"What is it?"

"Why is it so terrifying to destroy?"

Terrible's eyes were full of shock.

It was because he had cultivated the Law of Destruction.

Only then did he feel the horror of this rune more clearly.

"This is a rune, left by a saint."

"If you can control the power of destruction within the runes."

"It is expected to jump out of the three realms, not in the five elements."

"Become an immortal saint."


If it weren't for the fact that he wanted to obtain the Law of the Earth System.

I would not give this Destruction Rune to the Thunder Emperor at all.

"Help me up." The Thunder Emperor's face was full of excitement, and after being helped up by his son, he knelt on his knees: "Please uncle accept the worship of the younger generation." "

Excuse me." Chen Nan waved his hand, and then received the divine soil into the storage magic weapon, "Do you know that you have obtained the clues of the laws of the water system?" "

Now he has acquired the Divine Land.

Mastering the laws of the soil system is also a matter of time.

And now.

Yin and yang, five elements.

Only the law of the water system is different.

The Thunder Emperor replied: "Shi Guo has divine water, and can feel the laws of the water system.

Chen Nan nodded slightly: "Na Cheng, I'll go to Shi Guo and find a way to get divine water." The

Thunder Emperor hurriedly said, "Uncle, the Stone Emperor is also a suitor of the female emperor. If you go this time, I am afraid that he will not agree to you.

Chen Nan frowned: "How can the female emperor have so many suitors?

"Is she really that good?"

There is a saying.

If there is no daughter Chen Nian.

He will definitely not fight with the female emperor.

Which Cheng thought.

Of the seven male Terran Supremes.

Unexpectedly, both of them admired and pursued the female emperor.

The Thunder Emperor looked embarrassed: "My aunt is beautiful, her cultivation has reached the ninth level of Immortal Emperor, and she is the first female emperor of the human race, and this kind of person is destined to have countless admirers."

Chen Nan pouted and said disapprovingly, "That's it!" "

Sleep and snore."

"And grind your teeth."

"Even talking in dreams."

Terrible: "...

Chen Nan: "I'll go to Shiguo." "

You have a good understanding of the Destruction Rune."

"Also, let people go to the snow country and tell the female emperor about my return."

Chen Nan now wants to return to the snow country as soon as possible.

After all, it took almost three years to go to the Demon Realm this time.

He really wanted to see what his daughter looked like now.

Should be white and fat.

And it will definitely call Daddy.


This place is relatively close to Shiguo.

He wants to go to the stone country first and control the laws of the water system.

Shiguo is located southeast of Xiling.

The journey is 200,000 miles.

On the back of the white robbery.

Chen Nan sat there quietly.

Close your eyes and feel the laws of the soil.

It took a day.

He mastered the laws of the soil.


Except that the Yin Yang Law is a little stronger.

The other four lines of laws are in their infancy.


Chen Nan and Bai Hao arrived at the capital of Shi Guo.

Shiguo Kingdom is like a city that never sleeps.

There are many vendors on the street.

and the people of the city.

Plus because of the lantern festival.

So it looks very lively.

Let Bai Hao completely fall in love with this world.

"Master, how can we obtain the laws of the water system?" Bai Hao ate a sugar gourd and couldn't help but look at Chen Nan.

Loved the world though.

But haven't forgotten about business.

After all, the purpose of coming here this time is to obtain the laws of the water system.

Chen Nan touched his nose: "Let's salute first and then soldier!"

"After dawn, let's go to the palace."

"Let's discuss it!"

"Not really..."

"Then let's fight!"

Right at this moment.

In the distance, a storyteller's voice came into Chen Nan's ears: "It is said that in order to protect my peace on earth forever, Grandmaster Chen generously went to righteousness, knowing that there was no return, and he also entered the demon world alone, and laid a seal in the demon world."

"He is a hero of my Terran race."

"Such courage, looking at the past, how many people can have it in the future?"

"I heard that the people of many countries have erected monuments of merit for him."


Chen Nan was unable to complain.

Make a monument of merit while you are still alive?

Isn't it a little out of place?

And also.

The common people were so supportive of him.

Let him give up the idea of fighting with Shi Huang.

If it is because the Emperor Qiu Shi's request for the water system law is refused, and he fights with the other party.

If only this was known by the world.

Where does his face fall?

He must not drown in the saliva of the world?

Although he does not mind the evaluation of the world.

But I don't want to be ruined.


The general of Shi Guo's protector, Lin Chu appeared in Chen Nan's eyes.

He had been to Qianguo.

I've seen Chen Nan.

I admire him very much.

Especially his feat of breaking into the demon world alone.

Even he admires it.

Lin Chu saluted: "Last General Lin Chu, I have seen Grandmaster Chen." "

The Shi Emperor has already learned of your arrival, and specially asked the last general to take you into the palace."

"There is General Laurin!" Chen Nan was not surprised that Shi Huang would find his breath.

After all, ninth-level immortal emperors are also rare in the immortal world.


He is from the West.

There is still a trace of magic on the body.

The demonic energy on his body is not perceptible to ordinary people.

But it is absolutely impossible to escape the perception of the ninth-level immortal emperor.

Shi Huang was a middle-aged man two meters tall with thick eyebrows and big eyes.

There is an air of power that is not angry but powerful.

After seeing Chen Nan.

Shi Huang opened his mouth and made a loud voice: "It is a blessing for Grandmaster Chen to return to the Demon Realm. "

Now that Grandmaster Chen has appeared in the territory of my Shi Country, he must be plotting against Divine Water, right?"

Chen Nan smiled and said, "I really can't hide Shi Huang's eyes. "

No need to slap." Shi Huang said, "Emperor Yan came to my Shi Country a year ago, and he told me that you will come to my Shi Country. Speaking of this, he waved his right hand.

A stone bottle flew towards Chen Nan.

"This is what you want, take it away!"

Chen Nan looked stunned: "Are you really willing to give me the divine water?" "

Even if Emperor Yan came to find Shi Huang.

But he didn't expect Shi Huang to be so generous.

Shi Huang: "Emperor Yan generally does not ask for people, since he opened his mouth to beg me."

"This face, I have to give it."

Chen Nan showed a bitter smile: "This trip to Shi Guo is far smoother than I expected.

Shi Huang sneered: "Don't you think that Xu will make it difficult for you?"

Chen Nan was speechless.

The Shi Emperor was the suitor of the female emperor.

Even if you make it difficult for yourself, it is a reasonable thing.

Shi Huang saw what Chen Nan was thinking, and sneered: "Although I admire the female emperor, I will definitely not have no lower limit like Emperor Qian.

"Feelings can't be forced."

"Since you have captured the heart of the female emperor and given birth to a son."

"The only thing you can do is bless you both."

"Not to mention, you have made great contributions to the Terrans."

"Being an existence as one of the eight supremes of the Terran race."

"If you are reasonable, you should give you the divine water."

Chen Nan hugged his fist: "No matter what, I owe Shi Guo a favor, if you need it in the future, please open your mouth!"

Shi Huang looked at the night sky and muttered, "It's not too late to say this when you survive!"

Chen Nan couldn't help but frown: "What do you mean by this?" "

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