes the magic elixir with four pill patterns!

You know, even the Immortal Realm Alchemy Grandmaster Dan Chenzi has not refined a magic elixir with four pill patterns!

Listen to what was just said this dog day!

Are there only four dan patterns?

This bad alchemy!

It seems that I am not destined to become a good alchemist!

It's too humiliating, and I can't refine pills in the public in the future!

Is this human???

If you can't refine pills, then what face do we have to say that we are alchemists?

All the high-ranking officials of the Yan Kingdom, led by the Yan Emperor, were stunned!

They didn't expect Chen Nan to actually refine the magic elixir!

After all, they had never had any illusions that Chen Nan could refine this elixir!

After a brief lapse of distraction!

Emperor Yan's eyes shined!

What a treasure big boy!

With his own strength, he overturned the geniuses of the Snow Country Refining Realm, the Formation Realm, and the Alchemy Realm!

What a enjoyment!

Give Lao Tzu a long face!

Ling Yanran's face was stunned!

How can my brother-in-law know everything?

In the immortal world, there are also people who can refine pills, refining weapons, and formations!

But no one is proficient in everything!

But Chen Nan is different!

Not only that!

And it's all fine!

The talent he has shown in these three areas has crushed his peers!

Looking at the older generation, it is not as good as him!

Come back to your senses!

Ling Yanran only had endless bitterness and curiosity in her heart!

What really happened between my sister and brother-in-law?

Why did he help Yan Guo trample on the dignity of the Snow Country like this?

"Chen Nan, you are too modest, obviously good at alchemy, but why do you say that you don't know alchemy?" Emperor Yan let out a loud laugh, he liked Chen Nan more and more!

Because he has never seen anything as good as him!

And humble people!

Chen Nan smiled and shook his head: "Don't make trouble, just my half-hanged alchemy also has the face to say that I am proficient in alchemy?" I'm just idle! Those

alchemists all lowered their heads in shame...

No face to be human!

Chen Nan also realized that his words were inappropriate, and immediately defended himself: "I'm not lying, this is really my first time refining pills since I came to the immortal world!"

"It's not that I'm proficient in alchemy!"

"Mainly, this magic elixir is really easy to refine!"

Those alchemists had a grudge in their eyes!

If it weren't for the presence of Emperor Yan!

They would definitely scold Chen Nan for not being a son of man!

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little wrong, Emperor Yan cleared his throat and hurriedly said, "First broke the formation, and now you have refined the magic elixir, you should be very tired, right?" "

Go and rest!"

He was a little scared!

I am afraid that the strong man of the Snow Country will be angry and dry Chen Nan!

After all, this guy is really damaged!

Maybe what he said is true!

But he really didn't think about other people's feelings when he spoke!

Chen Nan said casually: "Breaking the formation and refining pills are not tired, why do you have to go back and rest?!"

"What's next?"

"I still want to play!"

Those strong people in the snow country are fierce!

Especially Tianjiao among the younger generation!

I can't wait to unload Chen Nan into eight pieces!

We came to Yan Country through layers of selection to represent the Snow Country!

I thought it would be a blockbuster!

Now it's all ruined by this guy!

And he just... Play?


Ling Yanran's voice sounded: "Emperor Yan, your Yan Kingdom is really impressive this time!" "

Her voice is cold and pleasant!

"Actually, this result was unexpected to me!"

"I didn't think we would lose so completely!"

"If my sister knows, she will definitely not be happy!"

Chen Nan sneered: "It doesn't matter if your sister is happy or not, the important thing is that I'm happy!" "

His purpose is to prevent Snow Country from winning!

Now the goal has been achieved!

He was very happy!

You don't have to think about it!

If the female emperor knew that she had ruined the victory of the Snow Country!

You should vomit blood angrily, right?

Think of this!

He felt very crooked!

Ling Yanran glanced at him with a smile, and then locked her gaze on Emperor Yan: "I admit, we lost, we lost completely!"

"But someday you'll find out!"

"It's not us Snow Country who lose!"

"It's your Yan Country!"

Emperor Yan: "I never put success or failure in mind!"

Jing Tiancheng and the others lowered their heads in shame!

Do you want a face?

Do you still want to face?

If you don't care about success or failure, why would you ask my senior brother to make a move?

"Brother-in-law, you seem to want to see us lose!"

"You don't need to deny that!"

"Because I can feel the joy in your heart!" Ling Yanran's soul summoned Chen Nan: "But brother-in-law..."

"One day, you'll pay for today's events!"

"Because you will find that we are relatives!"

"How bright you smile today, how much self-blame and sadness you will have in the future!"

Chen Nan sneered: "Don't worry, there won't be that day!"

"Great Priest, since the competition has been divided into winners and losers, let's compete again in a thousand years!" Emperor Yan spoke: "Everyone, let's go back and rest first, after all, it's not easy to come once, but you can take the opportunity to play in my Yan Country!" Ling

Yanran snorted quietly!

Take people away!

After the people of the Snow Country followed Ling Yanran and left, Emperor Yan locked his gaze on Chen Nan: "Do you know the people of the Snow Country?"

Chen Nan snorted angrily: "I don't know!"

Emperor Yan smiled bitterly: "Do you think I didn't know that you and Ling Yanran were communicating in the soul?" Chen

Nan was speechless!

Emperor Yan said, "Ling Yanran is a great priest of the Snow Country, and his status is transcendent, second only to the female emperor!"

"And the two are sisters!"

"This woman... It's better not to provoke!

"If she wants you to help her refine weapons, it doesn't hurt to agree!"

A burst of anger rose in Chen Nan's heart: "You think I provoked them? Oh, I'm not so idle Chen Nan!

"Okay, our affairs are complicated, don't persuade!"

"I'll go to the True Dragon Treasure Trove!"

Saying that, he took off into the air and flew towards the True Dragon Treasure Trove!

Watching Chen Nan leave, Emperor Yan let out a light sigh: "It's a pity!

"This kind of Tianjiao is a guest of my Yan Country after all!"

Jing Tiancheng also sighed: "I didn't expect that Senior Brother was not only accomplished in formations, but even proficient in refining tools and alchemy!"

"Unfortunately, he's not interested in my granddaughter!"

"Otherwise, you can kiss and kiss!"


Snow Country Palace!

Ling Yanran's residence!

Li Aohan knelt down on one knee: "Great Priest, Chen Nan deceived people too much, and repeatedly humiliated my Snow Country National Prestige!"

"If you don't get rid of him, I'm afraid it will be difficult to quench the anger of the people of my snow country!"

Ling Yanran's eyes flashed with a cold light: "What do you want to do?" "

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