Chu Xu, Chu Yelan's father and daughter.

And the expressions on the faces of Li Aohan and others froze.

What's the situation?

Do you know our intentions?

Now that we know that we have set up a banquet.

Why dare you come to Feitianmen alone?

Could it be that you still have backup?


Emperor Yan had already refined, that artifact.

Although the Yan Kingdom still has two ninth-level immortal emperors.

But there was no order from Emperor Yan.

There is no way they will come to your rescue.

Even if they come, how can they be Ling Yanran's opponents?

"In that case, let's not act." Chu Xu showed an intriguing smile, and then said, "Chen Nan, I don't understand something, you know that we arranged the Hongmen banquet.

"But why do you dare to come to my Flying Gate to feast alone?"

"Could it be that you think you can leave alive today?"

Chu Yelan's eyes widened angrily: "The surname Chen, you hit me in the face and cut off my legs that day, and today I will kill you to take revenge."

Li Aohan also said: "Your crime of hurting Sister Lanlan is unforgivable, not to mention that the friendly match between the two countries also spoiled my good deeds in the snow country, if I don't kill you today, how can I calm the anger in the hearts of the people of my snow country?"

Chen Nan took a sip of wine and asked lightly, "So, you killed me to avenge Chu Yelan?"

"Or do I spoil the good things of Snow Country?"

He was calm.

Even if a person broke into the tiger's den alone, he did not show the slightest panic.

Say nothing else.

This courage alone, how many people in the world can have?

Ling Yanran's eyes were full of adoration.

The brother-in-law is too handsome.

I really want to warm his bed now...

Chu Xu's father and daughter, and Li Aohan's hearts trembled inexplicably.

Why is Chen Nan so calm?

Could it be that he really has some powerful hole cards?

After all.

His influence now is really amazing.

It is not ruled out that some strong people have touched him.

But soon the idea was thrown out of their minds.

During this time, Chen Nan had been staying in the True Dragon Treasure House.

Even after staying in the Sword Forging Academy Palace for three days, no outsiders came into contact with him.

It can be completely ruled out that there are mysterious masters who have touched him.

Think of this.

Li Aohan snorted coldly: "The surname is Chen, I advise you to pretend to be a ghost, do you think we will be bluffed by you?"

"Don't say you don't have a backhand."

"Even if there is, what?"

"With the Great Priest here, even if Emperor Yan makes a move, he can't protect you."

Chen Nan picked up the chopsticks and ate the food in front of him: "Let's eat some, at least eat a full stomach before you die, you can't be a starving ghost."

Several people smiled playfully.

Chu Yelan said, "You eat first, and when you are full, we will send you on your way."

Chen Nan leisurely ate the food prepared by Feitianmen: "If Senior Yan Qing learned about today's events, he should be very disappointed, right?"

"I can feel that he is being used by you."

Chu Yelan was embarrassed and angry: "I will give him an explanation over there."

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "Actually..."

"You guys are really wrong in this move!"

"There is no deep hatred between us."

"Besides, I've already forgiven the Flying Heavenly Gate, why do you want to die?"

Chu Yelan was furious: "You hit me in the face and cut off my legs, isn't this a deep hatred?"

"But you're alive now." Chen Nan shook his head helplessly, and then put down his chopsticks: "Eating is a very sacred and solemn thing, and I don't want to argue with others when eating." "

It affects my mood when I eat."

"Then I'll send you to die!" Li Aohan's eyes exuded amazing killing intent, and the momentum of the late stage of True Immortal Realm was unreserved: "The surname Chen, I will give you one last chance."

"As long as you kneel now and repent of your crimes, I will give you a pain."

"Otherwise, I will make you regret coming to this world."

Chu Yelan said, "Brother Aohan, it's just an ant, why do you need to do it yourself?" "

Speaking of which.

She picked up the jade cup and smashed it directly.

Immediately afterwards, the eight True Immortal Realm peak powerhouses of the Flying Heavenly Gate walked in with great momentum.

Breaking the cup for the number?

The corners of Chen Nan's mouth flashed with disdain.

Chu Yelan looked at Chen Nan with fierce eyes: "The surname Chen, read in the same door as us, as long as you kneel and repent, I will let people give you a pain."

"This is my greatest kindness to you, and I advise you not to be ignorant."

Chen Nan was amused: "Just because these eight ants also want to kill me?"

"You're too self-defeating, aren't you?"

"Dare to say we are ants?" A middle-aged man was enraged and appeared in front of Chen Nan in a flash, the long sword in his hand exuding sharp sword qi.

But right now.

Chen Nan's eyes froze.

He punched out.

The fist is boiling.

Tear the void.


Accompanied by a dull sound.

The middle-aged man's head was punched by Chen Nan under everyone's terrified eyes.

Yin Hong's blood mixed with brain plasma was scattered all over the place.

The atmosphere of the scene suddenly became bloody.

Li Aohan's scalp was numb.


This guy can kill a True Immortal Peak powerhouse in seconds with one punch?

Thanks to the fact that I didn't make a rash move just now.

Otherwise, it should be me who dies, right?

This moment.

A strong fear rose in his heart.

Even the eyes that looked at Chen Nan became a little more solemn.

"Brother-in-law, you are really good."

Ling Yanran cheered for Chen Nan in her heart.

She knew that Chen Nan's strength was very strong.


My sister said.

She also made a move on Chen Nan.

Although he only used a lost strength, he was also resisted by the other party.


She also didn't expect that Chen Nan was so powerful that he could easily kill a True Immortal Realm peak powerhouse in seconds.

She could see it clearly.

With the blow just now, Chen Nan did not use immortal qi.

The pure power of the flesh killed a True Immortal Realm peak powerhouse in seconds.

"It's just that the physical strength is so terrifying, if the brother-in-law goes all out, how strong will his strength be?"

Ling Yanran's eyes were filled with endless expectations.

Chen Nan picked up the wine jug and poured a glass of wine, and said lightly: "Don't waste time, a few of you go together." The

other seven True Immortal Realm peak powerhouses glanced at each other.

A consensus was reached.

They squeeze their hands.

Cast spell after spell.

The colorful light swallowed towards Chen Nan like lightning.

Seeing that he was about to appear in front of Chen Nan.

He blasted out with a palm.


This palm is in full swing.

This palm is overwhelming.

The terrifying palm wind instantly resisted the spells of the seven people.

Immediately, it slammed fiercely into the seven people.


Seven people vomited blood.

Like a kite with a broken line.

Flew out of the hall under everyone's incredulous eyes.

After landing, it has been cut off from life.


Chu Xu and the others all felt numb in their scalps and gasped.

One move killed seven True Immortal Realm peak powerhouses in seconds.


Is this still human?

I'm afraid no one will believe it!

This moment.

Chu Xu regretted it a little.

It seems that he should not be an enemy of Chen Nan.


Li Aohan's angry voice sounded: "Even if you can kill the peak powerhouse of the True Immortal Realm in seconds, what if?" "

Can you defeat the Fourth-level Immortal Emperor behind me?"

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