Reading is a rewarding experience.!

Chen Nan read a lot of ancient books in the True Dragon Treasure House!

It's miscellaneous though!

But he benefited immensely!

Although those books have nothing to do with cultivation, they are all miscellaneous books!

But it also gave him a lot of new understanding!

Like geography!

Everyone knows that the immortal realm is divided into three realms: people, demons, and demons!

In many people's cognition, the demon world is in the westernmost world!

But it's not!

There are many entrances to the human realm in the demon world!

There are also in the demon world!

There are also in the human world!

Among them, there is one in the extremely cold land in the north of the snow country!

It's just that it was sealed by power a long time ago!

Read the history books!

Chen Nan benefited a lot!

Although there were many books in the True Dragon Treasure Trove, he had read them all!

He himself has the ability to see ten lines and never forget!

Not to mention the equivalent of three thousand years in the Immortal Mansion!

What is so difficult about reading those books in the True Dragon Treasury in these three thousand years?

The January deadline has arrived!

Chen Nan and the other seven also left the True Dragon Treasure House!

And not only him!

Everyone else benefits too!

Because they don't just read a lot of books!

They all chose a magic weapon!

The True Dragon Treasury is the treasury of the Yan Kingdom!

There are a lot of magic weapons in it!

Chen Nan also chose one!

That's a big black umbrella!

It's called Tianji Umbrella!

It's a defensive weapon!

It is said that once stretched open, it can ignore any spell attack!

Although the Ancient Body also ignores spell attacks!

But with this hand, the secret of his Desolate Sacred Body can be avoided!

And the most important point!

This umbrella can shield the heavenly machine!

If the human emperor uses the sentient beings of heaven and earth as chess!

Then possessing the Heavenly Machinery God can prevent the Human Emperor from spying on him!

Of course!

And one more reason!

He is invincible in the flesh!

The body is the strongest weapon!

There is no need to choose an offensive magic weapon!

"Several, Your Majesty has prepared a banquet tonight and invites you to participate!"

Just walked out of the True Dragon Treasury!

There were eunuchs beside Emperor Yan who came respectfully!

He is the red man beside Emperor Yan!

But in front of Chen Nan and the others, he looked very respectful!

Especially in the face of Chen Nan!

Not to mention how in awe!

"You guys go, I'll go back to the Academy Palace!"

Chen Nan directly refused the invitation to participate in the banquet!

He doesn't like that occasion!

I don't want to see Ling Yanran, that woman!

You don't have to think about it!

On this occasion today, Ling Yanran is definitely there!

"Junior Brother Chen, not everyone is qualified to participate in this kind of banquet!" Wei Xufeng said, "In my opinion, you better go together, you can get to know many important ministers of the dynasty!"

Wu Tianle said he

"If they have daughters, we'll ... You understand, right? Chen

Nan felt that after Wu Tian became bald, his soul was completely released!

Gradually perverted!

It may develop into an old color batch!

"I don't like that occasion, you guys go play!" Chen Nan said a word, and then took off and flew towards the Sword Forging Palace!

He wants to go back to the Academy Palace to select the weapon spectrum!

So as to refine the high-grade immortal weapon!

In this way, you can open the sixth layer of Immortal Mansion!

After all!

His purpose in coming to Yan Country was to open the sixth layer of Immortal Mansion!

Nothing else matters to him!

Especially women!

This will affect the speed at which he draws his sword!

"I'm not going either!" Nie Yao forced a smile, and then caught up with Chen Nan's figure!

"Junior Brother Chen, you... Are you leaving? Nie Yao plucked up the courage to ask loudly!

She had a hunch!

Chen Nan is just a guest in this world!

Yan Guo is just a post station where he stops and rests!

Probably because of this!

He doesn't want to have too much intersection with himself!

"Yes!" Chen Nan couldn't see any emotion on his face!

In fact, Nie Yao, this girl is really good!

It's just a pity!

He can't be with her!

"Is there anything I can do for you?" Nie Yao was depressed!

If she could, she hoped that Chen Nan would never leave!

Even if he rejects himself!

But she can see him every day!

Chen Nan was stunned and said, "Live well!" "


return to the Sword Forging Palace!

Chen Nan came to the Hall of Merit for the first time!

"You kid is really awesome!"

"At a young age, he refined an artifact!"

"Moreover, the formation and the two realms of alchemy are also ancient and shining, crushing the Snow Country Mission!"

"This time, it's really a long face for our Yan Country!"

Elder Cheng's face was full of excitement!

Although he had been staying in the Hall of Meritty, he also knew what Chen Nan had done in the palace!

It's incredible!

"Elder Cheng, I'm here this time to select the weapon spectrum!"

"Dean Dai said that if I can get excellent results, I can choose three weapons spectrum in the Hall of Meritty!"

Elder Cheng: "This is natural, you can choose three weapon spectrums at will!"

"Don't choose, you always help me get the top three weapon spectrums!"

Although Chen Nan refined the artifact, the key to opening the sixth layer of the Immortal Mansion was a top-grade immortal weapon!

So he still has to refine a top-grade immortal weapon!

Then Elder Cheng took out three storage bags!

Inside is refining high-grade immortal weapons, the top three ores!

"Junior leaves!"

After obtaining the weapon spectrum, Chen Nan returned to Houshan as soon as possible!

He sat cross-kneeled, took out a storage bag of ore, and memorized the order on the weapon spectrum before starting refining!

He hasn't refined many times!

But there are quite a few times of refining pills in the mortal world!

Alchemy and alchemy are of the same origin!

It's not hard to refine!

In particular, his soul power had been significantly improved when refining the Zhenguo Sword!

The flame of the Changming Flame can reach a height of ten meters when released with all its strength!


There was a crisp knocking sound in the back mountain!

A black sword embryo gradually took shape!

Over time!

The sword embryo also became clearer!

After that, it's the Enlightenment!

Chen Nan squeezed his hands!

Control the immortal qi between heaven and earth and inject into the long sword!


The sword embryo suspended in the air trembled violently!

Followed by!

The originally rough sword embryo seemed to have ushered in a metamorphosis at this moment!

The sword body exudes a ghostly light!

The blade is sharp!

It reveals a powerful sword qi!

Wait for the fairy qi between heaven and earth to disappear!

The long sword also slowly fell in the air!

Chen Nan stretched out his hand and took it!

Then he looked at it and held it in his hand and slashed his arm!


With a crisp crashing sound!

The long sword did not shatter!

His physical body was also not injured!

"This long sword has not broken on my body, it must have the quality of a top-grade immortal weapon!"

Chen Nan's method of testing the standard of the long sword was far more direct than Elder Cheng!

Elder Cheng collided with two weapons of different levels!

He's much simpler!

Fight hard with your body and a long sword!

Have to say!

This method still works!

"The top-grade immortal weapon has finally been refined, and it is not in vain to stay in the Yan Country for so long!"

Chen Nan's heart was ecstatic!

Turning back to the room, the soul entered the fifth layer of the Immortal Mansion, and couldn't wait to ask: "Golden boy, is it possible to open the sixth layer of the Immortal Mansion just by inserting the long sword in my hand into the groove?" Golden

Boy: "Yes, just plug it in!" Chen

Nan held the sword in both hands and inserted it into the groove in the ground...

He wants to open the sixth layer of Immortal Mansion!

See what's on this floor!

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