Everyone else was also full of incredulity.

They couldn't accept it.

I never thought that Chen Nan would lose so completely.


Even if Chen Nan obtained the Heavenly Demon Inheritance, he would have eight more lives.

And now.

His soul was also destroyed nine times.

"Who said that to take the sacrifice is to take the flesh?" The human emperor laughed loudly: "A group of frogs at the bottom of the well, perhaps in your eyes, to take away the flesh of others is to rob others."

"But for me, it's just a matter of giving up."

"As long as Chen Nan dies, his creation will belong to me."

"For example, the fire of Changming."

"Pillar of merit."

"And the qualifications to rebuild the Heavenly Court."


"It's all mine."

He laughed maniacally.

Everyone else's mood was extremely solemn.

They couldn't accept it.

Especially the female emperor.

Directly collapsed on the ground.

The eyes were full of pain.

How did he die?

I don't know.

Chen Nan is not dead.

He is trapped in an endless darkness.

He was shrouded in endless darkness.

There is nothing here.

Not even the wind.

Like true eternity.

"Which is it?"


"No, no, no!"

"After receiving a fatal blow from the human emperor, I should be dispersed."

"Who is still qualified to go to hell?"


A faint light appeared ahead.

He didn't know what it was.

But for him.

That is hope.

Show him the way forward.

He forged ahead, running in the direction of the light.


The more he chased, the farther away that dawn became.

"Why is that?"

"How can I get close to that light?"

"Stop and it will get closer?"

It turns out.

Chen Nan thought too much.

Even if he stops.

That light did not approach.

Take a deep breath.

Chen Nan's eyes had never been firmer: "No matter, it's always right to run in the direction of light." "


the outside world.

"It's impossible, Chen Nan won't die, that's the person in the prophecy, he still wants to unify the immortal world!" Emperor Yan roared angrily and killed the Zhenguo sword in his hand.

Although he was seriously injured.

But I also want to fight with my life.

"Get out!"

The Renhuang slapped out.

It contains the law of silence.

Directly spit out blood from the mouth of the Yan Emperor and fly out upside down!

The Human Emperor smiled viciously: "Who said that the man who came from the demon world and unified the immortal world is him?"

"Don't you understand what creation is?"

"I took away his creation, and the man who unified the immortal world is me."

"For example, right now."

"You have all become my men."

"If I ask you to submit, will you dare to refuse?"

Emperor Qian said angrily: "Human Emperor, although my skills are not as good as others, I will definitely not submit to you." Chen

Nan died, of course, he felt sorry.


Chen Nan died.

Isn't his chance coming?

Although the female emperor gave birth to a daughter for Chen Nan.


He didn't mind at all.


The human emperor pointed at the air.

A piece of sword qi tore through the sky and nailed Emperor Qian to the ground.

"Fight me?"

"Can you beat me?" The disdain in the eyes of the human emperor became stronger.

Although the last meeting played a draw.

But all these years after that.

His strength has improved too much.

"Baili Aotian, you will not die well." Emperor Qian broke his mouth and cursed: "Even if you use the sentient beings of heaven and earth as a chess piece, one day you will be countered."

"You look at your human imperial city, hundreds of millions of people here have died in your hands."

"Aren't you afraid that they will turn into ghosts and ask for your life?"

To ask the eight Terran Supremes.

Who is least like an emperor.

It was Emperor Qian.

And to ask which of the eight Terran supremes has the most free personality.

It should also belong to Emperor Qian.

"You're a coward."

"A bitch."

"Cowards who only run away in times of catastrophe."

"You will only bully the weak, you are a vile and shameless insidious villain."

"you immortal plate."

"The saint is reincarnated and bullies us, will this make it seem that you are very strong?"


"It only shows your incompetence."

He raised his head to the sky and vented all the anger in his heart.

"Since you are not willing to submit, then I will send you to die!" The Human Emperor was completely enraged, and the Law of Silence roared out, slashing towards the Qian Emperor.

"Dare to kill my uncle, this emperor fought with you."

The Thunder Emperor resisted in front of the Qian Emperor.

Forcibly urge the Avenue of Destruction in the body.

Even regardless of the backlash of the avenue.

He waved his arms.

Countless heavenly thunders appeared in the void.

One after another, the thick heavenly thunder was like a dragon.

Sealed off this void.


Accompanied by a deafening thunder.

One after another, the thunder and lightning containing the law of destruction completely devoured the human emperor.

But the human emperor stood quietly in the void, with a proud expression: "The Avenue of Destruction is indeed terrifying.


"You haven't completely mastered this avenue."

"What's the difference between your attack and tickling for me?"

He waved it in the air.

A sword qi appeared in front of the Thunder Emperor without warning.

He cut off his shoulder and cut off his right shoulder.

"It's useless!"

"Even if you go together, it is impossible to kill me."

"I, Taiyi Xuantian, am the chosen one."

The Renhuang laughed loudly.

Self-reincarnation reincarnation.

He was firmly convicted.

Be the strongest person in the world.

To become the strongest saint.


He spied on the origin of the Chosen One.

And then the Nether.

appeared beside Chen Nan in a very accidental way.

In order to plunder His creation.

And now.

How could he not be happy that the plan was successful?

"You're happy too early!"

Emperor Yan soared into the air, and the Zhenguo Sword levitated above his head.

He squeezed it with both hands.

The Zhenguo sword burst out with the power of Excalibur.

It's like summoning something.

"This sword is refined with my Yan Guo Qi Luck."

"When it is critical, you can borrow the blessing of my Yan National Qi Luck."

"Today, I will borrow my Yan Country National Fortune, inject this sword, and kill you to avenge my brother!"


A terrifying force of national fortune descended in the void.

This power comes from the Yan Kingdom.

After this battle.

Whether the human emperor is alive or dead, the national fortune of the Yan Kingdom is bound to decline!


The Zhenguo Sword injected into the national fortune burst out with dazzling sword qi!

Even if everyone present felt a great sense of oppression.


Emperor Yan roared angrily, holding the Zhenguo sword to kill the human emperor.

The human emperor resisted with his bare hands.

The national fortune on the Zhenguo sword was actually absorbed by him.

The corners of the Renhuang's mouth rose: "You seem to have forgotten that I taught Chen Nan the Qiqi Technique."

"I am more skilled than him in mastering the matter of luck."

Saying that, he kicked Yandi to the ground and smashed out a huge deep pit.

He looked at everyone with great spirits, and an indifferent voice came out of his mouth: "Surrender, or death?"

"Wait." The eight-eyed demon spider spoke: "I suddenly realized a problem, we have already recognized Chen Nan as the master, if he dies, we will also be dispersed."

"But why, are we still alive?"

The Human Emperor suddenly snorted.

He turned his head to look at the picture scroll in the void!

A faint flame slowly burned at the bottom of the scroll...

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