The human emperor is high.

It is a god in the hearts of hundreds of millions of people in Central Continent.

The only God.

Even if Chen Nan wanted to forever protect the peace of the world, the fact that he broke into the demon world alone spread throughout the immortal world.

Even if the people of many countries have erected meritorious monuments for Chen Nan.

But no one on the Middle Continent side did this.

They also respected Chen Nanda's fearless sacrifice.

Grateful for his contributions to the Terrans.


They also just appreciated him in their hearts.

No one gave Chen Nan a monument of merit.

The reason for all this is because the human emperor is the most respected god in their hearts.

If you erect a meritorious monument to Chen Nan.

That would be the greatest disrespect to the human emperor.

But now.

When Ao Ping's voice echoed between heaven and earth.

The hundreds of millions of people in the Imperial City were silent.

Many people burst into tears.

Is what that dragon clan powerhouse said true?

Did the Human Emperor really give up their lives for that holy medicine that was worthless to him?

Many people don't want to believe it.

In their hearts.

The human emperor is high.

It is a symbol of justice and mercy.

He would never give up the lives of the people of the Human Imperial City for a holy medicine.

"What is Chen Nan?"

The Human Emperor snorted coldly: "What qualifications does he have to compare with Xuan?"

"Xu is the lord of the world."

Ao Ping's soul power burned more and more brilliantly.

It's like a bright sun lighting up the night sky.

Let the night become day.

Then he flew towards the Human Imperial City.

Use this method to stop the Human Emperor from going to the Elixir Garden.

If the emperor cares about the people.

Definitely stop yourself.

In that case, the ancestor would definitely be able to pick the holy medicine.


If the human emperor does not care about the life and death of the people in the city.

It will definitely affect his position in the minds of the common people.

Whatever he chooses.

The current situation is not favorable to the emperor.

A trace of anger appeared on the face of the human emperor, and the anger in his heart was completely ignited: "Do you think that my hundred miles of arrogance will be taken advantage of?" "

Threatening the lives of people in the world?"

"Do you think that Xu is a compassionate person like Chen Nan?"

"If so, then you are very wrong!"

"What does the life and death of the people of the world have to do with me?"

He didn't look back.

gave up the lives of the people of the Imperial City.

Resolutely killed the elixir garden.

And his words.

It also spread throughout the entire Imperial City.

Let countless people feel hopeless, painful!


They could hardly imagine that the God in their hearts would say such words.

It makes them feel abandoned.

"I'm sorry!"

"I thought... The Emperor of Man will intervene to stop me.

"But I didn't expect that he would give up your lives for that holy medicine."

"I'm not human though."

"But I can't help it."

Ao Ping's eyes were complicated.

The power of his soul was like a rocket rising into the air.

It can be accompanied by a dazzling light.

Ao Ping's soul exploded in the air.

It's like a giant firework.

Although he did not fall into residential areas.

However, the power generated by the self-explosion of the ninth-level demon emperor's soul turned one-fifth of the human imperial city into ruins.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Imperial City has a formation.


The soul of the ninth-level demon emperor exploded itself, which was enough to turn the entire human imperial city into ruins.

It can kill hundreds of millions of people in the imperial city in an instant.


Ao Quan fought with the three ninth-level immortal emperors.


Two fists are hard to fight with four hands.

The time for him to step into the ninth-level demon emperor is still short.

Although obtained the Green Dragon Chant, the Green Dragon Seal.

But it was not the opponent of the three ninth-level immortal emperors.

Severely injured, he was directly killed by three people.


The Human Emperor also appeared in the Elixir Garden.

He saw the green dragon.


At this time, Qinglong was a three-year-old baby boy.

White and fat, wearing a red belly pocket.

Comb a sky-facing braid.

It's like the image of Nezha.

Looking at the green dragon who had finished picking the holy medicine in front of him.

A trace of ruthlessness appeared in the eyes of the human emperor: "I seem to ignore your existence."

Qinglong carried the holy medicine on his shoulder, his face full of disdain: "Pretend, continue to pretend."

"Are you really ignoring my existence?"


"You didn't count me at all."

The Renhuang was silent for a long time and said, "You're right, I didn't count you."

Qinglong: "Actually, whether you count me or not, it doesn't matter.

"The important thing is that this battle, you will lose."


"Your strength is indeed terrifying."

"Even if Chen Nan meets you, he will die nine times for the rest of his life."


"There is one thing that you are inferior to him."

"He has compassion and a heart for life."

"Of course."

"Compassion and concern for life are not just as simple as talking with your mouth."

"He did those eight words with practical actions."

"In addition, he has this very magical power in him."

"Yes, he has an inexplicable cohesion."

"Wherever you go, it's convincing."

"And people want to befriend them."

"Can you compare to him?"

"You say that you are the Lord of the world, the son of Destiny..."


"Do you know what heaven is?"

"Should I call you Baili Aotian or Taiyi Xuantian?"

A trace of memory appeared in the eyes of the human emperor: "The name Taiyi Xuantian is really strange and familiar!"

Qinglong's voice was full of anger: "You were once a Terran Tianjiao, the first saint who controlled the avenue and became holy independently.

"But I really didn't expect that catastrophe."

"Not only did you not stand up and maintain peace in the Three Realms."

"It was reincarnated and rebuilt at a critical moment."

There was a hint of bitterness in the eyes of the Human Emperor: "Even if I don't reincarnate and recultivate, will that battle be won?"

Qinglong sneered: "So, this is the gap between you and Chen Nan."

"He never thinks about the outcome until he does something."

"Because no matter what you do."

"He's going to give it his all."

"Even in the face of life and death."

"And calmly."

The Renhuang sighed lightly: "Even if what you said is right, it is no longer important to say this now."

"You should know."

"I'll be him soon."

Qinglong: "Taiyi Xuantian, you are very conceited.

"You think that you alone in heaven and earth can control the complete avenue and become a saint."

"You don't understand the horror of the destiny at all."

"I don't even understand ancient saints."

"Chen Nan is the Heavenly Court Rebuilder chosen by many ancient saints, how can you fight him?"

The Human Emperor chuckled: "Ancient Saint? Heh, even if the ancient saint is powerful, won't that battle all fall? "

Speaking of which.

He poked out his palm: "The holy medicine is mine, no one can take it away." "

The void is imprisoned.

A huge palm grabbed directly at the green dragon.

The green dragon transformed into a green dragon with a body length of tens of thousands of meters, and its huge body twisted in the air.

Cover the sky.

Instantly broke the confinement of the human emperor.

Even if the human emperor is in front of it, he is as humble as an ant.

It opens its blood basin and mouth.

Let out a deafening dragon groan!

And this dragon chant also echoed in the depths of the souls of countless strong people in the immortal world...

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