Ling Yanran shook her head: "Although I don't know what happened between my sister and my brother-in-law, one thing is obvious.

"My brother-in-law hates my sister very much."

"The reason why he helped the Yan Country defeat the Snow Country."

"In the final analysis, it is to take revenge on our snow country with this behavior."

"Although it will not have any impact on my snow country."

"But when my sister finds out, she will definitely be angry."

"In this way, his purpose has been achieved."

Speaking of which.

A wry smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "This man is so scheming, just to take revenge on his sister, you can imagine that there should be an unbearable memory between them."

"Do you think he will believe me if I tell him about my sister's current situation at this time?"

The maid in red was speechless.

Oh, yes.

Chen Nan would definitely not believe that.

Ling Yanran looked in the direction where Chen Nan left: "There are some things, time will give the answer."

"Instead of making him think we're lying."

"It's better to wait for that day to come, and the people of the world will tell him the good news."

"It's just..."

"At that point, he shouldn't have the heart to warm my bed with him, right?"

Speaking of this, there was a hint of disappointment in his eyes.

Right at this moment.

A golden light tore through the night.

Silently appeared above the Flying Gate.

He was wearing a golden dragon robe, heroic and extraordinary, and exuded a dominant momentum when he raised his hands.

Ling Yanran slowly took off into the air: "Why did Emperor Yan come here?" "

Avenge the Flying Heavenly Gate?"

Emperor Yan asked rhetorically, "Why should I help Feitianmen take revenge?"

"Just because you froze the Flying Heavenly Gate?"

He smiled: "Chen Nan is the supreme hero of my Yan Country, and it is not excessive to appoint him as a king with a different surname." "

Feitianmen wants to kill the king of the Yan Kingdom, which is a felony of the Nine Tribes."

"Even if you don't make a move, I won't let them go."

Ling Yanran chuckled: "You're not confused." Emperor

Yan was a little embarrassed.

At that time, the seven of them joined forces to fight against the human emperor Baili Aotian.

It is a pity that in the end it was not against the other side.

After that, he fell into autism for a long time.

A lot of confused decisions were made.

Emperor Yan cleared his throat and said squarely, "I just received a summons from the female emperor to let you return to the Snow Country as soon as possible.

"The teleportation array is ready, you can leave at any time."

The white-clothed maid's face changed suddenly: "Great Priest, could it be that something happened to the seal connecting the Demon Realm in the Extremely Cold Snow Domain?" "

There are eight countries in the Immortal Realm.

Different from the mortal world.

There has been no war between the eight countries.

Because in a world where people, demons, and demons coexist.

The only way for the Terrans not to be destroyed is to unite together.


The female emperor summoned them to go back overnight at this time, and she immediately thought of the seal of the abyss in the extremely cold and snowy domain.

Because before that, the seal had shown signs of loosening.

Moreover, it was guarded by Ling Yanran.

Ling Yanran's expression also changed, turning into a ray of light and flying towards the capital of the Yan Country: "Summon everyone in the Snow Country Mission, assemble quickly, and must return to the Snow Country before dawn."

Emperor Yan followed and said, "Great Priest, you have this sword." Ling

Yan was stunned, she didn't expect that Emperor Yan would give her the Zhenguo Sword.

But she didn't.

Instead, he also showed an intriguing smile: "If I take the Zhenguo Sword, won't it prove that my Xueguo really lost to you?"

Emperor Yan smiled bitterly: "Is winning or losing really that important?"

Ling Yanran asked rhetorically, "Isn't it important?" Emperor

Yan's face turned red.

Does winning or losing really matter?

Anyone can say this.

Only he Yandi couldn't say anything.

Because he is the one who values winning and losing the most under the sun.

At this time, if you say it, you will inevitably be suspected of hitting yourself in the face.

"Winning and losing is important, it's what drives us to be stronger." Emperor Yan's eyes were deep: "But more important than winning or losing is life and death."

"You and my life and death!"

"The life and death of the people of the world!"

He knew that there was a passage to the Demon Realm in the northern part of the Snow Country.

Although that passage has always been sealed.

But now the seal shows signs of loosening.

This is not a good sign.

Once the seal is broken.

Snow Country is bound to be ruined.

Until then.

The entire human world will also be invaded by demons.

"I understand Emperor Yan's kindness, but the little thing of guarding the sealed land is still difficult for me." Ling Yanran's eyes were full of fighting intent.

As the Grand Priest of the Snow Country.

She is the goddess of war in the hearts of the people of the Snow Country.

Even the prestige of the female emperor is not as good as her in the people.

As soon as the words changed, Ling Yanran said, "If I can, I hope that Emperor Yan will help me bring a word to Chen Nan."

"We in Snow Country always welcome him."

"I will also keep the previous agreement."

Emperor Yan couldn't help but say, "Can you take the liberty of asking what is the relationship between him and your Snow Country?"

Ling Yanran smiled: "He is my brother-in-law." Emperor

Yan shook violently.

His eyes flashed with bitterness that could not be concealed: "Lose, lose, lose, lose."

"This time our Yanguo really lost."

"I lost very completely."

Chen Nan did help them win the Snow Country.




The enemy crushed in these three areas cannot raise his head.


After learning about the relationship between Chen Nan and the female emperor.

Emperor Yan only had bitterness in his heart.

The reason why Yanguo was able to win this victory was, in the final analysis, that the husband and wife secretly benefited more seriously.

That's all.

After returning to his senses, Emperor Yan said, "I didn't expect that the Ancient Female Emperor would be moved.

"Once this news spreads, it is bound to shock the entire immortal world."


"Chen Nan is worthy of the female emperor."

"I hope they get married early, and then I will definitely go to the snow country to ask for a glass of happy wine."


"If you don't use the power of the law."

"With my current strength, I can be comparable to a fifth-level immortal emperor."

"If you use the power of the law, it is not a problem to kill the seventh-level immortal emperor."

"But if it's an eighth-level Immortal Emperor..."

"Even if I use the power of the law, it is impossible to defeat the other party."

The battle of Feitianmen made Chen Nan recognize his strength.

Although there is still a long way to go from the ninth-level Immortal Emperor.

But now.

The distance is also shrinking.

He believes.

As long as it can open the nine-layer Immortal Mansion.

It is completely possible to kill the human emperor and recapture Nangong Wan's physical body.

Although there are no treasures in it after opening the sixth layer of the Immortal Mansion.

But for Chen Nan.

In the process of opening the sixth-layer Immortal Mansion, he rescued the people of Xingu City, and his power of merit was significantly improved.

He reaped the fire of Changming.

It was also when refining the Shangpin Immortal Artifact, and the soul was tempered.

And these.

No amount of treasure can be compared.

In the blink of an eye, Chen Nan returned to the Sword Forging Palace.

Just after his front foot landed on the back mountain.

Dai Yuan, the dean of the Sword Forging Academy, appeared.

"Why did Dean Dai come here late at night?" Chen Nan asked.

Dai Yuan said, "I have a friend who wants to ask you for a favor."

Chen Nan: "What's busy?"

Dai Yuan shook his head: "I don't know what kind of busy, but it shouldn't be a small favor, the other party is from the Qian Kingdom, and it is the ninth son of the Qian Emperor."

Chen Nan's eyes lit up.

He was about to go to the Qianguo to find the pill of the divine pill.

But the son of Emperor Qian came to him for help?

That's kind of a blessing in disguise, right?

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