"Whip me."

Quiba took the whip.

It was seriously injured.

Something that needs a big supplement.

Because it knows.

The energy contained in tiger whips is far less absorbable than that of monkey brains.

Taking monkey brain and tiger whip at the same time is not conducive to Chen Nan's recovery.

"Young Master Chen, I remember that you like salty mouth, right?" The headless black-tailed monkey came to Chen Nan holding his head, lifted the skull, and added some mineral salts.

This scene made everyone's scalp tingle.

To know.

The head is the place where the soul lives.


Black-tailed monkeys can not only skillfully lift their skulls, but even stir them after adding mineral salts.

It's just appalling.

"Do you think Xu will give him a chance to recover his strength?"

The Emperor of Man directly killed Chen Nan.

There are too many variables in Chen Nan.

Beyond his control.


He had to kill Chen Nan before he could recover.

"Baili Aotian, don't you exist when I don't exist?"

"In my face, kill my apprentice, old age has no sense of belonging?"

Without warning.

Cao Rufeng appeared in front of Chen Nan.

He wore a linen tunic and was unkempt.

Looks slovenly.

Like a homeless man.

He was still eating a piece of watermelon in his hand.

He now only has the cultivation of a first-level immortal emperor.


His appearance made Baili Aotian show a solemn look.

To ask who he fears the most in the immortal world today.

It was Cao Rufeng.

The Immortal Realm was once a blatant formation master.

The formation attainment is abnormal.

"Master, get out of the way."

"He wants to kill me, it's not that easy." Chen Nan put down the monkey's head with a solemn expression.

He didn't want to make the Battle Emperor.

With Cao Rufeng's strength, it was impossible to defeat the human emperor at all.

A shallow smile appeared on Cao Rufeng's face: "Although you and I are a master and apprentice, we have never taught you anything.

"Master Wei has always wanted to do something for you."

"But I never got a chance."

"Speaking of which, my master is quite incompetent."

Speaking of this, his face was full of bitterness.

Then his eyes were firm: "I know that the strength of the human emperor is very strong.

"I also know that I can't resist him."

"But, resist for one more second, and your strength will recover somewhat."

"I've decided."

"At this time, don't be emotional."

Chen Nan's face was full of pain.

If it weren't for his refining of the Three Lives Creation Pill, he consumed a lot of soul power and physical strength.

If it weren't for crossing the void, it would consume a lot of strength.

He will not be as empty as he is now.

There is no need for Master Cao Rufeng to block in front of him to gain time.

The Renhuang spoke: "Grandmaster Cao, I respect you for three points, and I hope you will not make senseless sacrifices."

Cao Rufeng ignored him.

Looking up at the firmament: "I've been thinking, what is the ultimate mystery of the formation?" "

And what is the return of the formation mage?"

"It's really written after drinking."

"Based on the sentient beings of heaven and earth?"

"Based on mountains and rivers?"

"Based on the sky full of stars?"


"But that's too costly."

"It's easy to hurt the innocent."


"In my opinion."

"The ultimate return of a formation mage should be to turn into a formation base."

The words fell.

The immortal qi in his body slowly overflowed.

His life force is burning.

Make him a shining star in the night sky.

"Madman, if there is a next life, you and I will be brothers." King Wu's voice choked, tears burst into his eyes.

He knew Cao Rufeng's situation better than everyone.

If there were no Chen Nan.

Cao Rufeng should have left the world a long time ago.

But since he took Chen Nan as an apprentice.

Strengthened his idea of living.

Although Chen Nan's attainments in formation were far above him.

But after all, Cao Rufeng has specialized in formations for tens of thousands of years.

His experience and understanding were by no means comparable to Chen Nan's.

Of course.

He had already anticipated today's battle.

So it's been strong.

In order to help Chen Nan do something.

"I was born for formations."

"It will eventually turn into a formation."

"This is my destiny."

"My luck."

Cao Rufeng looked back at King Wu, who was in tears.

Reveal a shallow smile.

The two have been close friends for many years.

Even if silent, a smile carries too much meaning.

Then he fixed his gaze on Chen Nan, grinning and revealing a mouth full of yellow teeth: "Your achievements in the formation are not necessarily high-level." The

words fell.

His figure disappeared into heaven and earth.

A cage formed by the power of his soul imprisoned the human emperor in the depths of the firmament.

The cage trembled in the air.

Burst into a dazzling light.

Let the emperor hold his head and scream: "Madman, you are a madman!"

"Damn, get out of my head!"

"Get out!"

The human emperor roared.

Past and present lives.

He had never endured such intense pain.

"Master, let's go!"

Chen Nan burst into tears.

Kneeling on the ground, he kowtowed three times to the cage in the air.

Everyone else was also shocked by Cao Rufeng's behavior.

I didn't expect that he would transform into a formation to resist the human emperor.

His behavior is admirable.

Of course.

No one felt that Cao Rufeng's move was too regretful.

Because he said it.

It was his luck.

It is his best home.

Chen Nan swallowed all the monkey brains.

The energy contained in the monkey's brain quickly restored his soul power, as well as physical strength.

But that's it.

It will take at least a blaze of incense to return to its peak.


Can Master last that long?


The Human Emperor cast the Law of Silence and wanted to destroy the formation that Cao Rufeng had arranged with the power of his soul.

It didn't work out though.

But the light of that cage also waned with the passage of time.

Of course.

The human emperor is also not happy.

Light golden blood flowed from all seven of his tips.

It looks terrifying.

"Great King, is there really no other way?" Chen Jin looked at Yan Guang nervously.

Yan Guang shook his head: "The strength of the human emperor is too terrifying.

"Even if everyone went together, they couldn't kill him."

"In particular, the law of time under his control is far more terrifying than the law of silence."

Crush others with the power that belongs to them.

Who can resist this means?


Accompanied by the fatal blow of the human emperor.

The cage that Cao Rufeng transformed into disappeared into heaven and earth under everyone's uneasy eyes.

He burns the life force.

Join the fight.

But it didn't trap the emperor.

"Chen Nan, now, who can fight for you?"

"Who is still qualified to fight Bendi?"

The human emperor was angry.

A terrifying aura erupted.

Even the galaxy shook.

"I, maybe I can fight you!"

A black golden crow soared into the air, and its body burned with crimson flames.

The human emperor's eyes flashed with deep disdain: "A descendant of the golden crow with impure blood, what qualifications do you have to fight with this emperor?" The

words fell.

He turned his fingers into swords.

The brilliant sword qi tore through the sky and penetrated the black flame.

Split it in two.

As an eighth-level demon emperor.

Hei Yan's strength is very strong.

Can face the Immortal Realm Supreme.

It can't even withstand a random blow from the opponent.

"Father, why don't you hide?" Chenjin lost his voice and screamed.

"Father can't stop the emperor, but you can." Hei Yan smiled, and his soul power burned and submerged into Chenjin's body.

He wants to use his soul to activate his son's bloodline talent.

Let it evolve into a real golden crow!

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