Time passes slowly.

The time is also getting closer and closer.


Chen Nan did not appear.

This is puzzling.

Someone was full of disdain and gave his own opinion: "In my opinion, Chen Nan must have been instigated and did not dare to show up."

Another person said: "I heard that it was he who first sent a letter of battle to the Han family, and he wanted to go to the Han family today to 'take the place of Tianxing Dao'."

"So, before he sent the book of battle, he didn't know the news that Commander Han was returning.

"One thing is to say, if I were him, I would definitely not show up today."

"Maybe Chen Nan was once famous, but how can he be the opponent of

General Han?" "If he really dares to appear, he will definitely be killed by General Han." "

Chen Nan's rescue of Wuyang City is well known.

At the beginning, he and the trickster of the Jindan period realm had a hard time killing.

Not to mention that Han Feipeng was still a strong man in the Mahayana realm.

"Someone is coming!"

Someone looked to the West.

I saw eight figures coming from the sword, suspended in midair.

"They seem to be from the Huashan Sword Sect.

"Yes, I know their costumes, when the demons invaded, the people of the Huashan Sword Sect once resisted.

"It is said that there were heavy casualties, and now there are only more than three hundred disciples. "

For the Huashan Sword Sect.

Ordinary people are no strangers.

After all, they have contributed to the world.

It is credited to the social welfare and people's livelihood.


The supreme existence of one of the previous eight great religions.

But it is far less influential than the Quartet God of War.


The Huashan Sword Sect has completely declined.

Of course.

This is also their own fault.

Because when the Truth Cultivators Association was created.

It was once proposed to merge the Huashan Sword Sect into the Truth Cultivators Association.

It was rejected.

After that.

The Huashan Sword Sect is going downhill.

In addition to the Huashan Sword School.

Shaolin also refused to join the Truth Cultivators Association.

Two years ago.

Demon invasion.

Among the eight major sects, only the Huashan Sword Sect and Shaolin sent strong people to kill demons.

If they joined the Truth Cultivator Association, their status would definitely be above many people.

It's a pity.

They all refused to join the Truth Cultivators Association.


Many people have forgotten about the Huashan Sword School, as well as Shaolin.

"Cangning, what are you Huashan Sword sent here for?" a strong man in his thirties and at the peak of his out-of-body period appeared in midair.

He is Tao Dazhuang's cousin, Ma Zhen.

Cang Ning said indifferently: "My former head of the Huashan Sword Sect is fighting with Han Tong, as a disciple of the Huashan Sword Sect, how can I turn a blind eye?"

It immediately caused a lot of shock.

"Chen Nan turned out to be the former head of the Huashan Sword Sect?" "Why haven't you heard of this

?" "Since Chen Nan is the former head of the Huashan Sword Sect, did the Huashan Sword Sect fight the demon two years ago, did he take his will?"

It felt as if things weren't what they had imagined.

Chen Nan didn't seem to be a deserter.

At this time, there was another humane: "As the leader, I did not go to war, but I sent my disciples to die, and Chen Nan really refreshed my three views."

"He is not worthy of being the son of man!" was

recognized by many.

Even though the Huashan Sword Sect was credited to the Jiangshan Society, it had nothing to do with Chen Nan.

"Amitabha!" was

accompanied by a loud voice of Buddha.

A monk wearing a golden cassock and holding a rosary flew over.

It was the abbot of the Shaolin Temple.


Ma Zhen's face showed a hint of disdain: "Why is this old bald donkey of yours also here, could it be that it is also to help Chen Nan?" Hui

Kong clasped his hands together: "Chen is in charge of chivalry, Pudu all sentient beings, is my Shaolin benefactor, we Shaolin should come to it reasonably." Are

you bald and have some misunderstanding of Pudu beings?" a fan of Han Feipeng scolded in public.

"Amitabha Buddha!" Hui

Kong recited a Buddhist slogan: "Things have their roots, things have a continuity, and if you know what you do, you will be close to the path." The

guy who scolded Hui Kong immediately closed his mouth.

He didn't understand what Hui Kong meant.

It's the same as it was played in a film and television drama.

The monk's words give people an unfathomable feeling.

A young man raised his head, looked at the figure in the void, and said loudly: "Monk, can you speak more clearly?"

"Those who truly contemplate the mind will finally be liberated."

"Can't observe, in the end, sink." The

more you talk about it, the more confused the world becomes.

It's better not to say.

Cangning's voice sounded: "Do you really think that the chaos in the world began with the invasion of demons?"

Cangning said, "The world has long been in chaos. "

It began with the collapse of Small World Eighteen. "

It began with the treacherous master's occupation of Wuyang City and doing a lot of evil.


"Why did the eighteenth small world collapse, and countless strong people came to the world, and only one trickster appeared?" "Could it be that they are all

good people?" "If they are good people, why are they locked up in

the eighteenth small world?" "Have you really not thought about why only one trickster appeared?"

"Why are those prisoners who ran out of the eighteenth small world going?

" He asked a lot of questions in a row.

So much so that the scene was silent.

Even many people who are watching the live broadcast do not know how to answer.

Although there are many people who have speculated about this.

But there is no answer.

Cangning sighed lightly: "That's someone carrying the weight forward, secretly leveling all hidden dangers and dangers!" "

Yes, that person is Chen Nan, the former head of my Huashan Sword Sect.

He single-handedly subdued the vicious prisoners in the small world of the eighteenth and avoided the appearance of a second evil master. "

It avoids the destruction of life. The

words came out.

It immediately caused an uproar.

No one expected it.

Chen Nan also did this kind of thing.


He was really chivalrous, so did he disappear for two years?

Cangning continued: "As for where the prisoners who were taken in by the Chen family have gone..."

"Do you really overlook that the Quartet God of War did not come to those masters who died to resist the demons

?" "They are the prisoners who escaped from the small world of No. 18!" "They

are protecting this mountain and river on the orders of Chen's head family, how can you deny everything he has done to this country because Chen's head has been closed for two years?" "

How can you slander his full blood and a naked heart?"

His voice was like thunder, containing strong unwillingness and anger.

The eyes of the people on the ground widened.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan had made so many contributions to the country.


Someone spoke: "Even if what you said is true?" "

Chen Nan wants to destroy the Han family for Tianxingdao. That

alone negates all the merits he has made before. "

He is just an outcast in the old world, who gave him the right to let him 'take the place of Tianxing Dao'?" "

What qualifications does he have for Tianxing Dao?"

A disdainful sound sounded: "It's just a small Han family, how about destroying it?"

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