The old man is behind his back with one hand.

Long hair flutters in the wind.

It gives a smell that floats out of the dust.

Especially the indifference in his eyes.

Like an emperor who reigns high above and rules over the lives of others.

Liu Jun exclaimed: "You are Liu Anzhi, the head of the Xuanyi Gate?" Liu Jun

is also a rich man with a head and a face in Jeju City, how can he not know that Liu Anzhi, who is the strongest in the Jeju cultivation circle?

The strength is strong.

Not to be underestimated.

Chen Nan chuckled: "The Han family sent you to kill me?" Liu

Anzhi: "Your head is worth five billion."

Chen Nan frowned

: "My life is only worth five billion?" Liu Anzhi asked rhetorically: "This is already very high, isn't it?" "

I'm afraid you won't have the life to take this five billion!" Chen Nan shook his head slightly, the strength of the peak of the out-of-body period is indeed very strong in the world, but for him, he can be wiped out with a snap of his fingers.


Liu Anzhi pressed in the air.

A palm that came out of the True Qi Transformation crushed towards Chen Nan.

The void trembled.

Liu Jun's breathing stopped.

He felt a powerful sense of oppression hit him.

Even if Chen Nan is the first God of War to protect the country.

He also didn't know if this person could withstand the opponent's fatal blow.

"Get out!"

Chen Nan spat out thunder.

The invisible sound wave broke through Liu Anzhi's attack.

Instantly pierced Liu Anzhi's chest.

Liu Anzhi spewed out a mouthful of blood.

The figure fell uncontrollably to the ground.

He looked at Chen Nan as if he had seen a ghost: "What kind of cultivation are you?" "

Why is the strength so strong?"

Liu Anzhi's mentality collapsed.

In his opinion.

A young man in his twenties.

Even if it's gifted.

At best, it's just the beginning of the out-of-body period.

But he never dreamed of it.

The cultivation of his peak during the period of his own emergence was actually seriously injured by the other party.

Liu Jun was also taken aback.

Chen Nan

lit the cigarette on his lips and said lightly: "It doesn't matter what realm I am, the important thing is that you can't kill me today."

Liu Anzhi stood up with difficulty, and a bright long sword appeared in his hand: "Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others, since I received money from the Han family, I naturally want to behead you."

Before the words landed, he put his sword around his neck.

"Damn, why is my body out of control?"

this moment.

Liu Anzhi was completely dumbfounded.

His body lost control.

He's not stupid.

Knowing that this was Chen Nan's means.

It's just that.

Controlling the body of a peak powerhouse in the Emergence Period, what realm his own cultivation has reached???

at this time.

Chen Nan's voice sounded: "Go and tell Han Feiyang that I have the evidence of the Han family's crime."

"In three days, I will go to Han's house and bring him to justice." "

The next moment.

Liu Anzhi's body flew uncontrollably into the air and flew towards the Han family.

Chen Nan looked at Liu Jun: "You contact the other people I met today, I am worried that they have also encountered accidents."

Liu Jun quickly took out his mobile phone and dialed the number of those people.

Except that Qu Zongsheng shuts down.

No one else's phone went through.

"Mr. Chen, they should have been retaliated by the Han family. Liu Jun's face was full of sadness and anger.

After today's event.

He thoroughly saw the faces of the Han family.

Like a demon.

Chen Nan sighed lightly: "The dead are great, let your relatives go to the soil for peace first!"


the Han family.

Meng Jie's face was sallow and came to the pavilion in the backyard of the villa.

At this moment, Han Feiyang was under the pavilion, drinking tea with Luo Kun.

Meng Jie's sudden appearance made Han Feiyang frown: "Didn't I let you capture Jian Ning alive, why did you come back alone

?" Luo Kun put down the water cup in his hand, his expression was a little solemn: "You are actually injured, could it be that Chen Nan is on Jian's side?"

Meng Jie is a strong man at the peak realm of the Golden Pill Period.

Looking at the mundane world, it is also a near-invincible existence.


Seeing Meng Jie injured, he immediately thought of Chen Nan.

Han Feiyang said, "It's impossible, Chen Nan invited sixteen rich people to eat together before, and he can't be at the funeral site of the Jian family."

Meng Jie said weakly, "It was Jian Jianhua who hurt me. Han

Feiyang angrily slammed the teapot in his hand and looked at Meng Jie angrily: "Jian Jianhua is just an ant who has just stepped into the refining period, what did he hurt you with?"

If it weren't for the wrong information, he would not have been seriously injured.

But considering the background behind Han Feiyang, he swallowed all the unhappiness in his heart.

He whispered, "Whether Mr. Han believes it or not, the injuries on my body are all caused by Jian Jianhua. "

He is a peak powerhouse in the Yuan Infancy Stage.

Han Feiyang laughed angrily: "If he is the peak of the Yuan Infancy Period, then Lao Tzu is a master of the peak of the Mahayana Period."

Luo Kun took the tea cup and drank, and said in a flat tone: "I have seen Jian Jianhua, and there is no foundation at all.

"It's barely possible for him to step into the refining period. "

Peak of the Yuan Infancy Period?"

"Huh!" "

You say this, but any normal person will not believe it."

Meng Jie spewed out a mouthful of blood.

He clearly told the truth.

But the other party did not believe him.


Dong Yan also returned to the Han family with a look of horror.

He thought Chen Nan would kill him.

But I didn't expect to let him go.

Han Feiyang asked, "How is things done?" Dong

Yan said, "Except for Liu Jun, everyone else died."

Han Feiyang's face was full of doubts: "Why is Liu Jun still alive?" Dong

Yan: "Chen Nan appeared at the critical moment, this person is very strong, I am not his opponent."

Han Feiyang jumped like a thunder: "I know that those things that eat inside and outside are not well, did he call Chen Nan for help?"

Han Feiyang snorted coldly: "I have already asked Liu Anzhi of the Xuanyi Gate to kill Chen Nan, and if he makes a move, Chen Nan will definitely have no hope of survival."

"Before nine o'clock in the evening, he will send Chen Nan's head." "

Speaking of which.

He looked at Luo Kun and said politely: "Brother Luo, how about you work hard and go to Jian Jianhua's hometown?"

Jian Ning must also be taken.

He wanted to put Jian Ning on Chen Nan's head.

Luo Kun stood up and glanced at Meng Jie with disdain: "I want to see if Jian Jianhua has stepped into the peak realm of the Yuan Infancy stage as you said."

Meng Jie clenched his fists: "I didn't lie.

"Hmph, even if he steps into the peak of the Yuan Infancy Stage, the old immortal can kill him. Rokun said as he teleported away.


However, he showed a solemn expression like a great enemy: "I feel that there is a master approaching."

Han Feiyang showed nervousness.

Next second.

Liu Anzhi, who put the long sword around his neck, landed out of thin air.

Han Feiyang looked confused.

I couldn't help but ask: "Liu Zhangmen, why did you put

the long sword on your neck?" Liu Anzhi broke his mouth and cursed: "Do you think the old man wants to put the long sword on his neck?

"Chen Nan took control of my body. "


Make everyone's scalp tingle.

Chen Nan was able to control the body of a peak powerhouse in the Coming Out Period?

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