Change to before.

Old man Jian would definitely think it was hell.

But now.

There are many cultivators on the earth.

He knew that the little guy who flew out of his son's body was Yuan Ying.

Suddenly I felt numb in my scalp.

"How is that possible?"

"How could you possibly become a powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Realm?"

Jian Jianhua said lightly: "This is where to go." "

My son-in-law said."

"If the Yuan Infancy period is not enough for me to play, he will make me a strong person in the peak realm of the Mahayana period."

Old man Jian was like being struck by lightning: "Is this all Chen Nan's creation for you?"

Jian Jianhua asked rhetorically: "How else?" "


Old man Jian spewed out a mouthful of blood.

Body stiffness.

Fell straight down.

Chen Nan can make an ordinary person become a peak powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Stage with a raised hand.

Such means.

How can the Quartet God of War possess it?

This time.

He really looked away!

Obviously there is a super strong person around him.

But he was ungrateful and defected to the Han family.

Regret shouldn't have been!

Seeing my father fall.

Jian Jianhua was also taken aback, and quickly picked up his father and laid him flat on the sofa.

His body was then examined.

The result left him pale.

The old man had lost his breathing and heartbeat.

Cerebral infarction and myocardial infarction recur at the same time.

"Immortal cultivation, immortal cultivation, Chen Nan has long said that we are not suitable for immortal cultivation, why are you obsessed?"

"If you don't turn to the Han family, how can things become like this?"

"Are you satisfied with this ending now?"

Jian Jianhua roared silently.

He was devastated.

It was difficult to bear the death of my father.


Today's ending was also unexpected.

Because since he practiced the exercises given by the Han family.

My father said that he had an uncomfortable heart and was often dizzy.

Chen Nan came with Jian Ning when he heard the news.

He checked the situation of Old Master Jian, and then sighed: "The old man's physical body has long been full of holes, and it is simply not enough to carry his soul. "

It's not saved."

If it is in the immortal world, even if Old Master Jian is dead.

Even if there are no physical corpses, he can turn back time.

Let Old Master Jane come back from the dead.

But this is Earth.

Even if he had defeated the rules of the Earth Heavenly Dao.

However, it did not fuse with the rules of the Heavenly Dao.

In layman's terms.

On Earth.

His strength is not as good as in the immortal world!


He saw the soul of Old Master Jane.

He bowed with a repentant face: "Chen Nan, thank you for letting me live a few more years."

"If you hadn't made a move, I would have died a long time ago."

"It's just, I'm ungrateful, I'm ashamed of you!"

When a man dies, his words are good.

He thought that Chen Nan couldn't see him.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan's gaze locked on his soul: "You can go to reincarnation at ease!"

"With me, I will definitely keep the Jane family worry-free for generations."

A strong remorse rose again in Old Man Jian's heart.

After death, Chen Nan can see himself.

Even talk to yourself.

How powerful is he?

Immediately, Chen Nan opened the six reincarnations and sent Old Master Jian to reincarnation.

Just... Soon.

Chen Nan also has joys, angers and sorrows.

Old man Jane's ungrateful behavior infuriated him.

If it weren't for Jian Ning, he wouldn't have come here.


Old man Jane passed away, and he was still a little inexplicably happy...

"I'll call your second uncle, and send the old man back to his hometown tomorrow for funeral." Jian Jianhua sighed softly, and it was difficult to hide the sadness on his face.

Whatever one may say.

These are all his closest relatives.

Even if you have done a lot of wrong things, it is difficult to hide the blood and family affection.

Chen Nandao: "I just came back, there are still many things to do, I'm afraid I won't be able to attend the old man's funeral."

"Feel free to speak if you need to."

Jian Jianhua forced a smile: "You are busy, you don't have to go to the funeral." "

In his opinion.

Chen Nan's not going to the funeral was the last face to his father.

After all.

It was all because of my father's greed and ingratitude.

What face did they have for Chen Nan to attend the funeral?

Isn't that a slap in the face for all of them?

A few brief chats.

Chen Nan left Jian's house, and then headed towards the shantytown of Nancheng.

He had asked Jian Ning before.

He Shanshan lives alone in a shantytown, relying on her ancestral craft to sell tofu to make a living.

In fact, He Shanshan is not short of money.

Chen Nan transferred five billion to her when he left.

It can be said according to Jian Ning's words.

She is just idle and bored alone, trying to find something for herself to do.


at the same time.

Han Feiyang also had a gloomy face and left the hospital in a Rolls-Royce.

He was in a very bad mood.

The doctor said.

Bunkered, this wound they have not healed.

Follow-up does not know how to heal.


There are doctors who have made reasonable suggestions.

To cure Han Jian's situation.

Denaturation is the best option.

But he was unwilling!

He wanted to go back and ask the strong man at home, Luo Kun.

After all, Luo Kun is a practitioner.

There must be some panacea in hand.

Maybe it can heal the wounds at the root.

Return to Han's house.

Han Feiyang came to Luo Kun's cultivation room for the first time: "Brother Luo, you have it in your hands..." Wait, why is your face so bad?

Luo Kun said weakly, "Chen Nan's strength is far above me, and he attacked my flying sword with soul power, causing my soul to be hit hard.

Han Feiyang was taken aback.

It was clear that Chen Nan only said one rolling word.

But it severely damaged Rokun's soul.

This caused a strong wave of fear and uneasiness to rise in his heart.

That guy's strength turned out to be so terrifying?

Luo Kun said solemnly: "Patriarch Han, with my strength, I am not Chen Nan's opponent at all.

"If you want to kill him, you have to ask the commander for help."

Han Feiyang snorted coldly: "Kill chickens with a cow slaughtering knife?"

"With the influence of the second eldest in the world."

"Just find someone casually to erase Chen Nan."

There was a pause.

He asked nervously, "Brother Luo, the dog is seriously injured and the pill was blown up by Chen Nan, do you know any way to heal?"

Luo Kun shook his head: "Although there are many elixirs in the True Cultivation World, except for some alchemists who refine pills, ordinary people simply cannot heal this kind of injury.

A sense of powerlessness rose in Han Feiyang's heart.

Is it true that the son is going to become a woman?

After becoming a woman, he can't experience the happiness of a man!

Han Feiyang clenched his fists and made an icy voice: "One month, and one month is the wedding day of the Jian family and the Han family."

"After the two families complete their marriage, it will be Chen Nan's death period."

He really wanted to kill Chen Nan now.


He won't do it.

Chen Nan and Jian Ning agreed.

He wanted to forcibly separate the two.

Let Chen Nan love it.

After all.

The Jian family practiced the exercises given by the Han family.

If you don't practice the second half of the exercises, everyone in the Jian family will die.


If Jian Ning wanted to save her relatives, the only way was to marry into the Han family.

In this way, can't Chen Nan experience the taste of love and pain?

Wait for then.

Wouldn't it be better to kill him again?


Chen Nan also came to the shantytown of Nancheng.

Came to the door of Hejia tofu shop.

It's just that.

See a group of ruffians smashing the door of a tofu shop.

When he said something filthy to the second floor.

A burst of anger suddenly rose in his heart, and he said coldly: "Whose people are you?" Dare to come here to make trouble? Are you all tired of living? "

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