Chen Nan frowned: "What marriage robbery?"

Zheng Cong asked suspiciously, "Don't you know that my cousin is going to marry the son of the Qin family in Wushuang City?" "

I don't know."

Chen Nan and Nie Yao had little communication.

I have been deliberately keeping my distance all the time.

Because he couldn't give Nie Yao the love he wanted.

And the life she wants.

After all, he was just a guest of this world.

Although Nie Yao said goodbye to him before.

But he didn't say anything about getting married in Wushuang City.

Zheng Cong said, "The Qin family is the first family in Wushuang City. "

It is said that the old man of the Qin family followed the ancestor king to suppress the powerhouses of the demon world in his early years."

"Therefore, Wushuang City is the fiefdom of the Qin family."

"And the Qin family is favored by the Yan Emperor, and before the Yan Country and the Snow Country held a friendly match, the Qin family came to watch."

"I also participated in the celebration party later."

"It's just that you didn't participate and haven't seen the Qin family."

"Although the Nie family has a certain prestige in Wushuang City."

"But it's nowhere near as good as the Qin family."

"This marriage is a forced marriage by the Qin family."

Chen Nan was puzzled: "Even if Wushuang City is the fiefdom of the Qin family, your sister is also a disciple of the Sword Forging Palace.

"And we refined the artifact at the same time before."

"It's not too much to say that fame moves the world."

"At this time, the Qin family openly forced marriage, this is too daring, right?"

Upon hearing this, Zheng Cong's anger did not hit a single place: "I blame my second uncle, that is, my cousin and her father."

"My second uncle is this man..." You say he's not human!

"He's really a person."

"You have to say he's a person..."

"But he never did personnel."

"Don't tell you, I shave my head every year in the first month."

"Shave not a single hair left."

"But he was stunned and not dead."

"It's also magical."

His face was full of anger.

It seems that he hopes that his second uncle will die.

After a pause, Zheng Cong said, "Senior Brother Chen must also know that Wushuang City is rich in a lot of ores. "

Let's just say that we forge those ores in the Sword Casting Palace."

"Thirty-five percent of them come from Wushuang City."

"It's just that a lot of ore is mined with thick stones..."

In Zheng Cong's story, Chen Nan also knew what happened.

Nie Yao's father was named Nie Qingsong.

Loves gambling.

Also likes gambling stones.


There are also gambling stones here.

The difference is.

Nie Qingsong gambled very much.

In the early years, he lost his wife, that is, Zheng Cong's aunt.


Nie Yao's mother had a strong temperament and would rather die than obey.

Committed suicide on a rainy night.

After that, Nie Qingsong realized his mistake and began to quit gambling.

But no one expected it.

That's just an illusion.

Now he's gambling again.

Not only lost all the Nie family's property.

He also lost Nie Yao to the Qin family.

Zheng Cong's eyes flashed with pleading: "Senior Brother Chen, if you can, I hope you can save my sister from the sea of suffering."

"Although she doesn't say."

"But I can tell that the person she loves deeply is you."

Zheng Cong is not stupid.

I can feel my cousin's attitude towards Chen Nan.

"Your sister and I are not the kind of relationship you imagined." Chen Nan couldn't see any emotion on his face.

Zheng Cong sighed.

Although the cousin is one of the three golden flowers of the Sword Casting Academy.

Although there are countless suitors.

But her beauty didn't seem to be able to move Chen Nan's heart.

Chen Nan: "Tell me the location of the Nie family."

Zheng Cong was overjoyed.

He immediately told Chen Nan the detailed location of the Nie family.

Chen Nan took off and took off towards Wushuang City.

Although he has always kept his distance from Nie Yao.

Although he was also ready to part ways with her.


He didn't want to see Nie Yao forced to marry someone she didn't like.


He had to go to Wushuang City.

It's not just about finding ways to repair weapons.

I also want to help Nie Yao change his life!


Matchless City.

Nie family.

Nie Qingsong, who was sad, saw his daughter's return, and his eyes immediately lit up: "Girl, you have finally returned!"

"If you don't come back, the people of the Qin family will definitely not let me go."

"Actually, I'm not afraid of death."

"But I'm afraid that the Qin family will dig your mother's grave."

"They can really do this kind of thing."

Nie Yao's face was indifferent: "Threatening your daughter with the grave of your deceased wife, you can also do this kind of thing." With that, she walked to her mother's tablet.

I lit three incense sticks and inserted them into the incense burner.

She doesn't have much attachment to the family.

Even if there is, it is because the mother's tablet is enshrined here.

There is also the relationship between the old man.

Although grandfather and grandson usually do not communicate much.

But she joined the Sword Forging Academy Palace because of the old man.

He said.

If a woman wants to survive in this world, she must become stronger.

You have to master a craft.

"I am your father."

"How can you say that about me?"

Nie Qingsong was embarrassed and angry: "Do you really think that my dog can't change eating and hasn't quit gambling?"


"I've long since quit my gambling addiction."

"The reason why I bet is all for your sake."

"Only in this way can you marry into the Qin family."

"After all, the Qin family is a famous family in Wushuang City, and we are not in the right place with them."

"How can you marry into the Qin family without this method?"

"Girl, my father really took great pains to let you marry into the Qin family."

"You don't understand me."

"But you must not humiliate me."

Nie Yao sneered: "You went to such great lengths to get me to marry into the Qin family, they should have given you a lot of benefits, right?"

Hearing this, Nie Qingsong grinned: "Not much, two casinos, a restaurant, and a silk village..."

The next moment.

He quickly closed his mouth.

I didn't expect to say leaky mouth.

Nie Yao: "I'm worth more than my mother."

Nie Qingsong's eyes were full of coldness: "Don't be so yin and yang weird, your life is given by me, you have to obey my order and marry Young Master Qin Chu." "

I'm tired." Nie Yao said and turned to leave.

"I'll tell you, you'd better be a little more knowledgeable and happily marry Young Master Qin Chu in three days."

"If you dare to go against my will, I will let you eat and go." Nie Qingsong's face was full of ruthlessness.

Nie Yao smiled miserably: "Since I have returned, I will not go against your wishes." "

She had thought about changing her destiny.

I thought about following Chen Nan.

Even if it is a wandering world.

It's better than accepting your father's control.


Chen Nan man does not want her.


If you can't resist, then submit to the arrangement of fate.

Right at this moment.

A maid gasped and ran in.

"Sir, there is a guy outside the door who claims to be Chen Nan of the Sword Casting Academy, who came to the door to ask for a meeting, and wants to see the young lady!"

Nie Yao, who was about to leave, was taken aback.

Why did Chen Nan come?

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