Chen Nan knew before that the rules of the Eastern and Western Heavenly Dao were different.

Eastern practitioners entering the Western world will be suppressed.


But I didn't expect that this suppression would be so strong.

You know, even if he entered the demon world in the immortal world and was oppressed, his cultivation was only lowered to the first-level immortal emperor.

And now.

But from a ninth-level immortal emperor, he directly became an ordinary person.

This was something he hadn't expected before.

"It seems that the Western world cannot be underestimated."

"It's also the place of origin, and the danger level here is no lower than that of the immortal world."


He wasn't worried either.

Anyway, when he came to the Western world, he did not think of relying on force to find Liang Zhouding.

Even if the cultivation is suppressed, it is not a big deal.

Since it is suppressed.

Then be an ordinary person again!

I just hope not to meet the cultivators of the Western world.

Think of this.

He was going to try to fight the invisible rules.

He was angry and wanted to control the immortal power in his body to fight against the rules of the Heavenly Dao of the Western World.


Without warning!

There was a deafening thunder in the air!

A thick bolt of lightning fell on the wing.

Trigger a burst of screams from cabin passengers.

Even Chen Nan was taken aback.

Lay down a groove!

I just want to try to restore my cultivation, is it necessary to be so ruthless?

Chen Nan decisively gave up the idea of restoring cultivation.

He had a hunch.

If you forcibly restore your cultivation.

It is not possible to get this passenger ship to disintegrate in the air.

Hundreds of people will be buried in the sea!

Even if he is invincible in the flesh, he will not be killed by falling.

But there is absolutely no possibility of survival for others.

"Husband, what's wrong with you?" Seeing Chen Nan's pale face, Xu Qian asked with concern on his face.

Chen Nan said casually: "It's nothing, it's just a little weak."

Xu Qian was stunned, remembering the absurd thing last night that made her reminisce, and an intriguing smile appeared on her face: "Obedient, don't take the porcelain to live without diamond in the future, okay?" "


Chen Nan almost didn't spew out a mouthful of old blood.

The weakness in his mouth is not what Xu Qian understands in his heart!

You wait!

When you land, see how I can give you a separate make-up lesson!

Right at this moment.

An exclamation came from the front seat: "Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Come man, come man! The

shout was a mixed-race woman of about twenty years old.

She wore a black tight dress that outlined her bumpy figure.

The facial features are also delicate.

At the moment, his eyes were full of helplessness.

The flight attendant came when she heard the news.

He Zhuqing said anxiously: "My grandfather is in a coma, you guys quickly find a way to treat it!" "

Flight attendants are trained in first aid.

Seeing the unconscious old man, first aid measures were taken immediately.


There were also flight attendants who used the radio on the plane to shout and ask if there were any medical personnel on the plane.

Soon a middle-aged man from the white race rushed over.

He wore a black suit and gold wire glasses.

It looks very Sven.

He spoke in a non-standard Chinese language, "My name is Mike, I am a doctor, maybe I can save this old man." Saying that, he walked over to the old man and opened his eyelids.

He also listened to the heartbeat of the old man with the stethoscope he carried with him.

His expression became solemn.

"Dr. Mack, how is my grandfather?" He Zhuqing asked anxiously.

Mike shook his head: "Your grandfather's heart stopped beating and is now on his way to God." "


He Zhuqing was struck by lightning, and tears flashed in his eyes: "No, no, grandpa has always been in good health, how could he go to God?"

Mike couldn't help but say, "Your grandfather is not too young, did he have any discomfort in his heart before?"

He Zhuqing shook his head: "Grandpa's body has always been healthy, and he has regular physical examinations every year, and it has only been a week since the last physical examination.

"Obviously, the physical indicators of the last physical examination are normal!"

The He family has lived overseas for many years.

This time I came back to reunite with my relatives in the clan.

He Cheng thought, yesterday just passed the Mid-Autumn Festival.

Now on the way back, Grandpa went to God first.

Mike sighed: "Your grandfather has cardiac arrest, this is not a serious disease, as long as he can be treated within five minutes of gold, he can wake up."

"But now, there is no defibrillator on the plane, and it is difficult to wake him up with CPR alone."

"Even if you find the nearest airport to land, your grandfather is afraid that he has already reached God."

He Zhuqing suddenly remembered that his grandfather was afraid of thunder, and quickly said: "My grandfather is afraid of thunder, is his situation because of the lightning before?"

Mike shrugged undeniably: "He should have been scared to death by the thunder just now!"

"Don't be blind here!" Chen Nan stood up and said disdainfully: "It's just a small heart attack, opening your mouth and closing your mouth is to see God, don't force you blindly if you don't see a doctor."

"What are you?" Mike looked at Chen Nan angrily.

For some reason.

It always feels a little familiar to the other person.

It's like seeing it somewhere.

"Oh, I'm also a doctor, a Chinese doctor!"

Chen Nan himself did not want to make a move.

After all, this middle-aged man named Mike is also a doctor.


It turns out that you can't do it without shooting.

First, this guy's medical skills are mediocre.

Second, since the old man was frightened by thunder, he caused a heart attack.

Then he can't see death and not save it, after all, the heavenly thunder just now rose because of himself.

"Chinese medicine?" Mike laughed out loud: "Chinese medicine has long declined, and you still have the face to say that you are a Chinese doctor?"

"Also, your previous tone was very arrogant, and you actually said that you had a myocardial infarction."

"I tell you, myocardial infarction is a sudden disease, and the mortality rate itself is very high."

"On this plane, no one can stop this old man from seeing God."

Traditional Chinese medicine declined many years ago.

Although more than two years ago, a man named Chen Nan made a name for himself as a Chinese medicine practitioner.

But it turns out.

Not all TCM practitioners have the ability to bring back the dead like Chen Nan.


After that, the reputation of TCM did not increase, but decreased.

Like a roller coaster, it has been going downhill for the past two years.

And the reason for all this is because of Chen Nan.

It is the people of others who have seen the magic of Chinese medicine and made the world expect Chinese medicine.

And the result...

But it was not satisfactory.

Mike hugged his arms and said with disdain: "Young man, Chinese medicine has long declined!"

"It's an indisputable fact."

"Don't live in self-fantasy and think that Chinese medicine can save sentient beings!"

"This is very unrealistic!"

"Unless you're Chen Nan!"

Chen Nan raised his eyebrows: "How do you know that I am Chen Nan?"

Mike was stunned and subconsciously asked, "You are also called Chen Nan?" "

Although it's an oriental name.

But in Western medical circles, it is a well-known existence.

To be precise, the name Chen Nan was once regarded as the number one enemy by Western medicine.

Without waiting for Chen Nan to answer.

Mike's pupils trembled violently, and an exclamation came out of his mouth: "Oh Maika, you turned out to be the Chen Shen Doctor two years ago?"

"Didn't you go to God, how are you still alive?"

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