
Chen Nan flew faster and faster.

Although it is not as terrifying as in the immortal world, it can also reach a speed of five hundred kilometers per hour.

"Thanks to me, I mastered the power of laws in the immortal world."

"Otherwise, there is no means of saving lives in the Western world."

"Is this the difference between the two cultivation worlds of East and West?"

Chen Nan's eyes were full of puzzlement.

The two cultivation worlds in the east and west seem to have well water that does not violate river water.


In order to master a complete avenue, you must first control the power of the law.

In his opinion.

The two cultivation worlds of the East and the West should come from the same origin.

I just don't know why it's different.

Of course.

None of this matters.

The important thing is that he stuck the bug in the Western world.


The most important thing at the moment is to make the Western world completely messy.

He took out his mobile phone and dialed Li Mu's number.

"Boss Li, Liang Zhouding is already alive."

"However, the Blood Clan set their sights on Liang Zhou Ding and participated in the fight."

"I mean, you let people spread the word and get them fighting."

"Then I sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

Li Muhu asked suspiciously, "Can you fight the cultivators of the Western world?"

Chen Nan was happy: "Don't underestimate the strength of the little master, I have successfully found a way to evade the suppression of the Western Heavenly Dao rules." "

Hear this.

Li Mu's hanging heart landed, but he still asked seriously: "Even if you find a way to evade the oppression of the rules of the Heavenly Dao, the water in the Western cultivation world is very deep, can you compete with them with your own strength?"

"In my opinion, since you know Liang Zhouding's whereabouts, you can take it back directly."

"There's no need to be an enemy of the cultivators of the entire Western world, right?"

Chen Nan looked at the night sky: "It's hard to come to the Western world, can't I leave my footprints here?"

Li Mu pondered for a moment and asked, "Can I understand that you want to pretend to be forced in the Western world?" "


A strong wind poured into Chen Nan's mouth, causing him to cough violently.

He looked embarrassed and said, "Am I the kind of person who likes to pretend? "

Huh!" Li Mu sneered mercilessly: "Are you the kind of person who likes to pretend? You almost turned your forced body into a woman fishing for Kaizi!

Chen Nan said slowly: "I plan to invite your sister Li Muya to have a meal and watch a movie after I go back..."

"I'm sorry, I take back what I just said, you must have a last resort in making trouble in the Western world." Li Mu directly admitted it, although Chen Nan was very good.

But what a scumbag!

He didn't want Chen Nan to invite his sister to dinner and watch a movie.

Being a man.

He knows.

After eating and watching a movie, it's almost time to go to the hotel to hi pi.

Chen Nan sighed: "I don't want to make a big fuss about the Western cultivation world, but Liangzhou Ding, Yongzhou Ding, and Jizhou Ding were stolen from the Western world.

"In that case, don't you want them to pay a price?"

Chen Nan doesn't like to make trouble.

But this time.

He had to make a big fuss in the Western cultivation world.

Not only that.

It is also necessary to let the people in the Western cultivation world return the three Venerable Dings to the Eastern World with great fanfare.


a few moments later.

He came to the hotel where he was staying.


He did not take the elevator back to his room.

Instead, it appeared directly outside the window of the presidential suite on the top floor.

It's just that!

Just appeared outside the window.

A monstrous killing intent rose in his heart.

A group of men in black appeared in the presidential suite.

One of the middle-aged men also locked Xu Qianxin's head with a muzzle.

The dark muzzle frightened Xu's face like earth.

And on the sidelines.

Mulhard was looking at him with a playful smile: "Miss Xu, as long as you open the safe and give me that Monet's harvesting work, I promise to take someone away now." "

Mulhard has been blacklisted by Crowder.

Other words.

He can't get a foothold in country M anymore.


It's not a big deal.

As long as he can get Monet's harvest, he can go to country F.

After all.

Monet is a native of country F.

Give Monet's harvest works in his later years to country F, and he will definitely be able to integrate into the circle of the upper class of country F.

Even has a transcendent status.

That's why.

He will bring people to the hotel.

Xu Qianxin's face was full of nervousness: "Mr. Mulhad, I don't know the password of the safe. If you really want Master Monet's masterpiece, I can call my husband and ask him to say the password.

"No need to fight."

Chen Nan's voice sounded in the bathroom.

Murhard frowned, and he looked at his subordinates with dissatisfaction: "Didn't you check the bathroom just now and say that there is no one?"

"There really was no one just now!" A white man with an incredulous face.

Chen Nan's appearance gave him a sense of foreboding.

On the contrary, Xu Qianxin was relieved.

It's clear.

Chen Nan regained his strength.

Otherwise, it would not be possible to be in the bathroom.

If nothing else, he may have flown in through the bathroom window.

Murhard didn't care why Chen Nan appeared, and his face flashed with vicious hatred: "Mr. Chen, they all say that you Orientals are very serious.

"However, I don't see these four words in you."

"Obviously, I took you to Mr. Claude's exhibition."

"But what do you do to me?"

"You shouldn't have hit me in the face in public!"

"I lost face, and I was even kicked out by Mr. Claude."

"This is called heavy feelings?"

"In my opinion, you are an ungrateful thing."

Chen Nan laughed angrily: "Is there any affection between us?" "

Less nonsense!"

Murhard snorted heavily: "I advise you to quickly hand over Master Monet's harvesting work, if not, I will send you both to God now." "

When I was planning to come here and grab a painting.

Moulhard was ready to tear his face with Rockefeller Claude.

Even if Claude regarded Chen Nan as a guest.

But he also had nothing to worry about.

As long as he gets Monet's harvesting work, he will go to the top floor as soon as possible.

A helicopter has long been parked there.

As long as he boarded the plane, he could go to the airport in the shortest time and take a passenger plane to country F.

Until then.

Even if Claude wanted to keep it for Chen Nan, he had already fled to Country F.

In the words of the Eastern world, the sky is high for birds to fly, and the sea is wide for fish to leap.

A sneer appeared on Chen Nan's face: "Do you think that just a few of you and a few broken guns can force me to hand over Monet's harvesting work?" "

Before I changed it, I didn't have a bug in the Western world.

Encounter the scene in front of you.

Chen Nan would feel somewhat tricky.

But now.

He's going to be magical.

Are you still afraid of a few ordinary people?

"Something that gives a face, believe it or not, Lao Tzu shot your dog's head?" A strong man of more than two meters directly put the muzzle of the gun against Chen Nan's left temple.

Chen Nan's smile remained unchanged.


The middle-aged man threatened him with a gun, but his pupils trembled violently.

He clearly saw that the barrel of the gun against Chen Nan's temple had actually melted...

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