Chen Nan's mood was not very good.

Because today was supposed to be the day of their family reunion.


Why is He Shanshan also there?

Why is Jian Ning also there?

Why is Xu Qianxin also there?

Why is Yan Wushuang also there?

And also.

Why did Xie Churan also come?

Thankfully, they don't know their relationship with the promise.

If not.

Chen Nan had no doubt that the promise would also appear at home.

"Dad, what's going on?" Chen Nan walked into the living room and looked at his father, whom he had not seen for a long time.

Life in Small World Nine is good.

Not seen for so long.

My father looked a lot more energetic, and he looked to be about forty years old.

Chen Shan said with a smile: "Your mother said that she hadn't come back for a long time, plus this Mid-Autumn Festival, I thought of calling them over for a meal together to deepen their relationship." "

Are you not allowed to say hello to me about this?" Chen Nan had a feeling of death on the spot.

After all, he has so many confidants, but his parents don't know.



Chen Nan was slapped on the back of the head.

Turn around and look.

Jia Cui's eyes were red and appeared in front of him.

She wore an apron and flour on her hands.

Then he put his arm around Chen Nan.

Although the mother and son are not related by blood, they are not biological, and they are more like biological.

And this time separated for more than two years.

It's much longer than the time I went to jail.

After all, Chen Nan had been in prison for three years before, and she had visited her.

"Don't go to Grandpa's to see us when you come back, do you still have my mother in your heart?" Jia Cui burst into tears, her voice full of blame, but more still distressed.

She knew Chen Nan's character.

Since childhood, good news has not been reported.

Although she was gone for two years this time, she heard her father say it.

One month in the mortal world, one year in the immortal world.

Other words.

This time, Chen Nan actually left for more than twenty years.

It's a long time.

Plus his strength is also very strong.

You don't have to think about it.

He must have gone through countless dangers and tribulations!

Being a father and mother are distressed!

But unlike the heaviness of father's love, the mother is more able to express her inner emotions!

Chen Nan enjoyed his mother's complaints, and a shallow smile appeared on his face.

Although it has gone through a lot of dangerous tribulations!

But wherever he went, there were people who cared about him.

"If you don't come back, today I will go to Little World Nine to find you and Dad." Chen Nan didn't lie, he really thought about going to the small world of nine after solving the matter of the Quartet God of War.

Jia Cui wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at the daughters-in-law in the kitchen who were peeking to this side and whispering, and said, "Today is the reunion day, call the other daughters-in-law as well."

"It's the real reunion when they come."

Jia Cui is from Small World Nine.

Compared with the ordinary people in the world, they are more open in this matter.

In her opinion.

My son can have so many girlfriends because he is excellent.

Anyway, the Chen family does not worry about eating and drinking, and no matter how many girlfriends can afford it.

Of course.

This kind of thinking is also limited to Chen Nan.

If Chen Shan dares to have this kind of thought, hehe!

It will definitely be miserable!

"Mom, you're really my own mother, don't you get up?"

"You want to reunite, you clearly want to push your son into the fire pit!"

Chen Nan decisively rejected his mother's proposal.

It's not because Ruo Lan of the Huashan Sword Sect doesn't like life in the world.

The most important thing is promise.

If Xu Qian saw the promise, he would definitely turn his face.

Even slapped him in the face and scolded him for being a beast.

After all.

Some relationships see the light to die!

Jia Cui didn't expect her son to have such a big reaction.

In fact, the main purpose of her return this time is to invite her daughters-in-law to have a meal as a mother-in-law.

Let them know that they exist for each other.

In this way, at least it can help his son have a lot less worries.

But now it seems.

It didn't seem like it was what they imagined!

"I don't worry about your business anymore, you can watch and do it yourself!" Jia Cui sighed, keenly feeling that his son was playing a bit wild this time.

"I'll go to the kitchen, you and your dad can watch TV." Jia Cui said and walked to the kitchen and wrapped dumplings with her daughter-in-law.

"Brother, how many sisters-in-law are there outside?" Chen Xiazhi came with a fruit bowl, his eyes full of curiosity.

She likes Chen Nan.

Although I met several sisters-in-law today.

But she wasn't sad at all.

It is the so-called sea of rivers.

If Chen Nan was an affectionate person, she would definitely have no hope.

But he is a big turnip.

For her, there is still a good chance.

"While playing." Chen Nan snorted angrily, took the fruit plate and sat next to his father to watch the Mid-Autumn Festival Gala.

The world is peaceful, and the country is safe.

This is exactly the life he wants most.

Maybe plain, but warm and real.

It is not comparable to the immortal world.

Chen Shan hesitated and said, "She... Looked for me.

Chen Nan ate the grapes and looked at his father on TV: "Huh? Who looked for you?

Chen Shan's eyes were complicated: "Your biological mother." "

What are you looking for me for?" Chen Nan asked casually.

Then I continued to watch the party, which was a group of women dancing in period costumes and long dresses.

Their dancing is graceful, and the stage design is beautiful.

It gives a visual enjoyment.

About life.

Father said it a long time ago.


So what?

Even if he is not Chen Shan's biological son.

But nourishment is greater than life.

As for where his biological parents are and who they are.

He didn't care.

"That woman wants to recognize you." Saying this, Chen Shan felt a heart-wrenching pain in his heart.

But it also makes sense.

Because he had long guessed that there would be such a day.


Chen Nan looked disdainful: "I will give me away when I am born, but now that I am an adult, I want to recognize me, where is there such a good thing under the sky?"

Chen Shan suddenly asked, "What if she has a last resort?"

Chen Nan glanced at the kitchen, made sure that several people were chatting, and whispered: "Dad, if before, you said that she had a last resort, I might still accept this statement."

"But now..."

"It's different!"

"I'll tell you something, don't say it!"

"Well, you're a grandfather."

"I'm a father."

Xu Qianxin and others want to have a baby.


They must not be allowed to know that they have children.

If you know.

I will definitely desperately want children.

If that's the case, who suffers?

Chen Shan suddenly stood up and exclaimed, "What? Am I a grandfather? The

words came out.

The kitchen suddenly fell silent.

Then Jia Cui's face was full of ecstasy, and he ran out with a rolling pin in his hand: "Son, is what your father said true?" Do you really have a baby? Boys and girls? Where are their mother and son?

"Today's Mid-Autumn Festival, quickly call their mother and son back for reunion!"

The corner of Chen Nan's mouth twitched.

Daddy, Daddy!

You really know how to pit!

Nervously looked at the kitchen.

The beautiful faces of several red-faced confidants seemed to transform into exotic beasts recorded in the Mountain and Sea Scriptures.

Their eyes are hot and playful.

I can't wait to swallow him in one gulp!

Although silent, Chen Nan knew.

I am afraid that there will be no good days in the future.

Most likely... Grind bald skin.

Without much thought, Chen Nan hurriedly said: "Mom, don't listen to my father's nonsense, I just recognized a goddaughter in the immortal world, and things are not what you imagined."

Jia Cui's face was full of disappointment.

Xu Qianxin and the others were also relieved.

As long as Chen Nan has no children, the status between them is equal.

And right at this moment!

Outside, the voice of her daughter Chen Nianqi was heard: "Father, I am obviously your biological daughter, why do you say goddaughter?" "

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