The sword of creation is extremely sharp and terrifying.


but was held in Chen Nan's hand.

He suddenly exerted his strength.


The sword of creation was crushed by his bare hands under the incredible eyes of everyone!

The power of law collapses.

"Good apprentice, do you really want to kill Master Wei?"

"Are you trying to deceive and destroy the ancestors?"

The Renhuang looked at Chen Nan with a smile.

Chen Nan's eyes were indifferent: "I didn't expect that you and my master and apprentice would turn against each other." "


"You're going to take me away, and you're not allowed to resist?"

The Renhuang laughed: "You are still as always, dare to love and hate." He

clenched his fists in the air.


The ground cracks.

A jade coffin slowly floated into the air.

This jade coffin Chen Nan is very familiar.

It carries Nangong Wan's flesh.

The human emperor waved his hand casually.

The jade coffin flew towards Chen Nan.

"Good apprentice, you and I have a master and apprentice."

"This body will be returned to you!"

"Just take it as a testimony of you and my master and apprentice."

Right at this moment.

The daughter of the human emperor, Baili Yunxi also flew into the air.

She wore a long white dress, and the whole person released a holy breath.

Like a goddess high above, it gives people an unattainable feeling.

"Chen Nan, I advise you to tie up your hands, if not, I will kill Nangong Wan's soul!" Bailiyunxi emits a crisp and pleasant sound like an oriole bird.


But there was a creepy smile on his face.

The next moment.

Baili Yunxi showed a painful expression on his face.

Nangong Wan is recoiling.

Her face was full of hideousness, and she gritted her teeth and roared: "Chen Nan, don't listen to her." "

The human emperor steals all living beings and creates them in one!"

"You have to kill him!"

"Otherwise, billions of sentient beings will be controlled by him."

"And I..."

"I'm glad I met you."

Nangong Wan was very painful in her heart.

Because she knew that she had become a pawn in the hands of the human emperor.

Otherwise, Chen Nan would not have been here.

Although painful.

But she also touched Chen Nan's deep affection for her.

Obsession with her!

In her previous life, she died in Chen Nan's arms, and she had the luxury of hoping that the two would still meet in this life.

Can look good.

Although this dream has not been realized.

But she is not in vain in her past life and this life.

"Birth, old age, illness and death, the cycle of heaven's path."

"It's all to blame on me, you shouldn't have been buried in that feng shui bureau."

"Otherwise, you wouldn't have gone through so many tribulations."

Chen Nan's heart was like a knife.

If it weren't for his dream of resurrecting Nangong Wan.

Will things turn out like this?

"Wan'er, I am responsible for your past and present lives."

"If there really is an afterlife."

"I would like to give you all my love without reservation!"

Chen Nan blasted out with a palm.

The jade coffin instantly turned into powder and disappeared between heaven and earth.

Nangong Wan's physical body had disappeared.

Doomed to her inability to resurrect.

Next second.

Chen Nan appeared beside Baili Yunxi.

A sword cut out.

Bailiyunxi was instantly split in two.

One corpse, two lives.

Baili Yunxi and Nangong Wan's souls also disappeared between heaven and earth.

"You seem to be more hard-hearted than before." The human emperor's face was full of cruelty, and he did not feel sad and sad because of his daughter's tragic death.

Because everyone in the world is his pawn.

It's just that.

Chen Nan's changes made him feel very strange.

Chen Nan stepped on the void and walked towards the human emperor step by step.

He unleashed a monstrous anger: "Becoming stronger has a price.

"I gave up my mercy."

"My mercy."

"My good thoughts."

"Just to kill you today!"


The Human Emperor slashed at Chen Nan with a sword.

The long sword formed by the convergence of the laws of silence tore through the void.

Destroy the decay.

Like an aurora, it appeared in front of Chen Nan under everyone's nervous eyes.

Chen Nan punched out.

The Eternal Realm was covered with fists and successfully withstood the fatal blow of the Human Emperor.

This moment.

The firmament is twisted.

The earth cracks.

The Human Imperial City also completely disappeared between heaven and earth.

There is not even a trace of existence.

Chen Nan soared into the sky.

Fight with the human emperor in close combat!

"Uncle be careful!" The Terrible exclaimed.

He had once experienced the horror of the Human Emperor.

Borrowing the opponent's power to defeat the other party, this method is impossible to prevent.

Qinglong grinned on the side: "The strength of the Human Emperor is certainly terrifying, but in close combat, he cannot be Chen Nan's opponent. "


Chen Nan and the Human Emperor fought in the void!

Each impact erupts into a thunderous sound.

Chen Nan was like a humanoid weapon.

Even if the human emperor can borrow the power of the future.


Chen Nan didn't give him a chance at all.

He was furious.

The movements are crisp and swift.

Even the human emperor is frantically suppressed.

This moment.

Even the power of the law has become illusory.

There is only a pure physical duel.

This is the most primitive way to kill.

Also the most effective.

Chen Nan knew.

If you want to kill the human emperor, you must make a big splash and not give him the opportunity to use the power of the law.


He underestimated the human emperor.

The human emperor's physical body was extremely terrifying, and it was indistinguishable from him.

A punch smashed over, as if it fell on a hard Xuan Iron.

In an instant.

The two of them fought thousands of moves!

At this time, pale golden blood flowed from both of them.

Exudes golden light.

It's like two gods are fighting!

"The Desolate Ancient Sacred Body is indeed terrifying."

"If it weren't for the reincarnation of my saint, I wouldn't be your opponent at all."

The Renhuang grinned.

"Now, it's time to end this battle!"

The words fell.

A long sword condensed by the Qi of Creation appeared in his hand.

Instantly flew towards Chen Nan.

"What's going on, why does it feel like time and space are frozen?"

A sense of foreboding rose in Chen Nan's heart.

Immediately, he thought that the Human Emperor controlled the law of time.

If nothing else.

This should be time standing still.

Don't think about it.

He hurriedly cast the Eternal Realm.

But in vain.

Under the premise that time stands still, even the eternal realm cannot break the current situation.

He didn't wait for him to come back to his senses.

The Human Emperor appeared in front of him.

He raised the longsword in his hand high.

Under everyone's terrifying eyes, he directly pierced into Chen Nan's eyebrows!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

They know that the human emperor has many means.

The strength is strong.

But I didn't expect it.

Even if Chen Nan met him, there was nothing to fight back.

And the most important point.

So many of them had been fighting against the Renhuang at the same time, and it had been going on for several hours.

And the human emperor consumes a lot.

Who would have thought.

Will the human emperor be terrifying to this extent?

They want to shoot.

But I found out.

Time stands still in this world.

They simply cannot break the stillness of time.

He couldn't help Chen Nan resist this deadly sword.


In the crowd nervous.


Under desperate eyes.

The long sword in the hand of the human emperor pierced into Chen Nan's eyebrows.

The long sword pierced his head.

Blood spilled into the sky!


Everyone had a tingling scalp.

The head is the place where the soul is born.

The long sword pierced through Chen Nan's head, could he still live?

The Renhuang smiled with satisfaction: "Although your strength is stronger than I expected, you died at my hands after all..."

The words are not finished.

Chen Nan punched through his chest and shattered his heart.

The Human Emperor let out a heart-rending scream: "I obviously destroyed your soul, why are you still alive?" "

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