
No matter which god.

It's all good for Chen Nan.

After all, Qinglong had said it before.

If you want to rebuild the Heavenly Court, you need the participation of the gods.

Although it is not known how the gods participated.

But just find them.

"You guys roast first. Chen Nan put down the roast meat in his hand, and then looked at Wei Dong: "Go, take your uncle to the weighing house."

Wei Dong hesitated.

Finally nodded.

Since beating him and almost losing his life when he was set on fire by the scales.

He was terrified of the scales.

Even hearing the word scale, I trembled with fear.


With Chen Nan by his side, he felt a lot more at ease.

Immediately took Chen Nan to the village.

Lian's home is located in the westernmost part of Qingshan Gully.

It is a dilapidated earthen house.

There is a fenced courtyard around.

At this time.

A thin figure was sitting in front of the fire.

He keeps a flat head.


Underneath he wore a pair of large pants that could not be seen in any color.

The dark skin actually reflected the light of the flames.

He had a wooden stick in his hand.

A fish is skewered on a wooden stick.

His face was full of excitement, and he looked at the grilled fish in his hand intently.

Saliva came out of the corners of his mouth.

Although the smell of this fish has become smelly.

However, in Qingshan Gully, there is a saying that 'smelly fish does not smell'.


Smelly fish also has a special taste.

Of course.

Stinky mandarin fish is also a famous dish.

Saw Chen Nan and Wei Dong coming.

Lian Yan, who had reached the age of ten, said, "I didn't steal this fish, I picked up dead fish in the reservoir!" He

knew that Chen Nan and Xie Churan were in a group.

Mistakenly thinking that he was coming to get himself into trouble.

Wei Dong hid behind Chen Nan and said nervously: "My mother said that the reservoir was poisoned, and the poisoned fish could not be eaten.

Lian Yan pouted and said in a very disdainful tone: "I may die if I eat the poisoned fish, but if I don't eat it, I will definitely starve to death."

"You say, do I eat or don't eat?"

Wei Dong was speechless.

He himself is afraid of scales.

Not to mention, he didn't know what kind of life Lian Yan lived.

Chen Nan sat casually in front of the fire and said, "Your fish is almost grilled, can you divide some of me?"


Did I say I used to feed the dogs?" Chen Nan said with a bitter smile on his face.

Chen Nan asked rhetorically: "Why can't I

eat it?" "You are a big boss from the city, and you eat all the delicacies of the mountains and the sea, how can you eat my grilled fish?"

"You are all adults, what's the point of playing a child?" Chen

Nan reached out and pinched a piece of meat on the back of a fish, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and then gave his own evaluation: "Don't say, it stinks and smells." The

scales were stunned.

Unexpectedly, Chen Nan really ate his own grilled fish.

After returning to his senses, he looked lonely: "You are the first person who does not think I am dirty." "

Although he grew up eating a hundred meals.

But all the food was leftovers.

When it was time to eat, they took a bowl and waited at the door of the villagers.

When they finish eating, they can still eat a full meal if they have left.

If there are no leftovers, all that awaits him is a bowl of brushed pot water.


This is his life.

Because everyone sees him as the Lone Star.

If you get too close to him.

will be unlucky.

Today, Chen Nan didn't think he was dirty.

Eat his grilled fish.

It made him feel incredible.

After all.

He's a city man.

Even the countryside disdained his food.


Nan said, "Have you ever thought about living in a different place?"


He can be sure.

The scale is the reincarnation of the gods.

Although I can't figure out which god it is.

But there was a divine power in his body.

Lian Yan showed a wary gaze: "Are you trying to smack my waist?"

Chen Nan looked stunned.

What am I doing with your waist?

Right now.

A strong wind blew.

The flames of the fire were suddenly extinguished.

Mars scattered in the sky.

Next second.

A hideous-looking demon with empty eyes appeared outside the fence courtyard.

It has the physical characteristics of a wolf.

But it's like a calf.

The sudden appearance of the alien demon frightened Wei Dong directly into a coma.

Chen Nan also frowned.

I didn't expect that there were still alien demons in the world.

And it's still here.


Lian Yan stood up with an angry face: "Again, there is no end?"

said and he punched out.

A flame tore through the night and flew towards the demon.

The alien reaction speed is extremely fast.

Calmly dodged.


A strange demon appeared one after another in the surroundings.

There must be at least a dozen of them.

This moment.

Lian Yan's eyes became solemn.

He clenched his fists, ignited a raging fire, and said to Chen Nan: "I'll delay these guys, you hurry up and run, the farther you run, the better." Saying

that, he rushed directly at those alien demons.

Don't look at his skinny stature.

But the momentum is powerful.

And it's also fast.

The fist landed on the alien demon, instantly causing it to turn into flying ash and disappear between heaven and earth.

Chen Nan lit a cigarette and quietly watched the scales fight with the alien demon.

That is. "

The alien demon appeared here to weigh the scales?"

thought to Chen Nan.

Learned why the alien demon invaded the earth.

They are those who want to find and kill the reincarnation of the gods.

Just kill those reincarnated gods.

How can we talk about rebuilding the heavenly court?"


whole body of the scale was burning with raging flames, and even a flame mark appeared in the center of his eyebrows.

That mark is especially striking at night.

"Shouldn't this guy be the Vulcan Zhurong?"

Chen Nan's heart beat faster.

Able to control flames, with flame marks on the eyebrows.

Who is it besides Vulcan?


The existence of myths appears before the eyes.

Even if Chen Nan had seen countless winds and waves, he couldn't help but be excited.

After all, Zhurong is different from ordinary heavenly gods.

Even in the divine genealogy, there is an exceptionally high ranking.

Qinglong once said to Chen Nan.

In the god realm, there are nine levels of god positions.

The first echelon is Pangu, Nuwa, Sanqing.

It's just that they have already jumped out of the three realms and five elements and become saints.

The second echelon is completely the strongest existence in the God Realm.


Vulcan Zhurong is the super strong in the second echelon.


saw that the scales were downwind.

Chen Nan raised his hand and snapped his fingers.

More than a dozen alien demons turned into ashes at the same time and disappeared into heaven and earth.

"You're a cultivator?" looked at Chen Nan, his face was pale, sweating like rain, and he looked very weak.

Chen Nan raised his hand to inject a fairy qi into his body to make him recover: "Do you want to consider leaving

with me?" "If you leave with me, I can protect you from the alien demon killing you." Lian

Yan's face was full of vigilance: "Are you sure you don't want to smack my waist

?" "We don't know each other, why are you so nice to me?"

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